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Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

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  • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

    Phewee, what a Pong:



    • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

      Originally posted by Angry Cat View Post

      Presumably, the 'Other Major Banks' are not interested in their already sullied reputations?

      Looks like even more bad press for RBS...
      And, why are we still waiting for the RBS report?

      Off topic, you may say but relevant...


      • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

        Originally posted by Angry Cat View Post

        it,s nice to see a banker willing to put his money where his or her mouth is, congratulations Lloyds tsb you,ve finally joined the human race and did the right thing. Now it,s time for the rest of the banks to do the same,the judicial review is over it,s time to stop playing pat a cake and pass the buck and do the decent human thing because if the rest of the banks join in the appeal if there is one and lose those banks will be vilified now for all time


        • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

          Stephen Hester is only interested in Profit and not the consequence of the RBS Groups, reputational damage.

          And clearly, Mr. Hester is not interested in retrspective PPI claims?
          Even though the RBS Group subscribed to the ABI code re: the selling of gereral insurance and the the GISC code.


          About time that the 'Reckless and Irresponsible' Royal Bank of SCOTLAND, changed its' tune!

          All eyes will be on RBS, not forgetting of course, the other members of the motley crew e.g. MBNA, Capital One, CitiGroup etc...

          I cannot find anything about Barclays stance re: the possible BBA Appeal?


          • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

            Mr. Hester said:
            "...the appeal was not about whether customers should be compensated because 'we think that should happen' but about setting a legal precedent about the retrospective nature of compensation payments.[End Quote]


            • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

              Well they may have done the decent thing, but now due to the backlog and new claims since the JR Lloyds have just advised a short wait now till a final decision on my claim that was made in August.

              We do hope to have a final decision within the next 6 months in writing. What happened to carrying on the investigation up to final decision and what are the additional staff doing? Just being sympathetic? .....if I need sympathy it's in the dictionary not at the end of an 0845 number.


              • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                Originally posted by AndyRogers View Post
                Well they may have done the decent thing, but now due to the backlog and new claims since the JR Lloyds have just advised a short wait now till a final decision on my claim that was made in August.

                We do hope to have a final decision within the next 6 months in writing. What happened to carrying on the investigation up to final decision and what are the additional staff doing? Just being sympathetic? .....if I need sympathy it's in the dictionary not at the end of an 0845 number.
                Hi Andy
                Blimey August?
                Is that how long your complaint have been with them then?

                I understood they were taking on additional staff as well, this was also stated on their website.
                I know they have backlogs, and in this case its just as well they have given in then, otherwise it would be going on to next year.

                Mine was done after yours, but as usual I emailed them today and asked them what happens now since the outcome of the news yesterday.
                Even though we all know they will be getting on with complaints, I just thought I would ask them for an update.

                And of course, they should be paying out the interest to date as well.


                • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                  6 months in writing :tinysmile_aha_t:

                  JR Appeal may be just about done by then

                  brilliant PR move by Lloyds but if the above is true its another scam!


                  • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                    Britain's big banks will today take a significant step toward deciding whether to appeal against a ruling that they missold billions of pounds of insurance policies, I have learned.
                    The British Bankers' Association (BBA) has convened a conference call for later this afternoon on which its biggest members "will debate the next steps", according to somebody familiar with the plan. The call was requested yesterday by Angela Knight, BBA chief executive, I'm told.
                    A decision about whether to pursue an appeal against a recent High Court judgement on payment protection insurance (PPI) has to be made by next Tuesday.
                    Participants on the call are expected to include executives from Barclays, HSBC and Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), the taxpayer-backed bank which this morning said it was too early to quantify the level of its potential exposure to the scandal.
                    It isn't clear whether today's call will provide a definitive decision about whether to appeal. As I revealed yesterday, Barclays is inclined to follow the example of Lloyds Banking Group by opting not to participate in any appeal, whereas HSBC is determined to press ahead on the basis that not appealing against the retrospective application of legislation may set a dangerous and costly precedent for the industry.
                    The costly part is certainly true, given that analysts now believe the PPI scandal could cost the industry £8bn rather than the £4.5bn originally forecast.
                    The BBA and the banks declined to comment.


