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Hamilton/HFC/Endeavour - Reclaim PPI

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  • Re: Hamilton/HFC/Endeavour - Reclaim PPI

    Hi Di,

    Cor - you've gone into some serious effort here and I think your persistence might way pay off.

    I thought I knew which way this one was going until I got to the application form bit, when it went off on a slightly different course as to who's liable here.

    Looking at what's happened - there are 3 parties involved in this claim. Firstly, you've got Hamilton, who are the principal insurers of the policy. They may also be called the underwriters, but this is in relation to their risk for paying out a claim under the policy as opposed to underwiting the lenders risk to see if you're good for the money.

    Secondly, you've got the lender, which is EPF - Endeavour Personal Finance. It's their money which you borrowed for the loan AND to purchase the PPI policy.

    Finally, you've got the broker who brokered your credit application, which is Click Finance.

    Under normal circumstances, the complaint would be directed to Click as they were the advisers in your case and they conducted, I presume, whats known as 'antecedental negotiations' - ie - there was a discussion between both parties, therefore, they were the ones responsible for the advice. Click have ceased trading, therefore, a claim is unable to be bought against them.

    Now, to take this one further, you would have to prove a link between all three parties and prove that there was whats known as an Agent/Principal relationship between all of them. The link, very simply, is the payment of commission for the sale of the policies and as it's gone from one party to another and to another, therefore, I would say that Hamilton are the Principle and both EPF and Click acted as it's agents in the sale of the policy.

    Whilst there is a clause in the lenders paperwork stating that the broker only acts on behalf of the borrower and they're not responsible for any of the brokers actions, I feel if the FOS dug a bit deeper, they might uncover something. With the upmost respect to the Adjudicator, it could be the case that they don't quite understand what they're doing or they don't understand the relationships that occur in this set of circumstances.

    What I would ask the FOS to look at is, as payments of commissions have gone from Hamilton to EPF and on to Click, then there has to be legal contracts between them, because otherwise it would get messy when it came to payment, because, legally, none of them would have a leg to stand on if it came to a dispute about money, so there are bits of papers out there signed between Hamilton & EPF and between EPF and Click. I would be asking the FOS to confirm what do their contracts state and what capacity are they all acting in?

    It appears to me as though Click were acting as agents of Endeavour in forwarding your details to them stating you wanted a loan. EPF can argue all day long that the broker wasn't their agent and there was a clause in the contract etc etc - just because theres a clause there - doesn't make it fair and legal.

    Somewhere Di, theres paperwork out there stating what commissions are going to be paid, when they're payable and who's paying who - I would be asking the FOS have they seen these, and if not - why? because it'll prove exactly what capacity they're all acting as and it'll prove a link between Hamilton and Click.

    The interesting bits are HFC's involvement and the Application Form.

    Firstly, the link between HFC and EPF is they're wholly owened subsidiaries of HSBC bank. As they're Limited Companies, they're completely separate legal entities, so it does beg the question why the hell were HFC doing security checks for EPF. It could be something very innocent such as they were coping with backlogs etc - it could well be that both their security checks were the same and in busy periods they did each others etc, however, I can't for the life of me think why you've got speak with paperwork covered in HFC logos - because it's not their loan - it's EPF's.

    Which also brings us on to the application form. I don't think that you've examined all avenues on this and it could well unlock the whole case. What was the agreement Click had with EPF? It would have been one of 2 relationships.

    Did they act purely as a broker and purely pass your details onto the lender. Based on what's previously been posted - this could well be the case because if Click sent EPF a loan enquiry form stating a loan over 240 months and that was the extent of their involvement, and then it's changed to 300 months and PPI added - then EPF are responsible for the sale because when the form left Click, PPI wasn't included and it could only come from one place - and thats EPF.

    The second thing to consider is were Click a packager for the loan? Being a packager means Click would have done the underwriting, carried out the valuation and employment checks, credit searches etc. If they were a packager for EPF then they were definately acting as their agents, and then we're back to Hamilton.

    Hope this helps - and I wish you all the best with the case.



    • Re: Hamilton/HFC/Endeavour - Reclaim PPI

      Originally posted by The_Big_Dog View Post
      Hi Di,

      Cor - you've gone into some serious effort here and I think your persistence might way pay off.

