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Hamilton/HFC/Endeavour - Reclaim PPI

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  • Re: Hamilton/HFC/Endeavour - Reclaim PPI

    Originally posted by di30 View Post
    Wonder what the Adjudicator will think now? lol shame he didn't think to do what I did to get this resolved or try to. On the other hand the adjudicator confirmed that the business previously gave him the wrong info too, but I did send him paperwork to prove all this to him before didn't I? I did request for further redress for the inconvenience caused on my complaint, but nothing of that at all mentioned in the letter offer.

    I have however, emailed him with the copy of the letter, but before we sign anything I want to make sure the figures are correct, but am hopeless at maths lol .

    I do think they upheld it because of writing to them about the misleading advice they gave with help from you fantastic guys on here, thank you. x:tinysmile_kiss_t4::tinysmile_kiss_t4:

    You should now DEMAND compo for distress and inconvenience. If HFC do not agree to this then make the FOS re-open nthe complaint, which they can do.


    • Re: Hamilton/HFC/Endeavour - Reclaim PPI

      Originally posted by The Debt Star View Post
      You should now DEMAND compo for distress and inconvenience. If HFC do not agree to this then make the FOS re-open nthe complaint, which they can do.

      Cheers TDS

      Just wondering though, I have 6 weeks on this now to accept at most, and I suppose I could say that I note on the letter nothing about further redress for the inconvenience not mentioned, and as this was also requested for alongside with the complaint going in my favour, that if they will also consider this as well as a further separate payment.

      The only issue I have here, is that they may come back and say as they were not regulated when we taken out the loan, the FOS will not take the case on.
      Even though they will under the underwriter, but yet that may still be a difficult one. They probably state they did not actually have to compensate at all because they were not regulated.

      No harm in writing to them about this though, cheers.


      • Re: Hamilton/HFC/Endeavour - Reclaim PPI

        Take a firm line with them because you have had years of distress and they have made it very, very difficult for you. Do a CEO email.


        • Re: Hamilton/HFC/Endeavour - Reclaim PPI

          Originally posted by The Debt Star View Post
          Take a firm line with them because you have had years of distress and they have made it very, very difficult for you. Do a CEO email.

          Hmm yes indeed TDS, that is so true, and funnily enough I found even more old letters of rejections from them over the years lol, quite a few actually and maybe I should forward them copies of them all, as this has taken time with writing, postage/stamps and so on, it all adds up.

          CEO it will be, its the same CEO as HSBC and the same one that have been getting back to me, she has been ok though


          • Re: Hamilton/HFC/Endeavour - Reclaim PPI

            You have all been absolute diamonds, thank you all so much.

            I will try to get a letter together later on, need a clear head first though, had a rough night last night with only about 2 hours sleep :tinysmile_cry_t:, nope not booze related (I wish lol), but one of the nights, my son (with needs) would not settle.

            I am wondering if I should also mention about my Blood pressure, because my I am now taking 2 lots over the last year, my GP thinks its genetic but stress issues does not help either.
            I have been on BP meds for some years now, and of course hubby was on depression meds from 2007 and weaned down in 2009 but all this did not help on constantly being rejected.

            Any ideas on the wording folks?
            Sorry for asking for more help again, as you've all been so fab with this complexed case of mine, cheers all xx


            • Re: Hamilton/HFC/Endeavour - Reclaim PPI

              I agree with TDS, the years of rejection which has caused you all kinds of distress and illness and especially if you have all the correspondence to back up the rejections I would go for compensatory interest + out of pocket expenses. Yes postage and time in dealing with all of this will come to a fair amount of hours and you should be fully compensated for this as well.

              Originally posted by di30 View Post
              Hmm yes indeed TDS, that is so true, and funnily enough I found even more old letters of rejections from them over the years lol, quite a few actually and maybe I should forward them copies of them all, as this has taken time with writing, postage/stamps and so on, it all adds up.

              CEO it will be, its the same CEO as HSBC and the same one that have been getting back to me, she has been ok though


              • Re: Hamilton/HFC/Endeavour - Reclaim PPI

                Thank you so much Tuttsi, and with the back for forthing to the FOS since 2008 as well.
                The fact they also gave the wrong details to the FOS, which again is so wrong, maybe I should mention about this distress payment to the Adjudicator as well, meanings I have already emailed him the copy of the upheld letter, and he also has the copy of the complaint letter we send with the reclaim questionnaire to HFC.

                So maybe I should make HFC aware they missed the part of the further redress and list all the reasons for why I believe they should be paying this?

