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Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

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  • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

    Originally posted by patroach View Post
    Yes, i remember this guy above on MSE and yes he was very early with his prediction. He is fairly knowledgeable if a little combative.

    I think we should listen to what he has to say (if anything)
    Congratulations on your 1st post, patroach.


    • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

      Originally posted by pompeyfaith View Post
      Is he a Judge then ? because the way I see it only the Judge can rule either way unless of course he has the power to read minds lol

      Perhaps clairvoyant, PF?


      • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

        perhaps indeed lol
        If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of payments.



        • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

          I understand that if NPL is directly involved then there is a need for confidence and profession standards to upkeep, but it seems to me that by coming onto these boards and making unfouded (or unfoundable) claims as to the outcome of the judicial review is irresponsible. I value all oppinions on these pages and many offer invaluable insites into what other parties may be thinking, but making baseless and somewhat argumentative remarks is neither useful nor constructive.

          Rant over.



          • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

            Originally posted by pompeyfaith View Post
            Is he a Judge then ? because the way I see it only the Judge can rule either way unless of course he has the power to read minds lol
            Do you think the 'judge' is sat there adding evidence to each side of the scales of justice?


            • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

              Originally posted by NLP View Post
              A lot of very angry people...lol

              What you worried about? Let me just babble on... don't pay any attention if what i have to say is of no value... no?

              Then why get so rattled? haha

              I know FAR more about what's going on then many of the posters on here... I was the first person to publicly put on a consumer site news of the intended JR back in late august 2010...i was laughed at back then.. by many of the same posters on here (another forum)

              I can tell you again... the banks will win the war.

              As you all deep down understand.. but fight against.

              Keep the red flag flying high... right?

              Let's go with the hypothesis that the bank WIN the Judicial Review. Where does this leave Santander since they have have steadfastly refused to be involved in the JR and have processed claims?
              Furthermore, if the BBA wins this does not stop PPI claims being processed further, it will merely affect the way complaints are dealt with and the redress. Realistically, a win for the BBA may merely mean not necessarily paying out as many claims as they want to rather than a complete stop to claims of misselling.

              Oh, and I'm not angry, lol!!!!
              "Family means that no one gets forgotten or left behind"
              (quote from David Ogden Stiers)


              • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                All I do no is trying to foresee which way the Judge will rule on this will get us all nowhere as it could go either way no party has lost or won at the moment until the Judge hands doiwn his judgement.

                The best we can do is sit tight and await that verdict and to be honest if we lose it does not mean much as the FSA/FOS will still handle complaints, but as per ICOB/ICOBS in place before December 2010 so it is not totally lost like the bank charges case was.
                If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of payments.



                • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                  Indeedy Leclerc,

                  Especially now the FSA has a s404 Treasury Order (12th Oct 2010) they can re-enforce similar proposals to the PS10/12, but the BBA wouldn't be able to contest it as they have upheld this method of introducing consumer redress schemes as the correct method.



                  • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                    All I do no is trying to foresee which way the Judge will rule on this will get us all nowhere as it could go either way no party has lost or won at the moment until the Judge hands doiwn his judgement.

                    The best we can do is sit tight and await that verdict and to be honest if we lose it does not mean much as the FSA/FOS will still handle complaints, but as per ICOB/ICOBS in place before December 2010 so it is not totally lost like the bank charges case was.
                    If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of payments.



                    • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                      Originally posted by patroach View Post
                      Yes, i remember this guy above on MSE and yes he was very early with his prediction. He is fairly knowledgeable if a little combative.
                      I can't see his post on MSE so be kind enough to copy and paste the link. There is one person who stated one bank would be putting it on hold(which was lloyds) and suggests who that specific poster worked for but none which stated Judicial Review on there.
                      I think we should listen to what he has to say (if anything)
                      Linkie to any post in August predicting JR on PPI cases please and I'll be a happy to listen to you

                      EDIT: For clarity, when the bank charges test case began one person stated prior to the commencement of the case that they were not penalty charges. Are bank charges penalties?
                      You'll notice they posted in May 2007 and what they wrote is pretty accurate. If NLP has posted up the details then the link is something which would mean I would take more notice of specific info that NLP posts not some vague "you're stoopid!" kinda posts.
                      "Family means that no one gets forgotten or left behind"
                      (quote from David Ogden Stiers)


                      • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                        Originally posted by NLP View Post
                        A lot of very angry people...lol

                        What you worried about? Let me just babble on... don't pay any attention if what i have to say is of no value... no?