      I thought I knew which way this one was going until I got to the application form bit, when it went off on a slightly different course as to who's liable here.

      Looking at what's happened - there are 3 parties involved in this claim. Firstly, you've got Hamilton, who are the principal insurers of the policy. They may also be called the underwriters, but this is in relation to their risk for paying out a claim under the policy as opposed to underwiting the lenders risk to see if you're good for the money.

      Secondly, you've got the lender, which is EPF - Endeavour Personal Finance. It's their money which you borrowed for the loan AND to purchase the PPI policy.

      Finally, you've got the broker who brokered your credit application, which is Click Finance.

      Under normal circumstances, the complaint would be directed to Click as they were the advisers in your case and they conducted, I presume, whats known as 'antecedental negotiations' - ie - there was a discussion between both parties, therefore, they were the ones responsible for the advice. Click have ceased trading, therefore, a claim is unable to be bought against them.

      Now, to take this one further, you would have to prove a link between all three parties and prove that there was whats known as an Agent/Principal relationship between all of them. The link, very simply, is the payment of commission for the sale of the policies and as it's gone from one party to another and to another, therefore, I would say that Hamilton are the Principle and both EPF and Click acted as it's agents in the sale of the policy.

      Whilst there is a clause in the lenders paperwork stating that the broker only acts on behalf of the borrower and they're not responsible for any of the brokers actions, I feel if the FOS dug a bit deeper, they might uncover something. With the upmost respect to the Adjudicator, it could be the case that they don't quite understand what they're doing or they don't understand the relationships that occur in this set of circumstances.

      What I would ask the FOS to look at is, as payments of commissions have gone from Hamilton to EPF and on to Click, then there has to be legal contracts between them, because otherwise it would get messy when it came to payment, because, legally, none of them would have a leg to stand on if it came to a dispute about money, so there are bits of papers out there signed between Hamilton & EPF and between EPF and Click. I would be asking the FOS to confirm what do their contracts state and what capacity are they all acting in?

      It appears to me as though Click were acting as agents of Endeavour in forwarding your details to them stating you wanted a loan. EPF can argue all day long that the broker wasn't their agent and there was a clause in the contract etc etc - just because theres a clause there - doesn't make it fair and legal.

      Somewhere Di, theres paperwork out there stating what commissions are going to be paid, when they're payable and who's paying who - I would be asking the FOS have they seen these, and if not - why? because it'll prove exactly what capacity they're all acting as and it'll prove a link between Hamilton and Click.

      The interesting bits are HFC's involvement and the Application Form.

      Firstly, the link between HFC and EPF is they're wholly owened subsidiaries of HSBC bank. As they're Limited Companies, they're completely separate legal entities, so it does beg the question why the hell were HFC doing security checks for EPF. It could be something very innocent such as they were coping with backlogs etc - it could well be that both their security checks were the same and in busy periods they did each others etc, however, I can't for the life of me think why you've got speak with paperwork covered in HFC logos - because it's not their loan - it's EPF's.

      Which also brings us on to the application form. I don't think that you've examined all avenues on this and it could well unlock the whole case. What was the agreement Click had with EPF? It would have been one of 2 relationships.

      Did they act purely as a broker and purely pass your details onto the lender. Based on what's previously been posted - this could well be the case because if Click sent EPF a loan enquiry form stating a loan over 240 months and that was the extent of their involvement, and then it's changed to 300 months and PPI added - then EPF are responsible for the sale because when the form left Click, PPI wasn't included and it could only come from one place - and thats EPF.

      The second thing to consider is were Click a packager for the loan? Being a packager means Click would have done the underwriting, carried out the valuation and employment checks, credit searches etc. If they were a packager for EPF then they were definately acting as their agents, and then we're back to Hamilton.

      Hope this helps - and I wish you all the best with the case.


      Wow thank you for posting all this. I appreciate it.

      And with what your saying it does make sense.

      The issues lie now of who actually added the ppi really, as it certainly wasn't on the Broker Click Application paperwork, only that of the paperwork we have from HFC, but what you have said certainly seems to be the case.
      It was definately added further down the process of the loan, where we had no further contact with the broker after the application.

