Originally posted by coming up for air
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Not necessarily (that they'll issue a claim) but my firm believes in managing expectations so stating that they "can't" do something when they can (albeit it might not succeed) is misleading.
Since this debt is £8k it's likely to be allocated to the Small Claims Court not the Fast Track which is for claims over £10k. In the Fast Track the loser has to pay the other sides legal costs unless there have been 'conduct issues' along the way.
So they may think that if they 'give it a go' all they've got to lose will be not recovering the disputed sum for their client, but their client would still have to pay them the firm's legal costs (depending on the terms of the contract with their client).
Litigation is about tactics (as well as law) and that includes Pre Litigation matters.
It's knowing when to ask for documents (send that s 78 CCA Request to Arrow pronto!) and when not to in case you give them too much time to find them before issuing. If you ask for documents after a claim has been issued then the Claimant is under pressure to deliver the goods in a timely manner or else the opponent may ask the court to force the issue and strike out the claim if they don't comply.
The issue of what makes a reconstituted document acceptable to a Judge is a different tutorial
You say this credit card was opened in 1998 so hopefully they will struggle to get a scanned copy of it.