                    • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                      Hi all,

                      I'm not normally a 'wet-blankety' sort of person, but I am old enough (just! lol) to remember the euphoria of the days leading up to the decision in the 'Banks' case in 2009.
                      That one was in the bag, as well! (how wrong were we!)
                      Still, I can hear the 'Fat Lady' going through her warm-up vocal exercises, so fingers crossed here!!
                      CAVEAT LECTOR

                      This is only my opinion - "Opinions are made to be changed --or how is truth to be got at?" (Byron)

                      You and I do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.
                      Cohen, Herb

                      There is danger when a man throws his tongue into high gear before he
                      gets his brain a-going.
                      Phelps, C. C.

                      "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance!"
                      The last words of John Sedgwick


                      • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold


                        6 May 2011 Last updated at 17:42
                        Banks still considering appeal on PPI.

                        Senior banking executives are meeting to discuss appealing a ruling over Payment Protection Insurance (PPI).
                        Last week, the High Court ruled that banks had wrongfully sold PPI to millions and that they are now obliged to refund all affected customers.
                        Lloyds, the biggest seller of PPI, said this week it would repay all customers missold such policies, other banks may continue to fight claims.

                        PPI is an insurance policy designed to cover loan repayments.
                        While they are in theory completely legimate forms of protection, millions of policies were sold by banks knowing that customers did not qualify for payouts under any circumstances.
                        Lloyds Banking Group has said it would set aside £3.2bn to repay money wrongfully charged to its PPI customers.
                        The BBC understands that the banks meeting, including HSBC, RBS and Barclays, are disappointed with Lloyds' decision to break ranks and not appeal.
                        None of the major other banks have agreed to make any refunds in this area.

                        The banks must agree their course before Tuesday, which is the deadline for any legal appeals.
                        The final figure for PPI compensation could reach up to £6.5bn with Barclays and RBS potentially liable, if they don't appeal, for roughly £1bn each.
                        The British Bankers Association has already said that its members are very concerned at the "dangerous precedent" which would be set if the banks were forced to refund all PPI customers retrospectively.


                        • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                          Cannot understand HSBC's stance as it will be costly which ever way they turn, if they lose they will have a hefty costs bill and no doubt fines from the FSA will follow for needlessly putting claims on hold.

                          Lloyds will no doubt escape any fines aswell as hefty appeal court costs.
                          If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of payments.



                          • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                            Looks like Lloyds have updated their website again today, which is now of the procedures since yesterday's outcome.

                            What does the Judicial Review mean for my PPI Complaint?
                            As we announced on 5th May, we are no longer supporting the British Bankers’ Association’s Judicial Review. If you have previously received a letter from us advising that we could not reach a decision on your complaint pending the outcome of the Judicial Review, we will now be revisiting your complaint and advising you of the final outcome as soon as possible. We have decided to implement the FSA’s policy statement in full.

                            Why are you no longer supporting the BBA’s Judicial Review?
                            We have announced that we are making a provision to cover the costs of addressing Customers’ PPI Sales related complaints. We recognised that customers were facing long delays in respect of their PPI sales-related complaints during the BBA’s judicial review. We wanted to do the right thing by our customers and have decided to implement the FSA’s policy statement in full.

                            What does today’s announcement mean for my PPI complaint?
                            If you have previously received a letter from us advising that we could not reach a decision on your complaint pending the outcome of the Judicial Review, we will now be revisiting your complaint and advising you of the final outcome as soon as possible. As we have announced, we have decided to implement the FSA’s policy statement in full.

                            I received an ex-gratia letter. Is this affected by the announcement that you are no longer supporting the BBA’s Judicial Review?
                            The announcement does not affect your ex-gratia letter. You remain free to accept or decline this offer as outlined in the letter.

                            I have a complaint that has been referred to the FOS. Will this be affected by the fact that you are no longer supporting the BBA’s Judicial Review?
                            We will work with the FOS and provide them with all of the relevant case notes to allow them to complete their investigation. We will also liaise directly with the FOS to deal with complaints as quickly as we can.

                            I want to make a complaint about the way that my PPI was sold – can I still do so?
                            Yes. We will take the details of your complaint and this will be progressed by our customer service team. Those customers who have not complained but have concerns about their PPI policy should also contact us directly. Details of how to contact us are provided above.
                            We encourage our customers to talk to us about PPI
                            • We are best placed to deal with any queries our customers have about their PPI policy for all of our brands
                            • Customers should call us or log onto our websites or call us for further information
                            • Rather than talk to a Claims Management Company (CMC), customers can find all of the information they need about raising a complaint about PPI on our websites. Your complaint will be handled in exactly the same way if you come to us directly, but you will avoid having to share any potential compensation payments with a CMC
                            • The FOS has also created a PPI Questionnaire which helps customers find out whether they have a claim to make. This can be accessed by searching online ‘PPI FOS'.