      We received an email this morning from the Adjudicator, he says he heard from HFC yesterday, he put it down as "HFC contacted me yesterday and I will be sending a letter to you early next week".

      So we will soon see, yet we were given until yesterday ourselves to let him know if we want this reviewed by the ombudsman, we confirmed yes we did a few weeks back, so didn't think the adjudicator would have any further involvement in this case from yesterday the deadline - meanings he could not establish the relationship.

      So he will be working alongside the ombudsman then maybe.

      I will keep you posted though and thank you for the input.

      Endeavour was not regulated unfortunately until April 2007, but we know its got to be between these and possibly HFC who are responsible for this.

      I am aware HFC were fined for mis selling PPI, and aware HFC/Endeavour work alongside each other, even though the letters we have received are confirmed signed from HFC, the logo on the letter is thost of Endeavour.

      A confusing one, but I wouldn't mind you being my Adjudicator lol, you seem to know what is what, cheers again.


      • Re: Hamilton/HFC/Endeavour - Reclaim PPI

        The issues lie now of who actually added the ppi really, as it certainly wasn't on the Broker Click Application paperwork, only that of the paperwork we have from HFC, but what you have said certainly seems to be the case.
        It was definately added further down the process of the loan, where we had no further contact with the broker after the application.

        We received an email this morning from the Adjudicator, he says he heard from HFC yesterday, he put it down as "HFC contacted me yesterday and I will be sending a letter to you early next week".

        So we will soon see, yet we were given until yesterday ourselves to let him know if we want this reviewed by the ombudsman, we confirmed yes we did a few weeks back, so didn't think the adjudicator would have any further involvement in this case from yesterday the deadline - meanings he could not establish the relationship.

        [FONT=verdana,geneva,lucida,'lucida grande',arial,helvetica,sans-serif]I have a sneaky feeling that they'll let HFC off the hook and they'll have an excuse why they did the speak with on HFC paperwork, which I think this Adjudicator will swallow. I think they'll state something along the lines of 'it's an internal document, which was for our eyes only - the customers requested a sar and we sent it out to them, however, it was EPF doing the speak with'[/FONT].

        The more I think about it, the more the HFC link could be a red herring here. However, you've stated the case in your last post:

        The issues lie now of who actually added the ppi really, as it certainly wasn't on the Broker Click Application paperwork, only that of the paperwork we have from HFC, but what you have said certainly seems to be the case.
        It was definately added further down the process of the loan, where we had no further contact with the broker after the application.

        There can only be one party who could have possibly added the ppi then - and thats EPF, and they gave the advice in the eyes of the law (even though there wasn't any advice but they seem to have bunged it on). As you've stated, EPF weren't under FOS juristiction until 2007, so we've then got to look at the insurer, and EPF were acting as it's agents. It's now totally irrespective what EPF have got in their contract with Click - it now boils down to what was the relationship between Hamilton and EPF - and it's going to be that EPF have a contract with Hamilton and they will be acting as it's agents because they're the ones collecting the premium for the ppi. EPF didn't send you the ppi premium and ask you to forward it to Hamilton did they? No they didn't - they paid it themselves which I think is a clear link between them.

        I know earlier on, you stated that the loan was regulated under the CCA. As it's a regulated loan, you would have had 2 loan agreements come out to you within 8 days as they would have had to give you cancellation rights. Have you kept both loan docs and are they identical? and secondly - where were they sent from - was the cover letter on a Click letterhead or on an EPF letterhead? If it's EPF then it adds weight that Click purely forwarded your details to them and EPF did all the underwriting on the loan and put the ppi on there.

        I don't think this has gone to an Ombudsman as of yet as the Adjudicator is still investigating. I wouldn't escalate this until the Adjudicator has given you his view on the whole thing. If he doesn't like it - tough. He's got to fully investigate this and because you're giving him further information, he can't take a view on it. If he turns around and says - my original view stands, then you can ask it to be escalated.

