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£1918 PCN Court Claim for not renewing a free parking permit

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  • £1918 PCN Court Claim for not renewing a free parking permit

    Hi all,

    Yesterday had the displeasure of getting a court claim letter from Civil National Business Centre (picture attached fig. 7) and trying to figure out my options, I feel really out of my depth on this.

    To give a bit of background: Between 2022-2023 I lived in an apartment complex where the resident parking required a parking permit. Initially this permit did not need renewing but after a year the parking management company was changed and everyone needed to re-register on a different system. On this new system you now needed to renew your parking permit every 12 months. I wasn't aware the permit expired for 3 months until I have received letters from DCBL informing me that there are 9 outstanding PCNs. The reason I didn't even get the initial PCNs is that I didn't update the address on my V5C and only did it on my diving licenses so I assume all the letters went to the old address, this meant that I never got a chance to dispute the PCNs as they had already gone to DCBL once I was made aware of them.

    As mentioned I don't really know much about the laws and regulations around this but from my perspective I have 2 stronger points of defense:
    1. Each resident is entitled to one parking spot and this is in my tenancy agreement (picture attached fig.1). Wouldn't this take precedence over any "parking contract" you enter into when entering the car park?
    2. There was official communication from the building management that any PCNs issued due to permit expiring will be cancelled (picture attached fig. 2). There were so many people that didn't renew their permit which just shows that the communication and reminders were inadequate or non-existent. There are endless posts on the residents FB page about this company ripping us all off.

    Somewhat weaker defense points:
    1. The amount being asked is absurd for something that is a free parking permit. Can I not claim that this is unfair?
    2. No reminders were sent out about permits expiring in the first place despite their portal indicating that they would be. (picture attached fig. 3)
    3. Confusing messaging from customer support about whether permit renewal is required or not. (picture attached fig. 4)
    4. BaySentry, the company managing the parking lists an invalid email address on their website where they state disputes should be sent to. (picture attached fig. 5)

    I have also attached the letter of claim from DCBL (fig. 6)

    Additional questions:
    How badly could this affect my credit score if I fight this and lose my defense?
    Any recommendations on who I could contact to get legal advice? Is this even a good idea, or will I just sink more money into this and end up having to pay anyways?

    This whole situation is seriously depressing, the fact the residents pay this company to manage the parking so we, the residents, can park without issues to then by "fined" by the same company is seriously twisted and it boggles my mind how this is allowed. Any guidance on this would be very appreciated!
    Tags: None

  • #3
    For starters acknowledge the claim but do not enter a defence at this stage.
    then send a CPR31.14 request to DCBL and a Subject Access Request to Baysentry (templates which need amending for your situation are in the SHORTCUTS panel on the right of this page)
    Do not identify the driver when writing to them (or on here in later posts)

    Is that posted snippet the only paragraph in your lease which refers to parking ?

    When you get replies 9or a week before your defence is due in) post them up, together with any signs at the location


    • #4
      Thanks for your help!

      Yes the only other bit is this:

      4.6.2 Return all keys, access devices, remotes and parking permits to the Property on the last day of
      possession (or sooner by mutual arrangement).

      I might have some pictures of signs at the location from about a year ago, not sure if I can find them. Or would it be better to take some pictures of the signs now?


      • #5
        the signs at the time of the incidents would be better, but only if they are fully legible (that includes the small writing!).
        If you can't find the originals you should obtain them anyway as a result of your CPR 31.14 request


        • #6
          Thank you! I have found some pictures which have all the details but are a few months after the incidents happened.

          I'm just working on the CPR request and the last paragraph mentions a CCA request, is this a third letter I should be sending to BaySentry?
          1. SAR to BaySentry
          2. CCA request to BaySentry
          3. CPR request to DCBL

          Is that correct?


          • #7
            No need to send CCA request as this is not a "Consumer Credit Act" matter


            • #8
              Hi, unfortunately I had sent the CCA together with the other letter, hope that doesn't cause any issues.

              As requested I have no gotten a response letter so I'm posting that together with pictures of the signs at the location etc.

              Thanks again for your help, if there is anything else you need or if there is anything I can do please let me know.
              Attached Files


              • #9
                OK, you still have a couple of weeks before a defence needs to be filed
                I'll draft something up early next week for you to use as you see fit


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