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Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

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  • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

    Originally posted by The_Big_Dog View Post
    In principle EXC, I personally wouldn't be adverse to paying a levy to the FOS for using the service, however, I feel if they were do that in it's current state then it would be grossly unfair.

    Obviously, the first issue to be taken care of is the conflict of interest that would arise from us paying a fee - I believe that it could be viewed that as we're paying for the priviledge (I'll use that loosely), does that not cause a conflict of interest in that the FOS are an independent arbitration service - I'd argue that it changes the status quo because how can the FOS state going forward that they're independent when the complainant's agent is paying them to consider the complaint - it would be a nightmare. If we lost the case they'd be an argument because we'd paid them fees to look at the case and if the lender lost then they'd argue that the FOS were biased because we paid them.

    I would be happy to pay the FOS a levy as long as they used the additional funds raised in a proper way and overhauled their service to make it fit for purpose. I'm sure you'd agree, the same as the majority of posters on here, dealing with the FOS at the present time is like dealing with the Keystone Cops - they just lurch from one disaster to another. If it wasn't so serious, it would be funny - yet another public body who hasn't got a clue how to operate.

    It is so bad in there, I haven't referred a case to them in nearly 8 months - I'd rather take my chance with the lender than give them the case. I think at the current time, I'd get more admissions of guilt from a lender that I would from the FOS for mis-selling.

    The FOS have this aura about them that they're a well run organisation who do sterling work as an independent arbitrator. Many a time I've spoken to them on points and get the feeling that they're patronising me - the reality is the majority of them don't know what the hell they're doing and don't get me started on the cannonfodder that answer the phones because they wouldn't know what DISP was if it came up and bit them on the arse. Do I think the FOS is fit for purpose - No I don't. Do I feel that the FOS is an independent, well run organisation? No I don't. Would I consider referring a case to the FOS at present? Not on your nellie.

    To me, the whole thing needs to be re-thought out, re-worked and to a certain extent, they need to start again from fresh because there seems to be no contingency in place to how they're going to reduce backlogs and stem the flow of really bad adjudications that are coming out of it at the moment. I believe they're trying to reduce backlogs by denying valid claims and hope they don't get an Ombudsman referral - that isn't sour grapes, or a wild accusation - the adjudications coming out of there are disgraceful, and they've got the nerve to state, well, the reason for it is that while the JR was ongoing, we've been working on non-ppi issues and the decline rate on these products are a lot higher then ppi so the same mentality is now being applied to ppi complaints - thats total hogwash. I also think that CMC complaints are being declined by the FOS to see if we appeal and what grounds - they might be looking for us to earn our money.

    What I would like to see from the FOS is the following:

    Firstly, to adopt a similar stance to the Court service when escalating a complaint to them. So a CMC should be viewed in the same light as a solictior as they should know what they're doing, and a member of the public the same as a litigant in person and be allowed some more leeway.

    A checklist for submissions before the complaint going in, and not only does it include the usual items such as complaint form, questionnaire etc but also a copy of the credit agreement or proof that the client has paid ppi on their agreement. If a CMC can't get hold of this, then they're not doing their job properly and at best, the claim is speculative. The FOS have already made comment that they have a lot of complaints in there where there isn't ppi on the account - well, if thats the case, what the hell is the CMC doing and why aren't they getting this information either from the client or from a SAR?

    When the complaint gets there, a review team to review the complaint. If all the items aren't provided, or complete, or if there isn't a cause of action - ie the case is so weak and full of generic vague points - send the whole thing back to the complainant and state 'sorry, can't deal with it, try submitting it again once you've got the story straight' (Doing this alone would stop the majority of duff complaints bogging them down).

    If it is all there, then they call the file from the lender - give them 8 weeks to respond and stick to it. If the lender doesn't reply - they automatically lose - period.

