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Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

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  • Re: Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

    '' You were then given 24 hours to read these terms and conditions before payment, which was taken on the 19th November 2010"

    Did they say anything about this email on the phone to you, or anything that you should read it before they take payment ? Have you checked the date/time they took payment ?


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    • Re: Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

      24 hours notice before taking the money is not long, as Amethyst has said I would check the times agree to what they have now told you.

      So lets see if 24 hours is 24 hours or just a few hours latter, which would not be acceptable?

      For instance if they called on 18th November, lets say for instance that was 2pm, then what time did they email you, assuming you received this email? and what time on the 19th did they charge your card?


      • Re: Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

        The term "CLUTCHING AT STRAWS" springs to mind Tuttsi. i know your trying to help customers if they have been mis-sold goods or services but could it just be that some companies do things by the book, even if it means changing old ways, and actually follow the MOJ guidelines???
        i doesnt seem to me that you like to admit it when a company you dispise so much actually does something right.


        • Re: Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

          lol, welcome back ronaldo. Some of the staff don't seem so enamoured with the company (ref whocallsme comments 12th March) also interesting tactics on 10th March report too. 01792763480 - who calls me from 01792763480? 11/12

          Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

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          • Re: Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

            Originally posted by ronaldo View Post
            The term "CLUTCHING AT STRAWS" springs to mind Tuttsi. I am not clutching at any straws lol know your trying to help customers yes I am if they have been mis-sold goods or services but could it just be that some companies do things by the book, some companies do things by the book even if it means changing old ways have they changed there ways? , and actually follow the MOJ guidelines???are you saying that cento do not COLD CALL? They cold called me and told me a pack of lies thats how I know how they operate.
            i doesnt seem to me that you like to admit it when a company you dispise so much actually does something right.
            Why do I have to admit to saying something that I believe is not right. If people did not post here there tales of woe and were treated better by this company I would have every respect for them and there are times when we would like to recomend a decent CMC but so far have not seen any improvement in the way that many CMC's operate and that is accross the board not just Cento.

            Cold calling is in my books is not on - see the MOJ guidelines

            Telling people that they have lots of money to get back and quote a figure (plucked out of the air) is not the way to mis inform people and run a legitimate business. - see the MOJ guidelines

            Taking upfront fees - most definately wrong - see the MOJ guidelines.

            Telling folk that you are putting there case with solicitors, hence why you are taking upfront fees when it is just another CMC. I have actual evidence of this.

            Not keeping in touch with the clients once they have signed up and keep them 100% informed.

            Ame is right read who calls me and see for yourself what is beeing said in different forums and you cannot blame this on me as I have nothing to do with that.


            • Re: Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

              thanks amethyst, good to be back. interesting view from tweet, i notice you said "staff". i wouldnt class somebody who worked somewhere for "like a day" (lol) as staff! she seemed very sure of herself when she stated that what they do is "100% illegal" and that is why she left, surely if it was illegal to process claims then it wouldnt be a regulated industry? i suppose a telesales environment isnt for everyone, she must be a bit pee'd off with something to have posted such a negative comment.


              • Re: Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

                I wonder can you answer this Ronaldo, if as you say they do everything 'legal' then why do they operate so many avoidance tactics ?
                I think you need to re-think your posts and apologise to Tuttsi.


                • Re: Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

                  Hello Tuttsi, i thought i could provide some factual realisations to consumers on a number of your "mis-leading" comments

                  "Cold calling is in my books is not on - see the MOJ guidelines"

                  In your books? Im sure consumers are more interested in the regulators actual rules rather than what you beleive to be right or wrong. Here are the moj guidelines directly from their website

                  Cold calling consumers by telephone
                  We are aware that some businesses have been cold calling consumers and then referring their claims either directly to a solicitor on indirectly (through other claims management businesses) to a solicitor. Neither is permitted. The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) have made it clear that their rules on referral arrangements means that solicitors must not have a financial arrangement with an introducer in respect of claims which has been obtained (either by that introducer or through an intermediary) by way of unsolicited face-to-face or telephone "cold calling".
                  This means that an introducer
                  must not cold call any potential client if a claim might require legal action and therefore be referred to a solicitor or a solicitor is likely to be asked to review a claim. This does not only apply to personal injury claims, but to any other claims that are referred to solicitors, including claims about enforceability of consumer credit agreements.