                            What will happen after I have made a complaint?
                            Once we have received your complaint we will assess it as soon as possible. We strive to assess all complaints within 8 weeks. However, if we have not managed to resolve your complaint within that time we will send you a further letter updating you as to your options.
                            If you have previously received a letter from us advising that we could not reach a decision on your complaint pending the outcome of the Judicial Review, we will now be revisiting your complaint and advising you of the final outcome as soon as possible. We have employed additional staff to manage customers’ queries about their PPI policies.

                            I have received a letter telling me about BBA/FSA/FOS. I don’t understand it.
                            We had sent some of our customers a letter explaining how the Judicial Review has impacted the way we handle PPI sales-related complaints and how we would only be able to assess their complaint once the legal proceedings were concluded.
                            We have today announced that the Group will no longer be supporting the BBA’s Judicial Review.
                            We want to do the right thing by our customers and have decided to implement the FSA’s policy statement in full. We will now be revisiting your complaint and advising you of the final outcome as soon as possible.

                            You have made an offer to refund my PPI policy premium. Will that offer change now?
                            No. We will stand by any offer to settle a complaint that has already been made to you or a third party CMC acting on your behalf.

                            I have already made a complaint but I haven’t received a final decision. What will happen now?
                            We have today announced that the Group will no longer be supporting the BBA’s Judicial Review.
                            If you have previously received a letter from us advising that we could not reach a decision on your complaint pending the outcome of the Judicial Review, we will now be revisiting your complaint and advising you of the final outcome as soon as possible. We are processing complaints as quickly as we can and there may be a short delay in responding. If you have any questions about your complaint you can contact us using the contact details above.

                            What will happen to unresolved complaints?
                            We wish to handle and resolve all complaints quickly and to the satisfaction of our customers. We will now be revisiting your complaint and advising you of the final outcome as soon as possible.

                            Will I be compensated for any delays?
                            We take all complaints very seriously and are committed to handling them on a fair and consistent basis. In line with our complaint handling policy we will assess your PPI complaint and will provide compensation, including the backdating of interest and payments, where appropriate.

                            Can I still buy PPI from you?
                            No. In July 2010 we announced that we would no longer sell our range of PPI to personal and business customers.

                            Is my PPI cover affected by the outcome of the Judicial Review?
                            No. Your PPI cover will not be affected by the outcome. The review is related to the handling of PPI sales related complaints, not the cover provided by PPI.

                            I have cancelled my PPI Policy. Can I still make a complaint?
                            Yes. You can still make a complaint about how your PPI Policy was sold even if you have since cancelled the policy. Details of how to complain are provided above. It’s easy for you to complain to us directly so you don’t need to use a Claims Management Company (CMC). Your complaint will be handled in exactly the same way if you come to us directly but you will avoid having to share any compensation payment with a CMC.


                            • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                              Originally posted by di30 View Post
                              Looks like Lloyds have updated their website again today, which is now of the procedures since yesterday's outcome.

                              What does the Judicial Review mean for my PPI Complaint?
                              As we announced on 5th May, we are no longer supporting the British Bankers’ Association’s Judicial Review. If you have previously received a letter from us advising that we could not reach a decision on your complaint pending the outcome of the Judicial Review, we will now be revisiting your complaint and advising you of the final outcome as soon as possible. We have decided to implement the FSA’s policy statement in full.

                              Why are you no longer supporting the BBA’s Judicial Review?
                              We have announced that we are making a provision to cover the costs of addressing Customers’ PPI Sales related complaints. We recognised that customers were facing long delays in respect of their PPI sales-related complaints during the BBA’s judicial review. We wanted to do the right thing by our customers and have decided to implement the FSA’s policy statement in full.

                              What does today’s announcement mean for my PPI complaint?
                              If you have previously received a letter from us advising that we could not reach a decision on your complaint pending the outcome of the Judicial Review, we will now be revisiting your complaint and advising you of the final outcome as soon as possible. As we have announced, we have decided to implement the FSA’s policy statement in full.

                              I received an ex-gratia letter. Is this affected by the announcement that you are no longer supporting the BBA’s Judicial Review?
                              The announcement does not affect your ex-gratia letter. You remain free to accept or decline this offer as outlined in the letter.