    Once thats back, give it to an adjudicator and train the bloody lot of them to sing from the same hymnsheet so they all adjudicate the same way. No more of this 'I think it is more likely than not' or 'I appreciate that XYZ bank didn't make it clear to Mr. Client that this was the case, however, I am not persuaded that this would have affected his decision to buy the policy' and all that rubbish - you've got the file from the lender - did they follow the rules and be able to back it up and does their paperwork stand up? If they did and the paperwork stacks - it's not mis-sold - if they haven't - then cough up. Does the complaint involve the 'common failings' as stipulated by the FSA? If the lender can satisfactory answer the points - then it's not mis-sold. At least then we know where we are and where we all stand.

    Rather than give the lender 2 weeks to respond, and if they don't, refer it to an Ombudsman - force the lender to respond to the adjudication within 2 weeks and give detailed argument as to why they disagree with the Adjudicator. If they can't, or there's no contact - automatic loss. I've always been baffled why this happens - If I have a case which is declined and I feel hard done by, I have to go back to them with a detailed argument why I think they're wrong - it doesn't automatically go the the Ombudsman if I do nothing - so why should the lender get away with it?


    I'd love to see the FOS as a well oiled machine that consumers can turn to if they cannot reach agreement with their lender when a complaint is made. How I view the FOS at the moment is a complete waste of time where there's total chaos, no strict timescales, they run around like headless chickens, and with their current backlogs and case load, send a complaint in today, and if yu're lucky, you might get a legally binding decision in around 4 years time.


    PS - No doubt the FOS view these boards from time to time. If they disagree with what I've got to say, then I'm more than happy to meet with Natalie Ceeney face to face to have a full and frank discussion about how the organisation she heads works - just drop me a PM letting me know when she'd like to meet and I'll be there. I should imagine that she, like Walter Merricks before her, would run a mile at having to justify the management of their organisation to anyone.
    just goes to show a little bit of common sense goes a long way, i'd agree that any attempt to levy/charge CMC's or consumers for that matter should be met with a complete review (not just a whitewash exercise) of how FOS operates and changes made accordingly. They could do a lot worse than implement the ideas above. Come to think of it, why should it need changes to their fee structure to prompt an overhaul of a clearly struggling (some might go as far as to say failing) organisation, why not implement these now.

    Lets hope FOS do view these forums and take a few ideas on board.


    • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

      Originally posted by EXC View Post
      In my view the fairest and easiest way CMCs should contribute to the FOS is by way of an increase to the license fee already levied by the Ministry of Justice.

      The amount that CMCs are currently charged for an MOJ authorisation is pitiful. It's based on turnover and on a sliding scale that favours the biggest operators. Those with turnovers of £5m plus pay less than a quarter of one percent for their license, so it's not as if there's no scope for an increase.

      An interesting idea, again I fear any increase in the MOJ levy would ultimately be passed onto the consumer but may be the lesser of a number of evils.

      I completely agree the fee scale favours the biggest operators who imho tend to be the ones with the slackest case controls and refer the most cases to FOS. Would it not be fairer if going down this route to have a scale based on the number of cases referred to FOS in the previous period?(obviously would have to exclude oct10-May11 and use pro rata average for last 12 months as otherwise will be artificially high due to JR delays) - Surely FOS could provide data in order to stop firms under reporting the quantity ?

      This way the levy would be lower for the more bespoke cmc's (like those that tend to contribute to forums like this) who only use FOS as a genuine last resort and ensure a genuine case rather than an automatic step in a uncontroled and pre determind process.
      Last edited by Paul210; 30th June 2011, 09:41:AM.


      • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

        Does anyone think that there will be an announcement tommorow at Lloyds Banking Group's strategic review about how they will be dealing with PPI that were held up due to JR as had it confirmed to me yesterday that HBOS still isn't dealing with these cases until an announcement is made?


        • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

          Originally posted by BernieButler View Post

          I didnt always pay the balance in full and very often carried significant balances over several months before paying off.

          Hope this helps!?

          It does indeed & is great news to me at least, as I did the same often only paying the mnimum on a large balance.
          I will continue to live in hope whilist I await their offer.

          Cheers for the reply.

