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Consortium Reclaim -cold Calls

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  • #46
    Re: Consortium Reclaim -cold Calls

    I've send a copy of our letter to you. Let's try and get this company shut down once and for all. I have today received another refund from a credit card company,but there are still two to reply.


    • #47
      Re: Consortium Reclaim -cold Calls

      Originally posted by jenni46 View Post
      I've send a copy of our letter to you. Let's try and get this company shut down once and for all. I have today received another refund from a credit card company,but there are still two to reply.
      Unfortunately, I also fell for this scam by CR. I just can't believe that it has happened.

      This is an interesting thread considering what has happened. I would also appreciate a copy of your correspondence to the CC companies so that I can begin the task of trying to reclaim my payments.


      • #48
        Re: Consortium Reclaim -cold Calls

        Sorry for lack of posts but nothing to update until today. Received another full refund from a credit card company today. Just one more to go but we are having a bit of hassle from them so have complained to them in writing and will then pass to the Financial Ombudsman for their assessment and ruling if they don't pay the refund. It has all been a fair amount of work but worth it in the end. I hope to hear news that CR has been closed down - it looks likely to be soon if Ministry of Justice and Trading Standards 'whispers' about the company are true.


        • #49
          Re: Consortium Reclaim -cold Calls

          Just checked the MOJ web site and they are still authorised. I will try and find out more from our contact at the MOJ.

          Originally posted by jenni46 View Post
          Sorry for lack of posts but nothing to update until today. Received another full refund from a credit card company today. Just one more to go but we are having a bit of hassle from them so have complained to them in writing and will then pass to the Financial Ombudsman for their assessment and ruling if they don't pay the refund. It has all been a fair amount of work but worth it in the end. I hope to hear news that CR has been closed down - it looks likely to be soon if Ministry of Justice and Trading Standards 'whispers' about the company are true.


          • #50
            Re: Consortium Reclaim -cold Calls

            The MOJ are most interested on all case studies connected to Consortium and have asked that I prepare a few cases to send to their officer who is currently looking into to this company for non compliance under their authorisation at the MOJ.

            I will need a PM from you with the following details, Name, reference no at Consortium and a brief but in chronological order of events, ie what date did they first contatct you, how much you paid, when did they take the money, did you agree that this money could be charged? What is the up to date situation?

            Then let me know what has happened since, follow up calls, letters, emails..... what communications have you had? All information received by me via PM will only be used to send to the MOJ on your behalf.

            I intend getting this together over the weekend and sending them this information to them on Monday so if any Consortium members want the MOJ to look in more detail at what Consortium are doing or not as the case maybe then I need your input to be able to do this.


            • #51
              Re: Consortium Reclaim -cold Calls

              Originally posted by dogtired View Post
              Has any one hard of "Consortium Reclaim" at last five missed calls from the same number and I did pick it up tonight as I was expecting a call from else where.
              Asked for me by a name I do not use and when I asked what they were "selling" told me they were just doing a "public awareness" survey about my "credit" .
              Told them no thanks and put the phone down.
              When I checked the number on "who calls me" turns out they try and get your details, actually tell you to put the up front fees on your credit card as they would then be unenforceable and you would get it back (?!)
              the number that came up was 08009878240
              Be careful DT
              hi am fully new to this...really need some help...have been reading the threads about cr and see that there are letters you can send to get your money back...yes i got duped and have been on at them for the last 8 weeks for my money or a resolution to my claim...what tipped me over the edge was a legal pack from a company called credit clear services based in poole,dorset to say they now have my claim and want more money....have just sent a stinking email to consortium reclaim but am pretty sure i wont get a reply....could cry with anger at them and myself...if anyone can help or some guidance feel free to speak up...


              • #52
                Re: Consortium Reclaim -cold Calls

                jenni please could you also email me copies of your letters and any relevant phone numbers...


                • #53
                  Re: Consortium Reclaim -cold Calls

                  could so do with your help....


                  • #54
                    Re: Consortium Reclaim -cold Calls

                    Hold tight, someone will be along to help.


                    • #55
                      Re: Consortium Reclaim -cold Calls

                      Not sure where you are upto Karen, but if you have paid money to Consortium and they have not provided you with a service you can make a claim from your credit card under section 75, that the company have not provided you with a service. One of our members has just received back £1600 which he/she paid Lifestyle Claims and did not receive a service and it only took a matter of weeks to get this back.

                      You can read about here... http://www.legalbeagles.info/forums/...lifestyle-case

                      Let me know how you get on please....

                      Also, I had posted this up recently on this thread and have not had any responses.

                      The MOJ are most interested on all case studies connected to Consortium and have asked that I prepare a few cases to send to their officer who is currently looking into to this company for non compliance under their authorisation at the MOJ.

                      I will need a PM from you with the following details, Name, reference no at Consortium and a brief but in chronological order of events, ie what date did they first contatct you, how much you paid, when did they take the money, did you agree that this money could be charged? What is the up to date situation?

                      Then let me know what has happened since, follow up calls, letters, emails..... what communications have you had? All information received by me via PM will only be used to send to the MOJ on your behalf.

                      I intend getting this together over the weekend and sending them this information to them on Monday so if any Consortium members want the MOJ to look in more detail at what Consortium are doing or not as the case maybe then I need your input to be able to do this.


                      • #56
                        Re: Consortium Reclaim -cold Calls

                        hi thanks for the support,have just received a dispute form from my credit card..lots of options to tick,one of them is goods or services not received..should this be the box i tick??have emailed consortium reclaim three times now in the last fortnight and they are bouncing back to my mailbox as undelivered...my swearwords are running riot in my head!any advice on how i should now proceed?


                        • #57
                          Re: Consortium Reclaim -cold Calls

                          Originally posted by karen1969 View Post
                          hi thanks for the support,have just received a dispute form from my credit card..lots of options to tick,one of them is goods or services not received..should this be the box i tick??
                          Yes. The fact that they don't respond to your enquiries is in itself a failure to provide a service.


                          • #58
                            Re: Consortium Reclaim -cold Calls

                            thanks...should i put in the additional information that i have attempted to contact and received no response??


                            • #59
                              Re: Consortium Reclaim -cold Calls

                              Hi Karen

                              I will pass you PM to the MOJ.

                              In the meantime you may be able to recover your money using this section 75 a couple of our members have been sucessful on this and have made full recoveries.

                              The consumer magazine Which who were on the 'RIP OFF BRITAIN ' programme have advised that if a CMC takes money from your credit card and does NOT provide a service, you have recourse under section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act to appeal to get your money back through your credit card provider.

                              Originally posted by karen1969 View Post
                              thanks...should i put in the additional information that i have attempted to contact and received no response??


                              • #60
                                Re: Consortium Reclaim -cold Calls

                                Hi, i also have been duped by consortium reclaim and parted with £1314.00 almost 1 year ago. Despite numerous phone calls i keep getting fobbed off with legal jargon. They promised me letters, phone calls etc which never happen.
                                Last call to them on 19/10/12 promised a member of their 'legal team' would email me with an update of my claim because for legal reasons they couldn't discuss it with me on the phone.
                                Today i rang and there was an abrupt message which said "for update on your claim please email ctupdates@creditclearservices.co.uk The message ended with a very curt thank you for your custom goodbye (click). So you are now unable to actually talk to anyone at their office.
                                I have no idea what to do now or who to turn to. feel so stupid


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