        If he's a bit of a lazy sod (which a few of them are Di!), I'd ask him informally (bearing in mind that the premium is only going to cover the first named on the agreement and only for the first 5 years of the loan) if he didn't have juristiction issues - would he find in your favour on what he's seen so far? If he gives the slightest indication that he would, then you've got every right to turn around to him and state - right, you think I've been mis-sold this so I think it's only fair that you continue to exhaust every avenue before issuing your view because I've suffered a financial loss and I feel it only fair that I have a full investigation to the points raised.



        • Re: Hamilton/HFC/Endeavour - Reclaim PPI

          Originally posted by The_Big_Dog View Post
          The issues lie now of who actually added the ppi really, as it certainly wasn't on the Broker Click Application paperwork, only that of the paperwork we have from HFC, but what you have said certainly seems to be the case.
          It was definately added further down the process of the loan, where we had no further contact with the broker after the application.

          We received an email this morning from the Adjudicator, he says he heard from HFC yesterday, he put it down as "HFC contacted me yesterday and I will be sending a letter to you early next week".

          So we will soon see, yet we were given until yesterday ourselves to let him know if we want this reviewed by the ombudsman, we confirmed yes we did a few weeks back, so didn't think the adjudicator would have any further involvement in this case from yesterday the deadline - meanings he could not establish the relationship.

          [FONT=verdana,geneva,lucida,'lucida grande',arial,helvetica,sans-serif]I have a sneaky feeling that they'll let HFC off the hook and they'll have an excuse why they did the speak with on HFC paperwork, which I think this Adjudicator will swallow. I think they'll state something along the lines of 'it's an internal document, which was for our eyes only - the customers requested a sar and we sent it out to them, however, it was EPF doing the speak with'[/font].

          The more I think about it, the more the HFC link could be a red herring here. However, you've stated the case in your last post:

          The issues lie now of who actually added the ppi really, as it certainly wasn't on the Broker Click Application paperwork, only that of the paperwork we have from HFC, but what you have said certainly seems to be the case.
          It was definately added further down the process of the loan, where we had no further contact with the broker after the application.

          There can only be one party who could have possibly added the ppi then - and thats EPF, and they gave the advice in the eyes of the law (even though there wasn't any advice but they seem to have bunged it on). As you've stated, EPF weren't under FOS juristiction until 2007, so we've then got to look at the insurer, and EPF were acting as it's agents. It's now totally irrespective what EPF have got in their contract with Click - it now boils down to what was the relationship between Hamilton and EPF - and it's going to be that EPF have a contract with Hamilton and they will be acting as it's agents because they're the ones collecting the premium for the ppi. EPF didn't send you the ppi premium and ask you to forward it to Hamilton did they? No they didn't - they paid it themselves which I think is a clear link between them.

          I know earlier on, you stated that the loan was regulated under the CCA. As it's a regulated loan, you would have had 2 loan agreements come out to you within 8 days as they would have had to give you cancellation rights. Have you kept both loan docs and are they identical? and secondly - where were they sent from - was the cover letter on a Click letterhead or on an EPF letterhead? If it's EPF then it adds weight that Click purely forwarded your details to them and EPF did all the underwriting on the loan and put the ppi on there.

          I don't think this has gone to an Ombudsman as of yet as the Adjudicator is still investigating. I wouldn't escalate this until the Adjudicator has given you his view on the whole thing. If he doesn't like it - tough. He's got to fully investigate this and because you're giving him further information, he can't take a view on it. If he turns around and says - my original view stands, then you can ask it to be escalated.

          If he's a bit of a lazy sod (which a few of them are Di!), I'd ask him informally (bearing in mind that the premium is only going to cover the first named on the agreement and only for the first 5 years of the loan) if he didn't have juristiction issues - would he find in your favour on what he's seen so far? If he gives the slightest indication that he would, then you've got every right to turn around to him and state - right, you think I've been mis-sold this so I think it's only fair that you continue to exhaust every avenue before issuing your view because I've suffered a financial loss and I feel it only fair that I have a full investigation to the points raised.


          Hiya and WOW thank you again.

          I do have 2 copies of the EPF agreements, funny thing is one is a lenders copy that was enclosed within a SAR, and funny enough dated before the Click loan application taken place, something not right here either..........yet, its a VERY bad print out and you cannot see a lot, only the date signed by the lender and a scribbled out siggie our personal details are faded out, I will try to scan and post this up later, because your not able to see my details anyway.
          This one dated by the lender 5th July.

