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Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

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  • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

    Originally posted by EXC View Post
    The Financial Ombudsman Service is to due to come under the jurisdiction on the Freedom of Information on 1 November.

    The BBA aren't happy and have sent the following warning to it's members:

    Freedom of Information & the Financial Ombudsman Service
    The Ministry of Justice has laid a draft order before Parliament to bring the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) under the jurisdiction of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). This will have serious implications for members’ dealings with FOS and, potentially, the FSA. The order will have retroactive effect in relation to information already held by FOS. There is a substantial risk of disclosure of information regarding your business, whether provided to FOS by you, by third parties or created by FOS.
    How long is November? Give me a shout if you need some FOI stuff being done on November 1st
    Fun fun fun in due course
    "Family means that no one gets forgotten or left behind"
    (quote from David Ogden Stiers)


    • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

      Originally posted by EXC View Post
      The Financial Ombudsman Service is to due to come under the jurisdiction on the Freedom of Information on 1 November.

      The BBA aren't happy and have sent the following warning to it's members:

      Freedom of Information & the Financial Ombudsman Service
      The Ministry of Justice has laid a draft order before Parliament to bring the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) under the jurisdiction of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). This will have serious implications for members’ dealings with FOS and, potentially, the FSA. The order will have retroactive effect in relation to information already held by FOS. There is a substantial risk of disclosure of information regarding your business, whether provided to FOS by you, by third parties or created by FOS.

      About time too!

      A few years back I requested information about my case under the DPA. Of course, I learnt very little about how my case had been investigated.
      The FOS in fact advised me that my SAR would not reveal very much.

      November, cannot come to soon!


      • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

        Freedom of Information Act extended - 1/19/2011 - Computer Weekly


        • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

          Originally posted by Angry Cat View Post
          About time too!

          A few years back I requested information about my case under the DPA. Of course, I learnt very little about how my case had been investigated.
          The FOS in fact advised me that my SAR would not reveal very much.

          November, cannot come to soon!
          I don't think you can get personal information under the FoI Act.



          • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

            So much for Barclay's upholding claims, got my rejection letter today, usual waffle about advice etc. Of I go to FOS may take a while I know!!
            Never give up, Never surrender.


            • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

              Originally posted by dogtired View Post
              So much for Barclay's upholding claims, got my rejection letter today, usual waffle about advice etc. Of I go to FOS may take a while I know!!
              This is yet another example of how the banks are simply rejecting claims t save money. I'm not saying that every claim is valid, but the amount of mis-selling was monumental. That's why people like Angela Knight make me sick, because they won't take any responsibility for their wrong doings. They are a law unto themselves and the politicians don't do anything about it. Wasn't Angela Knight a politician before? Oh yes, She lost her seat in Parliament to Liz Blackman of the Labour Party in 1997. Knight was Economic Secretary to the Treasury from 1995–97, being responsible for bringing in the £2 coin. That's about all she's worth.



              • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                Originally posted by TUTTSI View Post
                My cousin has now had her letter from Lloyds on her PP claimI. It was a business loan and and it was a condition of the loan she had to take the PPI policy. Her complaint has now been upheld and they have offered the full premium back (which was taken in one hit) + 8% interest.

                Is this correct or should she be asking for compounded interest?
                Tuttsi, this sounds like a Single-Premium Insurance, where a single 'upfront' payment of PPI was charged, and then added to the total loan amount at the outset. As such, it will have attracted a portion of the account interest which was charged (usually at a compounded rate) to the account each month. I think she should be asking for this as well. Then, finally, she should be getting the 8% SI on BOTH these elements.



                • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                  Originally posted by leclerc View Post
                  How long is November? Give me a shout if you need some FOI stuff being done on November 1st
                  Fun fun fun in due course
                  Subject to any new legislation, November is consistently 30 days, mon ami.

                  Seriously, does this mean that there will be a helluva lot of dirty laundry being hauled out under our noses for close inspection ? Yeukk !!! I'm off to panic-buy some clothespegs and air-freshener, then.


                  • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                    Originally posted by Bill-K View Post
                    With regard to 'talking tough' - it seems to me that the FSA puts its' teeth in to make such 'tough' pronouncements, but then puts them back in the Steradent jar when they've finished !!! It's no good just 'talking the talk...'
                    Good to see A&L making an effort, though, EXC.
                    Indeedy Bill, I recently had a refund of one year's worth of packaged account fees after making a complaint to my old 'friends' LTSB


                    • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                      Originally posted by nelliewops View Post
                      Indeedy Bill, I recently had a refund of one year's worth of packaged account fees after making a complaint to my old 'friends' LTSB
                      Well done and congrats, Nellie - and YOU for one - DEFFO 'walk the walk.' Poor LTSB must feel like they've been dragged through a hedge backwards by you !!!


