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Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

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  • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

    who you want to view the letter, won't. Who you think will view the letter won't and off course the postage went up recently since the PPI case so the only winners are the Post Office, lol!
    Unless you email it, which again means that who you want to view the letter won't and who you think will read the letter won't........there is a pattern emerging here
    ------------------------------- merged -------------------------------
    Originally posted by charitynjw View Post
    Hmmm..........leclerc has a nifty way with words - I nominate him as the scribe lol
    And as I keep reminding people. if you want me to write a letter for you, then you have more chance of seeing snow in the desert
    Last edited by leclerc; 22nd April 2011, 15:20:PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
    "Family means that no one gets forgotten or left behind"
    (quote from David Ogden Stiers)


    • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

      Blimey, latest news from the Sahara (Global warming, apparently!) pmsl
      (Bet the camels have got the hump lol)
      Last edited by charitynjw; 22nd April 2011, 15:34:PM.

      This is only my opinion - "Opinions are made to be changed --or how is truth to be got at?" (Byron)

      You and I do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.
      Cohen, Herb

      There is danger when a man throws his tongue into high gear before he
      gets his brain a-going.
      Phelps, C. C.

      "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance!"
      The last words of John Sedgwick


      • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold


        Accept judgement and compensate consumers, Consumer Panel tells banks
        21 April 2011 at 17:26.

        Banks need to accept the High Court’s decision over payment protection insurance (PPI) and compensate customers, the Financial Services Consumer Panel (FSCP) has said.
        The High Court yesterday (April 20th) dismissed a legal challenge brought by the British Bankers' Association (BBA) against Financial Services Authority (FSA) legislation that forces banks to retrospectively compensate customers who were mis-sold PPI packages.

        However, the FSCP has expressed concern that the BBA will now seek to appeal the decision, leading to a lengthy legal battle.

        The panel's Adam Phillips commented: "It would be very disappointing indeed if today's litigation marked the beginning of a long drawn out legal dispute.
        "It is time for the banks to stop hiding behind expensive lawyers and to finally give consumers the redress they deserve."

        The Financial Ombudsman Service has received over 200,000 PPI cases from consumers, with more than 100,000 of these cases have being received over the last financial year


        • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

          I am not impressed by your recent disparaging remarks, leclerc!


          • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

            Originally posted by Angry Cat View Post
            I am not impressed by your recent disparaging remarks, leclerc!
            Au contraire, AC. The guy's knowledgeable verbosity makes me bow down.

            Do your duty, Monsieur Le Clerc.

            Let him that hath objection, voice them now -

            Or forever hold your piece [sic].

            I'm holding mine in readiness...

            Cometh the moment - cometh the man.
            ------------------------------- merged -------------------------------
            Sorry - couldn't help it. I got too excited.

            I'll clean up.

            Baby wipes, please ?
            Last edited by Bill-K; 23rd April 2011, 04:49:AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


            • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

              Originally posted by Bill-K View Post
              Au contraire, AC. The guy's knowledgeable verbosity makes me bow down.

              Do your duty, Monsieur Le Clerc.

              Let him that hath objection, voice them now -

              Or forever hold your piece [sic].

              I'm holding mine in readiness...

              Cometh the moment - cometh the man.
              ------------------------------- merged -------------------------------
              Sorry - couldn't help it. I got too excited.

              I'll clean up.

              Baby wipes, please ?

              i for one di think it,s an excellent idea (a combined fsa/fos/bba) letter that is. i don,t know if it will make a massive difference but hey if you don,t try you don,t know do you, better than doing nothing moaning isn,t it,everyone as i always say is entitled to there own opinion


              • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                Originally posted by Angry Cat View Post
                I am not impressed by your recent disparaging remarks, leclerc!
                Well I don't particularly care about what someone else thinks of my remarks cos they are free to ignore them(most of site team here does anyway ).
                However, I think I was clear in my remarks that simply put things into perspective. Vent about delays as much as you like, vent about the fact that the banks are going to appeal the judgement and further delay claims, but realistically, and you know how much banks ignore letters, what exactly does a venting letter actually serve in the whole picture? It won't suddenly change the minds of the bankers/lawyers dealing with the PPI case, I think the FOS/FSA would agree with the sentiment but believe that the legal process should be concluded as speedily as can be, and I doubt anyone would write to Nemo Personal Finance who yet again would be in the same boat as the BBA.
                Should I stand quiet and simply say, Yes that is a great idea to do? The answer is that if you want to vent your anger by all means write a letter to the various parties if that makes you feel like you're doing something, but in the scheme of things be aware that it will do absolutely nothing to change the process whatsoever. Rational thinking people would have come to that conclusion already and I am a great one for talking about a press angle because unless you have one, they aren't interested and therefore renders any such letter a waste of time and energy.
                However, as you have pointed out it is for site team on LB to decide what they want to do but individuals have the right to do a letter themselves and send it, freehand rather than a templated one to the various people involved and I am sure we can provide the address details for them to do that themselves.
                "Family means that no one gets forgotten or left behind"
                (quote from David Ogden Stiers)


                • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                  Originally posted by Bill-K View Post
                  Au contraire, AC. The guy's knowledgeable verbosity makes me bow down.