          Last edited by MattyA; 29th June 2011, 17:16:PM. Reason: added a bit


          • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

            Originally posted by StrayPup View Post
            Great news!

            I haven't been on the Forum for a while. Since the Virgin/MBNA upheld my complaint I have been waiting for a response re my MBNA card proper. I phoned them up a couple of weeks ago and they told me that although they had upheld the Virgin card they would likely respond within 4 weeks re the MBNA card and they were taking into account the "sales channel".

            Well today I received a response ...
            "I can confirm that I have reviewed your complaint further and unfortunately I do not have sufficient information from you regarding your sale and as such would request that you complete and return to me the enclosed questionnaire. This questionnaire was designed by the Financial Ombudsman Service and will enable me to consider your complaint further"

            Now, what to do? Obviously probably fill it in I suppose. But I am wary of falling into any traps. My MBNA card dates back to around 2001 too and all I can recall at that time was that this PPI amount was regulary charged every month and just like in the Virgin case, I did not ask for it. I have some old statements but I am not sure I have documents dating back to when I took out the card hence my predicament in filling out this form correctly without prejudicing myself.

            Any guidance would be a help.

            Apologies for not keeping up with forum events - slap around the wrists duly noted:tinysmile_grin_t:
            thats why people use a cmc , so they dont trip themselves up , and dont think you can simply go to fos, what you put on your questionaire in your initial complaint is not ignored by fos, you cant say one thing to the lender and change your story to fos
            ------------------------------- merged -------------------------------
            i mean taking advice over such an important issue from people you dont know and who will take no responsibility for their advice or the outcome or a professional cmc to handle your claim , if you cant do it yourself then its a no brainer
            and people going on about cmcs paying a levy, does anyone actually know if any cmcs are making money, has anyone looked up the accounts of any of the big boys such as gladstone brookes and ismart, and what if the jr had been lost or went to appeal, who would be cash flowing all the claims, it would be cmcs at the risk they could end up with nothing whilst still having their obligations to provide a professional service in a compliant way according to the moj
            Last edited by MBD23; 29th June 2011, 23:26:PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


            • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

              Weeks are still passing by....funny how you can get excitied about being sent a letter by Lloyds TSB. Shame all it said was that the claim was still being investigated, but on the upside they have until 31st August to reply to me.

              Not bad that will make it 50 weeks from start to finish !


              • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                Not bad that will make it 50 weeks from start to finish !
                That is still a reletively short period, many many have been waiting far longer mine took 3 years start to finish.

                If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of payments.



                • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                  Slightly off topic, but regarding the discussions of the FOS and their 'fitness for purpose', my own recent experience (PPI-related, but not an actual a PPI complaint) has been of an adjudicator who verbally informed me that he was recommending the bank uphold my complaint, then went on to reject it after having spoken to the bank in question at a very late stage in the proceedings This to me seemed at best unprofessional and at worst smacked of some collusion between them I have been shown both his letter of recommendation to the bank and their response and can see nothing in their response (other than the usual denial of responsibility) that would have made him change his mind.............FOS definitely are not fit for purpose in my opinion and as The_Big_Dog says they should all be trained to sing from the same hymnsheet!!! Just my 2p


                  • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                    Originally posted by nelliewops View Post
                    Slightly off topic, but regarding the discussions of the FOS and their 'fitness for purpose', my own recent experience (PPI-related, but not an actual a PPI complaint) has been of an adjudicator who verbally informed me that he was recommending the bank uphold my complaint, then went on to reject it after having spoken to the bank in question at a very late stage in the proceedings This to me seemed at best unprofessional and at worst smacked of some collusion between them I have been shown both his letter of recommendation to the bank and their response and can see nothing in their response (other than the usual denial of responsibility) that would have made him change his mind.............FOS definitely are not fit for purpose in my opinion and as The_Big_Dog says they should all be trained to sing from the same hymnsheet!!! Just my 2p
                    Did you request he confirm in writing why the change in stance and what part of the banks response altered his mindset? I think this would not only be interesting (and also useful of others on forum who may yet finds themselves in a similar position) but also handy when you no doubt escalate to ombudsman/complain to the indipendant assessor about the handling of the case.


