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Help with RLP

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  • #46
    Re: Help with RLP

    I can't thank you enough everyone your support alone helps..


    • #47
      Re: Help with RLP

      Hi everyone
      i thought I should give u this new update. So came home from work Friday to find a parcel signed for note from Royal Mail left at my neighbours
      big box thought my bday came early so when opening I realise it's my stuff from debenhams no letter nothing so I guess it's a good sign they will eventually tell these people to get off my back.


      • #48
        Re: Help with RLP

        Ahh brilliant (if a bit rude not to enclose a letter)

        Fingers crossed that will be soon mean the end of the crud from RLP.

        Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

        Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


        • #49
          Re: Help with RLP

          Glad to hear Debs sent your goods back.

          Sorry to be a wet blanket, but I wouldn't necessarily expect RLP to give up, even if instructed to do so.
          They are not interested in acting properly, just in obtaining money.
          I hope not, but be warned they might continue their series of letters.


          • #50
            Re: Help with RLP

            I know I thought it was rude too. The little sticker at the back said debenhams white rose but then when I first requested my stuff they said to write to head office London so I don't know what is going on but I am geussing it's the complaint I made to London that's helped me get my things back so now I wait for their response...��


            • #51
              Re: Help with RLP

              Originally posted by des8 View Post
              Glad to hear Debs sent your goods back.

              Sorry to be a wet blanket, but I wouldn't necessarily expect RLP to give up, even if instructed to do so.
              They are not interested in acting properly, just in obtaining money.
              I hope not, but be warned they might continue their series of letters.
              That's not good..oh well guess it's the ignore game then when they write


              • #52
                Re: Help with RLP

                Originally posted by privatetrey View Post
                That's not good..oh well guess it's the ignore game then when they write
                Hello! I'm sorry that I have missed this thread..... I was on holiday last week, is my excuse.

                There are many ways in which two acquaintances can go shopping together, one being accused and convicted of theft, the other being accused and acquitted, as is what appears to have happened to you.

                What this often means, is that you were 'bad-stopped' (a store detective term for a wrongful arrest and unlawful imprisonment). Store detective often make serious mistakes when one person in a group or pair steals, and then try to involve all in the crime.

                That you were acquitted by a magistrate or jury, and then have later been subjected to continuous and repeated stress, upset, threats and demands on the retailer's instructions (am I right about this?) is a rather serious action on the retailer's part.

                I don't know what happened, but since you do know:-
                1. Keep every document and letter associated with all of this case, including any communications over the criminal trial which acquitted you.
                2. You do not write to the retailer, or it's agent... with any description of events, but you do keep any docs or statements that you made before that case.
                3. After the next letter, reply to the RLP, explaining that any case will be defended, and asking for copies of any original statements made by detectives or witnesses written within a few hours of the retailer's wrongful arrest and detention of you.
                4. Every time the RLP writes, remind RLP of your previous request for all witness statements and docs written just after the incident.
                5. If RLP should actually send you copies of the 'evidence' it might help if you would trust us by copying them onto a post in this thread.???

                The thing is, the detective/witness might have lied in his/her statement in an attempt to include you in a shop-theft. The court clearly did not believe all of the statement, and this just might be more than a statement-error... it could possibly be a perversion-of-the-course-of-justice. Anybody who does pervert the course of justice by lying in a statement will almost certainly be sentenced to a custodial time..... honest. So you want to get copy of statements written just after the incident.

                RLP needs to send you all of the evidence .......... and there is just a chance that Legalbeagle experts might find evidence of wrongful arrest within. We would also love to hear how you were stopped, spoken to, controlled, arrested, detained, looked after, given provision for drink, toilet visits, etc etc....... you see.... I'm interested in discovering whether you might be able to sue the retailer over all this, because the retailer has continued to bully you after a verdict........

                In any event........ Good Luck !!


                • #53
                  Re: Help with RLP

                  Originally posted by oldbadger View Post
                  Hello! I'm sorry that I have missed this thread..... I was on holiday last week, is my excuse.

