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Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

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  • #76
    Re: Cento Client Review - BEWARE!!!

    Originally posted by High79 View Post
    As posted in my previous statement, if they WERE doing something illegal, wouldn't the MOJ shut them down?
    Well Bank charges are unlawfull - but we're still paying them!!

    As to using a rip off company well....:tinysmile_kiss_t4:
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
    Oscar Wilde


    • #77
      Re: Cento Client Review - BEWARE!!!

      Originally posted by High79 View Post
      I decided to go ahead because the idea of getting thousands back is worth a 149.99 gamble in my opinion. It was on the news a few days (friday I believe)ago that banks are going to stop selling PPI so I have taken this as further proof that they can hopefully recover money for me.

      So far I have had no problems and I encourage people to use this service. As posted in my previous statement, if they WERE doing something illegal, wouldn't the MOJ shut them down?
      In that case I wish you well, please let us know how it progresses, any good feedback for balance would be most appreciated.
      Any opinions I give are my own. Any advice I give is without liability. If you are unsure, please seek qualified legal advice.



      • #78
        Re: Cento Client Review - BEWARE!!!

        PPI reclaims

        Financial Ombudsman 2009 Annual Report
        31,066 complaints about PPI - 89% resolved in consumers favour

        How to claim PPI
        1.Send a letter to the bank (I had PPI on xxxx loan, it was missold because xxxx, please gve it back plus interest)
        2.send another letter to the bank (you havent replied satisfactorily, chop chop)
        3.file a complaint with FOS or file a court claim.
        4.get paid.

        No what Cento are doing isn't illegal and no one has said that it is. Unethical maybe, in the main the complaints are about the cold calling, not about the work they do. If people wish to reclaim charges/PPI/try writing stuff off as unenforceable and wish to use a claims company then thats peoples choice there are hundreds about and its a multi million pound industry. Just stop cold calling people, hasslng them, misleading them and outright lying to them.

        (They do NOT work WITH the MOJ, the MOJ regulates their industry, They are NOT calling on behalf of your BANK (as if) etc etc)

        also this letter from FOS to the CMCs regarding PPI in April http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.u...-CWletterA.pdf

        As Tools said, good luck I am sure you will receive your payout in the next 8 weeks or so minus your £149 and any percentage/interest they see fit to charge.
        Last edited by Amethyst; 31st May 2009, 17:46:PM.

        Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

        Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


        • #79
          Re: Cento Client Review - BEWARE!!!

          Originally posted by High79 View Post
          I decided to go ahead because the idea of getting thousands back is worth a 149.99 gamble in my opinion. It was on the news a few days (friday I believe)ago that banks are going to stop selling PPI so I have taken this as further proof that they can hopefully recover money for me.

          So far I have had no problems and I encourage people to use this service. As posted in my previous statement, if they WERE doing something illegal, wouldn't the MOJ shut them down?


          As you decided to go ahead can you please post up the pack which they sent you and keep as informed of your progress and as Tools has said any feedback good or bad.

          From my prospecive as with many others we were concerned on how Cento had all our personal details and how they were not able to answer me on my many questions satisfactorily. I also do not like to be cold called, especially when someone knows my full name, phone number that is x directory and knew all about me.

          As we have said many times on this thread we could help anyone reclaim PPI if it was mis-sold and for free as well as Mortgage, Credit Cards and Bank Charges.

          In my case when I spoke to Cento they were not pacific as to what they could claim back for me but they did quote a pacific sum and the Mortgage Company that I was once with. However, I never took PPI so I would not be able to claim this back and if it was mortgage charges, they were minimal with this company and was no where near the sum which they stated to me so again paying £149 for a service for me would be a totally worthless exercise and I can get all the help I need here for free.



          • #80
            Re: Cento Client Review - BEWARE!!!


            Saw this post on MSE.


            • #81
              Re: Cento Client Review - BEWARE!!!

              Thanks Pinknico

              It looks like he has now found my thread and has be warned unfortunately too late after paying Cento.

              I am not at home so cannot access MSE to post - but when I am I will post and tell him to ask for a full refund of the £79 which he paid.

              A lot of people fall for this type of sale talk without checking them out first.



              • #82
                Re: Cento Client Review - BEWARE!!!

                Omg ! just read that MSE thread....this is ridiculous.

                They explained that what would happen is that once the ball starts rolling, I would have to pay their solicitor my monthly loan payment of £285 instead of it going to the loan company, for a maximum of 6 months and then after that if my claim was thrown out, that money would be paid back to Northern Rock anyway. What I'm concerned with is that after 6 months I'm going to get an irrate letter from Northern Rock asking for their missing £1710 back and Cento will have done a runner with my loan

                Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

                Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


                • #83
                  Re: Cento Client Review - BEWARE!!!

                  Originally posted by Amethyst View Post
                  Omg ! just read that MSE thread....this is ridiculous.

                  WHY? WHY? AND WHY?

                  Why would anyone agree to pay £285 to the solicitor instead of Northern Rock, it does not make ANY sense whatsoever. Surely this is something that the Ministry of Justices should be made aware of.


                  • #84
                    Re: Cento Client Review - BEWARE!!!

                    Anyone know which solicitor they are referring to??


                    • #85
                      Re: Cento Client Review - BEWARE!!!

                      I don't know who the solicitors are, or I don't recall anyway.

                      I assume the thinking is (barr making money) is that if the cca doesn't come back or is unenforceable then the customer won't have to pay the creditor and cento will have hold of it if the cca turns up enforceable then they have a lump sum to pay the arrears (which interest shouldnt have been charged on).... i don't agree with it in the slightest and think its a dangerous path to follow, but i assume that is how they justify to their ''clients''

                      Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

                      Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


                      • #86
                        Re: Cento Client Review - BEWARE!!!

                        Originally posted by righty View Post
                        Anyone know which solicitor they are referring to??
                        From my conversation with them they told me that the Solicitors were Forbes Douglas.

                        It then turns out that they are just claims specialist who then will appoint a solicitor to act. But Cento do tend to mis-lead when they say that Forbes Douglas are the Solicitors. I questioned them on this quite thoroughly before they unwillingly confirmed that in fact they were just brokers.

                        We need to ask the poster on MSE who he was supposed to assign this money over to, because if it is Forbes Douglas as they told me they are definately not solicitors.


                        • #87
                          Re: Cento Client Review - BEWARE!!!

                          Originally posted by Bizzimum
                          Mine was May 2005. Does this support your idea?

                          No it does'nt, but it could be that only the enquiries were stolen as most that have posted state they never took out a loan. So perhaps you will be safe.

                          Tuttsi xx


                          • #88
                            Re: Cento Client Review - BEWARE!!!

                            Thank goodness the poster on MSE has now phoned the MOJ they have told him he must NOT stop paying Northern Rock as he will be in much bother as he would be in breach of his loan conditions and Northern Rock would ask for the treturn of the loan immediately.....



                            • #89
                              Re: Cento Client Review - BEWARE!!!

                              Well we can only hope now that the poster informs all the right authorities about the advice he was given by these people and help stop it happening to others.


                              • #90
                                Re: Cento Client Review - BEWARE!!!

                                Tuttsi whilst I'm not suggesting the poster should stop paying just that of course the MOJ will tell them to keep paying - They'll tell them that even if they don't need to - They aren't expert in consumer law - as for Cento they clearly need to be investigated as to allege that solicitors will hold the funds is to mislead the consumer & frankly I would have been very surprised if any law firm would have been party to it


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