                        Then why get so rattled? haha

                        I know FAR more about what's going on then many of the posters on here... I was the first person to publicly put on a consumer site news of the intended JR back in late august 2010...i was laughed at back then.. by many of the same posters on here (another forum)

                        I can tell you again... the banks will win the war.

                        As you all deep down understand.. but fight against.

                        Keep the red flag flying high... right?

                        I think the reason there are a lot of angry people is you tend to say an awful lot about nothing in particular

                        You make claims regards what will happen (and in all fairness, you have a 50/50 chance of being right...) but give us no concrete details of how you come by this information or the actual dates dates (or even stages) that will be involved in the process to let the banks "win the war"

                        So if you cant actually tell us anything other than "its a set up", what's the point?


                        • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                          Indeedy Leclerc,

                          Especially now the FSA has a s404 Treasury Order (12th Oct 2010) they can re-enforce similar proposals to the PS10/12, but the BBA wouldn't be able to contest it as they have upheld this method of introducing consumer redress schemes as the correct method.



                          • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                            Originally posted by Chip Tuesday View Post
                            I understand that if NPL is directly involved then there is a need for confidence and profession standards to upkeep, but it seems to me that by coming onto these boards and making unfouded (or unfoundable) claims as to the outcome of the judicial review is irresponsible. I value all oppinions on these pages and many offer invaluable insites into what other parties may be thinking, but making baseless and somewhat argumentative remarks is neither useful nor constructive.

                            Rant over.

                            Argumentative? I belive I have been quite calm, but the ripostes coming back seem to filled with rage?

                            Why would that be? I have not been offensive to anybody.. have I?

                            So... my "view" is what people find offensive... in that... its the view nobody wants to hear.

                            That is the bottom line.

                            If i came on and said "relax folks.... i've heard its good news etc etc"

                            I would be lauded on here... but as its the opposite... i am handled with derision.

                            On the other forum, i posted the banks were considering a freeze on all claims pending a JR... in the last week of august 2010.... 7 weeks before the 7 oct when it became public news.

                            The number of age old posters on that site who gave me stick.. telling me (LOL) "martin would know if something is happening" "scaremongerer" etc etc

                            Then... when the news was made public.. that thread seemed to die a death... nobody had the minerals to come and say... yup we actually dont know what we are talking about and neither does the site... but please dont show us up again.

                            Heard the news today of the 800M Bank Tax that has been agreed? lol

                            Now then... i wonder what kind of trade offs there could have been !!

                            The banks are the government, when you truly understand how they control everything, then you begin to understand why anything is malleable in order it fits with their needs and wants.

                            Not the consumer.

                            Good luck.


                            • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                              Agreed NLP. I didn't mean to accuse you of deliberately provoking people on these boards, if anything that appears to be what I have done and I am sorry if I have caused offence. Simply what I meant was that posting informative posts on this thread is great, I think that we should all be open to all possibilities (look what happened with bank charges) but it is not unreasonable to expect some derision if a radical (though by no means unfeasable) view is expressed with no affirmative back-up. It seems a shame that the kind folks at MSE took a wrongful view of you, I hope that doesn't happen here.

                              NLP maybe it would help people understand your stance better if you can explain why you beleive this JR is going to be decided in the BBAs favour. Even if you are unable to tell us this from a professional standpoint it may be laudable to give a fuller account of what has happened, how you see the field within the JR and the potential judicial reasoning behind any decision.

                              I am very interested to hearing your point of view NLP, variety is the spice of life and all that.



                              • Re: Latest updates on PPI Judicial Review and claims on hold

                                NLP -


                                if you are in a position to know so much, give a timeline for exactly how its going to go , then we can hold that up in 1 to 2 years time and you are proved right or wrong

                                So for instance

                                Current JR=FoS/FSA win, banks appeal
                                Supreme court= Banks win
                                ECHR=FoS/FSA win



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