                  There are many ways in which two acquaintances can go shopping together, one being accused and convicted of theft, the other being accused and acquitted, as is what appears to have happened to you.

                  What this often means, is that you were 'bad-stopped' (a store detective term for a wrongful arrest and unlawful imprisonment). Store detective often make serious mistakes when one person in a group or pair steals, and then try to involve all in the crime.

                  That you were acquitted by a magistrate or jury, and then have later been subjected to continuous and repeated stress, upset, threats and demands on the retailer's instructions (am I right about this?) is a rather serious action on the retailer's part.

                  I don't know what happened, but since you do know:-
                  1. Keep every document and letter associated with all of this case, including any communications over the criminal trial which acquitted you.
                  2. You do not write to the retailer, or it's agent... with any description of events, but you do keep any docs or statements that you made before that case.
                  3. After the next letter, reply to the RLP, explaining that any case will be defended, and asking for copies of any original statements made by detectives or witnesses written within a few hours of the retailer's wrongful arrest and detention of you.
                  4. Every time the RLP writes, remind RLP of your previous request for all witness statements and docs written just after the incident.
                  5. If RLP should actually send you copies of the 'evidence' it might help if you would trust us by copying them onto a post in this thread.???

                  The thing is, the detective/witness might have lied in his/her statement in an attempt to include you in a shop-theft. The court clearly did not believe all of the statement, and this just might be more than a statement-error... it could possibly be a perversion-of-the-course-of-justice. Anybody who does pervert the course of justice by lying in a statement will almost certainly be sentenced to a custodial time..... honest. So you want to get copy of statements written just after the incident.

                  RLP needs to send you all of the evidence .......... and there is just a chance that Legalbeagle experts might find evidence of wrongful arrest within. We would also love to hear how you were stopped, spoken to, controlled, arrested, detained, looked after, given provision for drink, toilet visits, etc etc....... you see.... I'm interested in discovering whether you might be able to sue the retailer over all this, because the retailer has continued to bully you after a verdict........

                  In any event........ Good Luck !!
                  There is a link to what happened to me when I got arrested look on the first page of this thread Amethyst re-posted it. Unfortunately I am rubbish at these things.


                  • #54
                    Re: Help with RLP

                    This is the first description of the security process

                    Please assist me to put this inthe right place as it’s my first time here and have no idea if I have posted inthe right place. I apologise for the novel in advance.

                    I was arrested forshoplifting perfumes in a Debenhams shop with a friend which I did not do andstill refuse.

                    The evidence that they have is the security guard who assumed andstopped us leaving Debenhams shop. He claimed he followed us round the shopfrom picking up fragrances and to the point where he said we removed thesecurity tags and put the perfumes in the bag. The security guard statement isso wrong and untrue it made me realise he assumed we took the perfumes.

                    Thestory is I had a dress and perfumes to swap for the ones i liked. i firstswapped the dress and the person didn’t give me any issues. So I met my friendand put perfume gift boxes into the debenhams shopping basket to swap with theones i had in the debenhams plastic bag.

                    I tried to swap the perfumes but thelady at the store said that there was no way to prove the perfumes were theirstore and due to hygiene reasons they won’t be able to swap them so i went leftthe debenhams shopping bags with the other items on the floor. When leaving thestore the two security guards stop us outside and escorted us to the back room.

                    While walking down I tried to take my phone off the bag and the security guardtook it off me. I was so scared and crying. The police searched our bags andthey found couple of clothes without receipts but they were more interested inthe perfumes. We were arrested and taken to the station where the solicitorarrived and we were interviewed.

                    During my interview I was informed my friendaccepted stealing but I refused and informed them that I was going to change theperfumes for the ones I liked as I also was in possession of their dress whichI had gone to change for a size and had no receipt for it when arriving at theshop.

                    They say they will give me a caution and I refused as I did nothing wrongand caution seems as if I am accepting liability and I have never been arrested.

                    My friend accepted and given a caution and has been previously arrested and Iwonder how this will go in court.