                Thank you for all your amazing support x


                • Re: Hamilton/HFC/Endeavour - Reclaim PPI

                  Let us know what response you get for the distress compo request. Quote and refer to the numerous rejection letters and add, also, that part of that relates to your out of pocket expenses - all those letters, recorded posts, stationery, printer ink etc.


                  • Re: Hamilton/HFC/Endeavour - Reclaim PPI

                    Excellent, and about to get on with this now, thank you.


                    • Re: Hamilton/HFC/Endeavour - Reclaim PPI

                      and work out roughly how many hours spent on this matter x £9 something an hour (the figure you would get if you were in court) You will have to guestimate this of course but so many letters, research etc etc will add up to a good sum of money.

                      Originally posted by The Debt Star View Post
                      Let us know what response you get for the distress compo request. Quote and refer to the numerous rejection letters and add, also, that part of that relates to your out of pocket expenses - all those letters, recorded posts, stationery, printer ink etc.


                      • Re: Hamilton/HFC/Endeavour - Reclaim PPI

                        Originally posted by TUTTSI View Post
                        and work out roughly how many hours spent on this matter x £9 something an hour (the figure you would get if you were in court) You will have to guestimate this of course but so many letters, research etc etc will add up to a good sum of money.

                        Great idea Tuttsi, will do thank you for that x


                        • Re: Hamilton/HFC/Endeavour - Reclaim PPI

                          Originally posted by di30 View Post
                          My letter received today.

                          Dear Mr & Mrs

                          I write further to the Financial Ombudsman Questionnaire received on the 14 September 2011.

                          I note your complaint is in regard to the Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) being Mis-sold on the above reference account. I can cinfirm that we previously issued you with a response on 3 June 2008 declining your complaint as we believed at the time the loan was sold via a Broker in the name of Click Finance Limited and therefore EPF Limited was not liable for the sale of the insurance.

                          However, it has now come to light after an investigation by Central Complaints Department with regard to your complaint reference XXX/XXXXXXXX that EPF Limited sold the PPI policy. Please accept my sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused as this certainly was not our intention.

                          I have now completed my investigation into the issues raised and have made a decision to uphold the complaint.

                          As a result of my decision, it is not my intention to respond specifically to the individual issues that have been raised other than to explain how I intend resolving the matter.

                          I propose to offer an amount in full and final settlement of tha above complaint against EPF Limited. The figure will effectively return the payment protection premiums that have been paid to date including interest. Details of the offer are shown on the Acceptance of the Offer Form enclosed.

                          The offer includes an element of 8% statutory interest. Subject to an individual's personal tax status, this statutory interest may be taxable and if accepted should be included in an annual tax return. Andy queries regarding this, should be referred to the local HM Revenue and Customs Office (formerly known as the Inland Revenue).

                          Should you wish to accept this offer, please arrange for the Acceptance of Offer Form to be completed and returned to EPF Limited. Please note the offer will only be processed upon receipt of the signed acceptance form and the offer will remain open for six weeks from the date of this letter, after which time it will be withdrawn, unless it has previously been accepted.

                          This brings to an end the steps available to you through our internal complaints procedures, as this letter constitutes our final response.

                          Please note EPF accounts did not fall under the jurisdiction of the Financial Ombudsman Service prior to January 2005. As your complaint relates to an issue that happened before this date, we believe the Financial Ombudsman service will not be able to adjudicate on this matter.

                          Yours sincerely
                          Complaints Investigator.

                          Premims paid from 30/08/2004 to 30/10/2005 - £1,771.54
                          Plus Interest at 8% - £847.56
                          Total Refund - £2,619.00
                          Great result. Great thread. Well done!
                          sigpicNo one expects a Chronic Hysteresis


                          • Re: Hamilton/HFC/Endeavour - Reclaim PPI

                            Originally posted by MEGLOS View Post
                            Great result. Great thread. Well done!

                            Thank you all, its amazing people like you all that have given me the strength to carry on, cheers x


                            • Re: Hamilton/HFC/Endeavour - Reclaim PPI

                              I have wrote to both the Adjudicator and HFC, sent by email about the further redress that was also requested for on the complaint letter they received last week, raised all points of the inconvenience, distress, expense of it all and so on, with a bit of luck we will get some feedback in the next few days.


                              • Re: Hamilton/HFC/Endeavour - Reclaim PPI

                                Bet the Adjudicator read our letter by now in regards of HFC upholding our complaint.
                                Just waiting for him to come back to us now, also HFC about the further redress, they normally send a confirmation email, so I expect that is yet to come.


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