                      • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                        Originally posted by Bill-K View Post
                        Seriously, does this mean that there will be a helluva lot of dirty laundry being hauled out under our noses for close inspection ?
                        I'd originally thought that there wouldn't as in my experience with FoI requests to OFT, FSA etc any request for firm-specific information was refused because of exemption 43 of the Act - commercial interest - which is an absolute exemption for anything that could be considered as commercially confidential.

                        But as the BBA warning issued to banks helpfully makes clear ''Unlike the FSA, FOS is not covered by any statutory prohibition on the disclosure of sensitive information about banks. All information held by FOS therefore, is subject to disclosure under the FOIA.'' And that disclosure of sensitive information only has to pass the the public interest test which will be a matter of discretion for the FOS.

                        So it's little wonder that commercial confidentiality, and other concerns about the disclosure of FOS procedures, are worrying the BBA.

                        Freedom of Information
                        Act and the Financial
                        Ombudsman Service

                        The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) applies to all
                        public authorities including the FSA. At the time of its
                        inception, FOS was not subject to FOIA. This was
                        because FOS is defined as a statutory dispute resolution
                        scheme – given powers under the Financial Services
                        and Markets Act 2000 and the Consumer Credit Act
                        2006 – and not a government department or agency.

                        Unlike the FSA, FOS is not covered by any statutory
                        prohibition on the disclosure of sensitive information
                        about banks. All information held by FOS therefore, is
                        subject to disclosure under the FOIA.

                        While FOIA does provide a number of exemptions from
                        disclosure, almost all of the exemptions involve a “public
                        interest test”, meaning that the information will be
                        disclosed unless the public interest in withholding the
                        information outweighs the public interest in disclosure.
                        Thus, there is a potentially substantial risk of disclosure
                        of sensitive information held by FOS.

                        Some examples of sensitive information that may be
                        subject to disclosure include: notes from internal
                        systems that may be deemed inflammatory; pricing
                        information (in relation to fees and charges); internal
                        actions involving staff (such as disciplinary actions);
                        fraud prevention measures (such as floor limits); and
                        contracts between banks and product providers.

                        Under FOIA, individual consumers and claims
                        management companies (CMCs) will be able to make
                        FOIA requests to FOS. They may be able to obtain
                        information regarding the procedure FOS follows in
                        decision-making and this could, potentially, assist CMCs
                        with the formulation and presentation of claims and
                        complaints to FOS.

                        The BBA has been working with members, the Ministry
                        of Justice and FOS in order to mitigate any adverse
                        impacts the extension of FOIA may have on members.


                        • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                          Originally posted by dogtired View Post
                          So much for Barclay's upholding claims, got my rejection letter today, usual waffle about advice etc. Of I go to FOS may take a while I know!!
                          Barclays were only upholding claims that were delayed due to the JR, all other cases i.e. those submitted after this are dealt with under their normal guidelines (although that doesnt necessarily mean you didnt have a case!).

                          When was your complaint submitted? if before 20 April then should have been caught under their goodwill gesture to uphold, if so its worth pointing this out to them, if not then Im afraid its the FOS lottery for this one.


                          • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                            love the BBA advice on examples of sensitive informations "notes on internal sysytems that may proove inflamatory" whatever could they mean? surely all banks act in a fair and just manner and would never do anything (let alone document it) that may even slightly annoy the gerenal cunsumer - if only!!!

                            can just imagine the note on clients files - "customer called in regarding claim on policy, fobbed off and told didnt qualify, lets see if has persistance to push further, if does then may take seriously and send claim papers out, until then no further action."


                            • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                              I have got a beauty of an idea for an FOI request......lol!! Roll on November
                              "Family means that no one gets forgotten or left behind"
                              (quote from David Ogden Stiers)


                              • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                                Originally posted by EXC View Post
                                I don't think you can get personal information under the FoI Act.

                                No, one cannot.

                                Re: my own situation, I had tried to find out information under the DPA, as the FOI did not apply to the FOS because they are not a public authority.
                                But of course, all that would have been provided was information that related to me as an individual.

                                Hopefully, consumers will be able to obtain information from the FOS under the FOI in due course.

                                Consumers have a right to know!

                                However, some time ago I made an FOI request to TS.
                                I was provided with some information but TS used exemptions and thus I was blocked from have sight of all...it's all a bit of a closed shop, so to speak.


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