                    The fact that the person I was with acceptedthe crime although she refused and told them that she had not seen me stealanything. Please help me to have an idea what to expect to how to preparemyself….
                    back story starts http://www.legalbeagles.info/forums/...ebenhams/page3

                    Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

                    Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


                    • #55
                      Re: Help with RLP

                      Retail security need to follow this before apprehending a member of the public. It is part of the SIA Regulations. You need to be requesting the full original report by the individual without tipping them off

                      It is called S.C.O.N.E.

                      Non Payment

                      If none of these were fllowed prior to apprehension then this individual is looking at a civil claim for unlawful detetion and arrest with a criminal summons for Common Assault


                      • #56
                        Re: Help with RLP

                        To be honest, although the above posts may be technically correct, I doubt Privatetrey wants to go down those roads.

                        She has found the whole affair very distressing and just wants it to go away.
                        Talk of suing RLP and Debenhams,;of criminal prosecutions for assault etc will only prolong the agony.
                        Taken to its conclusion it could involve civil and criminal courts, barristers and judges, appearances in court and for what purpose?
                        Revenge? Damages?
                        There is no certainty of winning, and IMO is not worth the candle.
                        Let RLP continue to send their threatening drivel and ignore.
                        Eventually they will stop


                        • #57
                          Re: Help with RLP

                          I'm afraid I'm with Des on that one.

                          If RLP did sue, (and they won't but IF they did) then prvatetrey should defend her ass off and could counterclaim. But I don't think she shoudl instigate proceedings at all.

                          Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

                          Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


                          • #58
                            Re: Help with RLP

                            It is not Debenhams that are harassing, it is RLP. Debenhams seem to have realised they have messed up and returned the goods. RLP is toothless so just file the letters away, as suggested multiple times on this site.


                            • #59
                              Re: Help with RLP

                              Yes I agree with des8 I don't want to go through that route being arrested going through court and getting non stop letters stressed I ended up seeing a counsellor and on anti depresents due to not being able to sleep it's been a night mare for me and I want it all to stop but shld they want to take me to court or sue then I will definitely fight it's my life and my career on the line. But then when we were in court there were a lot of things that were wrong my point of view it was a mistaken identity coz my friend was with her sister and they tried to hide that in their statement and they also didn't mention they offered me a caution if I admitted shoplifting they said I stole Vera wang perfume didn't have it in my possession they said they saw us go in shop together that was false I was there by myself they said another guard was watching on cctv but no cctv evidence was produced despite me begging them to look at it. Then they practically said I came in with an empty debenhams bag and then put the perfumes inside who in the right mind goes into a shop with a flat empty bag comes out with it full of things. To be honest when asked about a lot of these things security guard said he cldnt remember anything with regards to me but he seemed to remember everything with regards to my friend so it was hard to understand how he cldnt remember the lies he wrote abt me. I want to forget but I can tell u it's hard be coz now I despise security guards and it's gonna take time before I forget I mean I was locked up in a cell and can't get over it.
                              Thanx thou for trying to help
                              Will keep u informed if anything comes through the mail...


                              • #60
                                Re: Help with RLP

                                Originally posted by privatetrey View Post
                                Yes I agree with des8 I don't want to go through that route being arrested going through court and getting non stop letters stressed I ended up seeing a counsellor and on anti depresents due to not being able to sleep it's been a night mare for me and I want it all to stop but shld they want to take me to court or sue then I will definitely fight it's my life and my career on the line. ................
                                OK........ I understand completely.....
                                But imo it is Debenhams who are at fault because Debenhams instructed RLP which seeks to obtain it's own and Debenhams costs. Either way, don't increase your stress and trauma levels ...... just ignore the threats etc.
                                But let Legalbeagles know if it gets to a final warning, because then you might benefit from turning the tables and requesting the guard's and any other witness statements.

                                The SCONE observation rule quoted is almost correct, but that one is out of date...... (I produced it's replacement) no matter, RLP cannot take you to Court unless they furnish you with their evidence in disclosure, and that guard statement would win the day FOR YOU, is my guess.


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