                    • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                      hi guys what happened to the rumour that lloyds were going to follow barclays and settle claims that were on hold during jr. wishful thinking for me i have 3 that have been in since 2nd feb with black horse!


                      • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                        TBG, I'll come back to you on the issue of checklists because I think you have kinda hit the nail on the head when you have said good CMC's and bad CMC's. Good ones know that you should supply as much evidence as possible about PPI missold loan which is specific to the client, bad ones simply take basic details don't seek complete information and ultimately provide poor service and poor press fro the CMC industry.

                        I do need to bring your attention to the latest edition of Ombudsman news which does have an article related to PPI claims via agencies
                        issue 94 - making a complaint on your behalf – consumer complaints brought by third parties
                        "Family means that no one gets forgotten or left behind"
                        (quote from David Ogden Stiers)


                        • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                          Originally posted by leclerc View Post
                          I do need to bring your attention to the latest edition of Ombudsman news which does have an article related to PPI claims via agencies
                          issue 94 - making a complaint on your behalf – consumer complaints brought by third parties
                          The case in here is a classic example of a poor CMC and the type who give the rest of the industry a bad name, quite what they hoped to acheive by referring the case to FOS lacking any kind of idea whether the case was valid and despite the lender prooving no ppi is beyond me.

                          Following on from the discussion yesterday re charging CMC's, this is excatly the kind of case where this should happen, I think there's an argument that where a case is 'frivilous and vexatious' as FOS described and as clear cut as this one was then the CMC should not only be liable for the lenders case fee but also the same value again by way of punitive fine. Lets see if they keep doing it when each false case costs them £1,000.

                          FOS stated 1% of claims they receive are frivilous and vexatious, based on nearly 105,000 ppi complaints in 10/11 to fos this would bring them an income of just over £1m, whilst hitting the time wasters where it hurts.


                          • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                            They have in Ombudsman news got a response to that argument:

                            "As claims-management companies are responsible for so much of the ombudsman service’s workload, surely they should have to contribute to your costs?

                            In our annual review published in May, we reported that 45% of the total number of complaints we received last year were brought on behalf of consumers by claims-management companies. In a further 5% of cases, consumers paid for professionals such as lawyers and accountants to bring complaints for them – and in another 5% of cases, complaints were made on behalf of consumers by friends, family and consumer representatives acting for free.

                            There’s a vast difference in the personal circumstances involved in these cases. And it’s ultimately a matter of individual choice for each consumer whether they want someone else to represent them in bringing their complaint – either to us or, in the first instance, to the financial business concerned. As the rules stand, we can’t charge those who represent consumers. And I can see there could be unintended consequences for consumers, if that were to happen.

                            However, we’ve always made it very clear that consumers wanting to complain can do it themselves, that we don’t see claims-management companies adding value, and that you’re no more likely to win your case going through a claims company than if you complain directly."

                            issue 94 - ombudsman focus: lawyering up
                            "Family means that no one gets forgotten or left behind"
                            (quote from David Ogden Stiers)


                            • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                              Originally posted by Paul210 View Post
                              Did you request he confirm in writing why the change in stance and what part of the banks response altered his mindset? I think this would not only be interesting (and also useful of others on forum who may yet finds themselves in a similar position) but also handy when you no doubt escalate to ombudsman/complain to the indipendant assessor about the handling of the case.
                              Hi Paul,

                              Thanks for your comments

                              In my letter requesting that the complaint be escalated to an ombudsman I did express my surprise and disappointment that the adjudicator had led me to believe he was upholding my complaint, only to backtrack and reject it. I queried what his reasons for this about-turn might be and he did reply (in writing) addressing my concerns.