          Application from Click issued and taken place over the phone on 8th July, we signed their application on the 16th July.

          HFC rang 26th July.

          The other EPF agreement our copy is dated 30 July.

          Cheque received the same time which was weird, as they asked us to send by special delivery with the envelope already enclosed, and cheque cleared 3 August.
          And our copy is the one we received and

          On my next post I am going to attach the lenders copy dated 05th July 2004..
          Last edited by di30; 1st July 2011, 17:43:PM.


          • Re: Hamilton/HFC/Endeavour - Reclaim PPI

            Copy of the lender agreement dated 05 July 2004 A Bad copy, as you see it when you click on it is how it is, nothing altered and no account number was added on this one either.


            • Re: Hamilton/HFC/Endeavour - Reclaim PPI

              Copy of the lender agreement dated 05 July 2004

              And copy of agreement by same lender signed for 30 July 2004 to follow.
              Last edited by di30; 1st July 2011, 18:41:PM. Reason: double posted


              • Re: Hamilton/HFC/Endeavour - Reclaim PPI

                Copy of the lender agreement dated 05 July 2004 & Loan agreement dated 30 July, same lender, but our copy.


                • Re: Hamilton/HFC/Endeavour - Reclaim PPI

                  The legal charge paperwork is also dated 30 July 2004, headed with Endeavour, so it seems the main of the paperwork is that of these, the only paperwork we do have via Click is that of the application form and a copy of the house valuation report.


                  • Re: Hamilton/HFC/Endeavour - Reclaim PPI

                    Originally posted by di30 View Post
                    The legal charge paperwork is also dated 30 July 2004, headed with Endeavour, so it seems the main of the paperwork is that of these, the only paperwork we do have via Click is that of the application form and a copy of the house valuation report.
                    Hi Di,

                    Can you see the figures on the first copy of the loan agreement dated 05/07/2004? and are they EXACTLY the same as on the second copy. The dates definately don't stack up here because according to what they're showing there's 25 days between the first consideration copy coming out and the sig copy coming out - the question I'd be asking myself is why? If there's a 25 day delay, it means they MAY have changed the loan terms - possibly by sticking the PPI on? I don't think any lender worth their salt would make a mistake of waiting that long before issuing the signature copy - they're usually well versed in their requirements under the CCA. Can you remember how many loan docs you received in total? Was it 2 (which I'd expect) or was it 4?

                    It's also interesting that the Val report has turned up as well. This could be significant.

                    Who did the valuation report (which valuer) and does it state who instructed the valuation - was it Click or EPF?



                    • Re: Hamilton/HFC/Endeavour - Reclaim PPI

                      Originally posted by The_Big_Dog View Post
                      Hi Di,

                      Can you see the figures on the first copy of the loan agreement dated 05/07/2004? and are they EXACTLY the same as on the second copy. The dates definately don't stack up here because according to what they're showing there's 25 days between the first consideration copy coming out and the sig copy coming out - the question I'd be asking myself is why? If there's a 25 day delay, it means they MAY have changed the loan terms - possibly by sticking the PPI on? I don't think any lender worth their salt would make a mistake of waiting that long before issuing the signature copy - they're usually well versed in their requirements under the CCA. Can you remember how many loan docs you received in total? Was it 2 (which I'd expect) or was it 4?

                      It's also interesting that the Val report has turned up as well. This could be significant.

                      Who did the valuation report (which valuer) and does it state who instructed the valuation - was it Click or EPF?


                      Hi TBD

                      How you see the first lender agreement is how it was when we received it, our name details faded out, the amounts etc, although I am going through all the SAR again to see if there is another copy, but that was my point also raised with the adjudicator over the last few weeks or so in regards of the dates as it doesn't seem to work out.

                      The paperwork was that of Click in regards of the valuation.

                      In regards of the loan docs, its just basically a few copies of the Click Application, the Click Valuation Report.
                      Basically its the report from the valuer from Cardiff with details of Click *address*

                      The loan agreements via Endeavour.

                      On the 2nd loan agreement i posted (our copy), I deleted our name details myself on that one but everything else left.

                      And some on HFC.