                  Do your duty, Monsieur Le Clerc.

                  Let him that hath objection, voice them now -

                  Or forever hold your piece [sic].

                  I'm holding mine in readiness...

                  Cometh the moment - cometh the man.
                  ------------------------------- merged -------------------------------
                  Sorry - couldn't help it. I got too excited.

                  I'll clean up.

                  Baby wipes, please ?
                  If leclerc abdicates, we have here a worthy contender for the title!
                  I just wish I could write letters like what you guys write (that's me off the hook, lol)
                  CAVEAT LECTOR

                  This is only my opinion - "Opinions are made to be changed --or how is truth to be got at?" (Byron)

                  You and I do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.
                  Cohen, Herb

                  There is danger when a man throws his tongue into high gear before he
                  gets his brain a-going.
                  Phelps, C. C.

                  "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance!"
                  The last words of John Sedgwick


                  • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                    i bet di wishes she had,nt bothered mentioning it now


                    • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                      Not to worry, it was just a suggestion

                      Even though I do think they will ignore the letter, but just thought it "may" have been worth a try at the time lol.


                      • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                        If it isn't one thing - its always another where banks are concerned.


                        Higher interest rates loom after PPI ruling.

                        CONSUMERS could face higher interest rates and charges after the banking industry lost its High Court challenge over payment protection insurance (PPI) this week.

                        Commentators warned that the banks were likely to look for ways to increase their revenue after they were left with a £4.5bn compensation bill following the ruling, although they may seek to appeal the decision.

                        The defeat comes at a time when the industry is already suffering from the impact of the credit crunch, which has increased banks’ borrowing costs, making mortgages and loans less profitable.

                        They are also set to have to find £110bn during the coming year to repay government support schemes.

                        Kevin Mountford, head of banking at moneysupermarket.com, said: “The PPI compensation is going to be a costly exercise for the banks.
                        “However, it is likely that in the long-term it will still be consumers who suffer the most, as any losses by the banks will likely result in the form of higher costs or fees.”

                        He said groups that had only one product, such as stand-alone credit card providers, were likely to have to raise the rates on these, but other providers could raise rates and charges across a range of products.

                        More details on posted link above.


                        • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                          Originally posted by di30 View Post
                          Not to worry, it was just a suggestion

                          Even though I do think they will ignore the letter, but just thought it "may" have been worth a try at the time lol.

                          and a good suggestion ,yes the banks probably will appeal knowing what a bunch of twisters they are who care nothing about there customers and have absolutely no morals and consciences whatsoever,yes the letter will probably be binned as angelas mob don,t give a toss(sorry budgie & ame) about anything but there own ill begotten "bonuses" (how can you get a bonus for being totally dysfunctional and useless, self serving and as soapy put it i believe, for being highwaymen) at least dick(turpin) got hung, not likely to happen to the bankers unfortunately, a letter is something ,a voice for the forgotten consumers who sit there twiddling there thumbs while these big "giants" of the commercial banking world try to in some cases to destroy peoples entire future by taking yes by stealing peoples money, if any bankers are reading this,this means you. (these thoughts do not or are not in any way sponsored or supported by legal beagles they are my own thoughts and i stand by them, if i was the fsa i wouid,ve closed half these clowns down by now, runs on the banks be damned)
                          Last edited by cappo; 23rd April 2011, 19:11:PM. Reason: abbreviation,comma,s


                          • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                            this is how the banks wouid rather use your ppi refunds,shame on them!



                            • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                              The lending code was updated in March I believe?


                              Section 10
                              : Complaints
                              In line with the FSA DISP Rules, all subscribers should have a set of internal procedures for handling complaints, and staff dealing with customers should know what these are so that customers can be informed if the need arises. Procedures should be clear and well defined.
                              On entering a contract, customers should be informed about where they can find details of the subscriber’s complaints handling procedures.
                              Details of the internal complaints procedures should be given to customers who wish to make a complaint.
                              If a subscriber is unable to resolve a complaint to the customer’s satisfaction by the close of business on the day following receipt of the complaint, the subscriber should provide a prompt written acknowledgement that the complaint is being considered.
                              Customers should be kept informed about the subscriber’s progress in dealing with the complaint and within eight weeks should receive a final response or an explanation as to why a final response has not yet been reached. The Customer should also be informed that they can refer their complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (where applicable) and how to do so.
                              Enforcement of compliance with these requirements is the FSA’s responsibility.


                              • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                                Originally posted by Charity
                                If leclerc abdicates, we have here a worthy contender for the title!
                                Oooops. I guess that's what happens if you stand and point at people - it makes you conspicuous !!! I'm going back behind the sofa.
                                Originally posted by leclerc View Post
                                I am a great one for talking about a press angle because unless you have one, they aren't interested.
                                You're right, of course, M. LeClerc - otherwise, as Cappo has said - it just gets binned.


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