                              He said that he was 'initially minded to uphold' my complaint 'however after further information came in from the bank in response to my letter and further consideration by me of your complaint as a whole, I have come to the conclusion that I am no longer able to recommend upholding your complaint.' He goes on to say 'I do agree that it was perhaps not helpful in giving you an indication of how I was minded to recommend initially. However what is most important in my role is that I am satisfied my recommendation is fair and reasonable to both sides and on this occasion I have been minded to change my initial view.'

                              The adjudicator also enclosed copies of his correspondence with the bank. His initial letter to them states that he is 'of the opinion that the complaint should succeed.'

                              The bank's reply to him doesn't include any new evidence as to why my complaint should not succeed, but instead reels off the usual rubbish about how they have acted fairly and reasonably towards me at all times and moreover that had I had any concerns I should have raised these at the time rather than now...........which is hardly likely as the complaint is connected to mis-sold PPI and this only came to light in the last couple of years.

                              The adjudicator did however state that as he is unable to know for certain what would have occurred in a certain set of circumstances, it is his role to take into account what he believes is most likely to have happened based upon the information available to him.

                              I am now awaiting the complaint's escalation to an ombudsman.

                              Nellie x


                              • Re: Latest Update on PPI Judicial Review - NO APPEAL - get your claims in......

                                Originally posted by leclerc View Post
                                They have in Ombudsman news got a response to that argument:

                                "As claims-management companies are responsible for so much of the ombudsman service’s workload, surely they should have to contribute to your costs?

                                In our annual review published in May, we reported that 45% of the total number of complaints we received last year were brought on behalf of consumers by claims-management companies. In a further 5% of cases, consumers paid for professionals such as lawyers and accountants to bring complaints for them – and in another 5% of cases, complaints were made on behalf of consumers by friends, family and consumer representatives acting for free.

                                There’s a vast difference in the personal circumstances involved in these cases. And it’s ultimately a matter of individual choice for each consumer whether they want someone else to represent them in bringing their complaint – either to us or, in the first instance, to the financial business concerned. As the rules stand, we can’t charge those who represent consumers. And I can see there could be unintended consequences for consumers, if that were to happen.

                                However, we’ve always made it very clear that consumers wanting to complain can do it themselves, that we don’t see claims-management companies adding value, and that you’re no more likely to win your case going through a claims company than if you complain directly."

                                issue 94 - ombudsman focus: lawyering up
                                I wasn’t trying to say all cmc's are brilliant with the exception of that one, simply that there are a number of bad ones out there and unfortunately they tend to get much more negative press than the good ones do positive.

                                I fully agree with the statement that your no more likely to win your case using a CMC if you look at it simply as having a 3rd party name doesn’t effect the way FOS look at it however its not that simple, a good CMC will help the average consumer structure their argument galvanising it with reference to regulation such as principles/ICOB and this when compared to a very basic argument of 'I want my money back cos I was missold'

                                We have to remember that the knowledge of the people on forums such as this is not comparable to your average consumer, many i suspect, without wanting to disrespectful, didn’t understand the terms of account/policy in the first place, therefore they are always going to struggle with the relevant legislation and arguments. I often ask our clients to explain in their own words why they felt they were missold and want their money back as part of our fact finds (its much better then asking say 6 basic questionnaire style yes or no options), I'm often met with either silence or "because Martin Lewis on GMTV said everyone is due money back". For a lot of cases, particularly where people have not done the reseach/legwork the people on forums such a LB do, the difference the knowledge of a CMC brings to the table can be the difference between winning or losing, particularly with FOS seemingly taking and increasingly stern stance with 'wishy washy' complaints

                                For the avoidance of doubt and before I get a 'CMC kicking' I stand by the comments I have made a number of times before, if you are willing to put in the time to educate yourself regarding ppi and structure a proper argument then by all means do it yourself, there is however a place for decent CMC's to operate on behalf of those who cant/wont dig into the matter to structure a proper complaint and follow it through. You have to remember that the banks hire and train entire departments of people to give consumers (and often FOS) the runs around and minimise their liability, the average Joe Bloggs is often ill prepared to take them on.
                                Last edited by Paul210; 30th June 2011, 12:33:PM.


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