                      In regards of the insurance policy details, we requested for these separately, we had to write to Endeavour for them.
                      And of course Hamilton Insurance are/were the insurers for this loan.


                      • Re: Hamilton/HFC/Endeavour - Reclaim PPI

                        Oh and by the way, welcome to LB.

                        There is also a welcome thread to welcome you here......

                        I will see what other info I come across tomorrow in relation of this matter, your a diamond, thank you.


                        • Re: Hamilton/HFC/Endeavour - Reclaim PPI

                          Originally posted by di30 View Post
                          Hi TBD

                          How you see the first lender agreement is how it was when we received it, our name details faded out, the amounts etc, although I am going through all the SAR again to see if there is another copy, but that was my point also raised with the adjudicator over the last few weeks or so in regards of the dates as it doesn't seem to work out.

                          The paperwork was that of Click in regards of the valuation.

                          In regards of the loan docs, its just basically a few copies of the Click Application, the Click Valuation Report.
                          Basically its the report from the valuer from Cardiff with details of Click *address*

                          The loan agreements via Endeavour.

                          On the 2nd loan agreement i posted (our copy), I deleted our name details myself on that one but everything else left.

                          And some on HFC.

                          In regards of the insurance policy details, we requested for these separately, we had to write to Endeavour for them.
                          And of course Hamilton Insurance are/were the insurers for this loan.

                          I read your posts all over consumer websites, and you always help the newbies (and the posters who aren't financially knowledgeable) along - so this one is going to be an absolute pleasure!

                          The smoking gun is the valuation report in the middle of this. If I remember rightly, EPF valuation reports are 2 or 3 pages long. If you've got the details on it of the valuer and the instructing agent - they've given you the lenders copy as part of the sar. Can you post me up the last page of the val report? it should have the valuer's details on the bottom left and the company who instructed it on the right hand side - this is the info I'm after.

                          I'll get back to you first thing in the morning on it.

                          Before I go - I know you're aware of a lot of things in the ppi world - but do you know what a mortgage packager is?

                          Kind regards,



                          • Re: Hamilton/HFC/Endeavour - Reclaim PPI

                            Originally posted by The_Big_Dog View Post

                            I read your posts all over consumer websites, and you always help the newbies (and the posters who aren't financially knowledgeable) along - so this one is going to be an absolute pleasure!

                            The smoking gun is the valuation report in the middle of this. If I remember rightly, EPF valuation reports are 2 or 3 pages long. If you've got the details on it of the valuer and the instructing agent - they've given you the lenders copy as part of the sar. Can you post me up the last page of the val report? it should have the valuer's details on the bottom left and the company who instructed it on the right hand side - this is the info I'm after.

                            I'll get back to you first thing in the morning on it.

                            Before I go - I know you're aware of a lot of things in the ppi world - but do you know what a mortgage packager is?

                            Kind regards,


                            Good morning

                            Cheers TBD

                            I will have a rummage through it is here because the details of the valuer address are on them.

                            What I did do, over a week ago (whether or not I done the right thing or not), I emailed the valuation company in Cardiff and asked them to track down our details, even though we have details I just wondered if they still held details themselves still, but unfortunately they could not track them down, yet I don't feel I gave them enough personal details.

                            Mortgage packager? is that the new thing that came into affect over the last few years? not too sure lol.

                            I will go through it today and post up sometime today, again thank you for your input in this matter, you've been amazing, and catch you later on.


                            Last edited by di30; 2nd July 2011, 10:49:AM.


                            • Re: Hamilton/HFC/Endeavour - Reclaim PPI

                              Just setting up the scanner again, lol its been playing up again, but will get there.

                              Meanwhile the address of the valuers are:
                              Countrywide Surveyors
                              Unit 4 Ty-Nant Court
                              CF15 8LW

                              Tel 02920 810 088

                              Signed - N A Roberts

                              Dated 21 July 2004

                              Its a FISA Mortgage Valuation Report

                              Instructed by 1 Click Home Loans Ltd

                              (So their involvement still came into this even after the application form then).


                              • Re: Hamilton/HFC/Endeavour - Reclaim PPI

                                Mortgage valuation report.........how can i get this bigger? done something wrong here haven't i?


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