                              I have a complaint that has been referred to the FOS. Will this be affected by the fact that you are no longer supporting the BBA’s Judicial Review?
                              We will work with the FOS and provide them with all of the relevant case notes to allow them to complete their investigation. We will also liaise directly with the FOS to deal with complaints as quickly as we can.

                              I want to make a complaint about the way that my PPI was sold – can I still do so?
                              Yes. We will take the details of your complaint and this will be progressed by our customer service team. Those customers who have not complained but have concerns about their PPI policy should also contact us directly. Details of how to contact us are provided above.

                              We encourage our customers to talk to us about PPI
                              • We are best placed to deal with any queries our customers have about their PPI policy for all of our brands
                              • Customers should call us or log onto our websites or call us for further information
                              • Rather than talk to a Claims Management Company (CMC), customers can find all of the information they need about raising a complaint about PPI on our websites. Your complaint will be handled in exactly the same way if you come to us directly, but you will avoid having to share any potential compensation payments with a CMC
                              • The FOS has also created a PPI Questionnaire which helps customers find out whether they have a claim to make. This can be accessed by searching online ‘PPI FOS'.
                              What will happen after I have made a complaint?
                              Once we have received your complaint we will assess it as soon as possible. We strive to assess all complaints within 8 weeks. However, if we have not managed to resolve your complaint within that time we will send you a further letter updating you as to your options.
                              If you have previously received a letter from us advising that we could not reach a decision on your complaint pending the outcome of the Judicial Review, we will now be revisiting your complaint and advising you of the final outcome as soon as possible. We have employed additional staff to manage customers’ queries about their PPI policies.

                              I have received a letter telling me about BBA/FSA/FOS. I don’t understand it.
                              We had sent some of our customers a letter explaining how the Judicial Review has impacted the way we handle PPI sales-related complaints and how we would only be able to assess their complaint once the legal proceedings were concluded.
                              We have today announced that the Group will no longer be supporting the BBA’s Judicial Review.
                              We want to do the right thing by our customers and have decided to implement the FSA’s policy statement in full. We will now be revisiting your complaint and advising you of the final outcome as soon as possible.

                              You have made an offer to refund my PPI policy premium. Will that offer change now?
                              No. We will stand by any offer to settle a complaint that has already been made to you or a third party CMC acting on your behalf.

                              I have already made a complaint but I haven’t received a final decision. What will happen now?
                              We have today announced that the Group will no longer be supporting the BBA’s Judicial Review.
                              If you have previously received a letter from us advising that we could not reach a decision on your complaint pending the outcome of the Judicial Review, we will now be revisiting your complaint and advising you of the final outcome as soon as possible. We are processing complaints as quickly as we can and there may be a short delay in responding. If you have any questions about your complaint you can contact us using the contact details above.

                              What will happen to unresolved complaints?
                              We wish to handle and resolve all complaints quickly and to the satisfaction of our customers. We will now be revisiting your complaint and advising you of the final outcome as soon as possible.

                              Will I be compensated for any delays?
                              We take all complaints very seriously and are committed to handling them on a fair and consistent basis. In line with our complaint handling policy we will assess your PPI complaint and will provide compensation, including the backdating of interest and payments, where appropriate.

                              Can I still buy PPI from you?
                              No. In July 2010 we announced that we would no longer sell our range of PPI to personal and business customers.

                              Is my PPI cover affected by the outcome of the Judicial Review?
                              No. Your PPI cover will not be affected by the outcome. The review is related to the handling of PPI sales related complaints, not the cover provided by PPI.

                              I have cancelled my PPI Policy. Can I still make a complaint?
                              Yes. You can still make a complaint about how your PPI Policy was sold even if you have since cancelled the policy. Details of how to complain are provided above. It’s easy for you to complain to us directly so you don’t need to use a Claims Management Company (CMC). Your complaint will be handled in exactly the same way if you come to us directly but you will avoid having to share any compensation payment with a CMC.
                              How to kick the BBA in the nuts? Well, you can start by announcing a statement like that. Yesterday, they were no longer PART of the BBA action, now they're no longer SUPPORTING the BBA action. There's a big difference.
                              ------------------------------- merged -------------------------------
                              By the way - I love it that The_Big_Dog is considered a Puppy by LegalBeagles - ROFL!
                              Last edited by The_Big_Dog; 6th May 2011, 18:55:PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                              • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                                LOL, wonder if they will be working on weekends now?
                                They have a lot of catching up to do, so its just as well they have not gone along with the BBA.


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