                  As you continuosly keep telling people, this company does not employ or use solicitors in any way, shape or form (see your fourth point below). Therefore they are not breaching the MOJ guidelines in regards to cold-calling

                  "Telling people that they have lots of money to get back and quote a figure (plucked out of the air) is not the way to mis inform people and run a legitimate business. - see the MOJ guidelines"

                  Advising people they may have lots of money to come back to them from mis sold PPI? giving customers estimates of what they could be entitled to?

                  Gladstone Brookes TV advertisment states "you could be entitled to up to £7500" are they mis informing people? are you suggesting they are illegitimate for quoting figures?

                  Martin Lewis himself has a guide on his website showing how much PPI you would be entitled to based on how much you have borrowed. Is he mis informing people? are you suggesting his business is illegitimate? is he breaking MOJ guidelines?

                  "Taking upfront fees - most definately wrong - see the MOJ guidelines."

                  "MOST DEFINATELY WRONG" really? heres some info directly from the MOJ website
                  "Taking up-front fees
                  We are aware that many businesses take ‘up-front’ fees. But some businesses taking up front fees may be failing to provide prospective clients with compulsory, pre-contract information as required by the Conduct of Authorised Person Rules 2007. We are also aware that some businesses are not giving clients a reasonable period in which to consider the information. In particular some businesses take card details and / or payment during an initial marketing telephone call.
                  This is not permitted by the rules"

                  "Rule 11 requires a business to provide specific information in writing (electronic versions are sufficient) before a contract is agreed"

                  d5mcc has stated that he did receive all of this information by e-mail (electronic version) 24 hours before payment was taken and it did state everything the MOJ requires it to. I also received this information before payment was taken when i first dealt with them.

                  "Telling folk that you are putting there case with solicitors, hence why you are taking upfront fees when it is just another CMC. I have actual evidence of this."

                  What type of evidence? Could you possibly share this evidence with us?
                  If it is just another CMC and not a solicitor that means they are more-so abiding by the MOJ guidelines in regards to cold-calling.

                  Not keeping in touch with the clients once they have signed up and keep them 100% informed.
                  I cannot answer for other customers but i never had a problem with communication to or from this company.


                  • Re: Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

                    1) Cold calling is not condoned by MOJ and if you word search 'cold calling' on the MOJ site all of the hits are negative - without exception. It's not on in my book, Tuttsi's book or anyone else who frequents this site - except for you.

                    2) Gladstone Brookes' £7500 is not an estimate but a limit (the clue is in 'up to'). Martin Lewis is not breaking MOJ guidelines because he's not regulated by them as he's not a CMC. Clearly.

                    3) MOJ actively encourages people not to pay upfront fees. As do Beagles.


                    • Re: Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

                      Originally posted by EXC View Post
                      1) Cold calling is not condoned by MOJ and if you word search 'cold calling' on the MOJ site all of the hits are negative - without exception. It's not on in my book, Tuttsi's book or anyone else who frequents this site - except for you.

                      2) Gladstone Brookes' £7500 is not an estimate but a limit (the clue is in 'up to'). Martin Lewis is not breaking MOJ guidelines because he's not regulated by them as he's not a CMC. Clearly.

                      3) MOJ actively encourages people not to pay upfront fees. As do Beagles.
                      I believe the Gladstone Brookes TV advert also suggests that you should claim now, before you lose the right to reclaim mis-sold ppi. This is in itself a rather misleading statement. Presumably, they are referring to an aspect of the Limitations Act, which doesn't necessarily apply to this type of claim anyway! Unless of course Gladstone Brookes suspect that they themselves might not be in business very long !!!!


                      • Re: Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

                        Originally posted by Budgie View Post
                        I believe the Gladstone Brookes TV advert also suggests that you should claim now, before you lose the right to reclaim mis-sold ppi. This is in itself a rather misleading statement. Presumably, they are referring to an aspect of the Limitations Act, which doesn't necessarily apply to this type of claim anyway! Unless of course Gladstone Brookes suspect that they themselves might not be in business very long !!!!

                        Contact Advertising Standards Agency xxx

                        Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

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                        • Re: Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

                          Ref cold calling... It is not allowed if referrals will be made
                          indirectly (through other claims management businesses) to a solicitor.
                          This means that an introducer must not cold call any potential client if a claim might require legal action and therefore be referred to a solicitor or a solicitor is likely to be asked to review a claim. This does not only apply to personal injury claims, but to any other claims that are referred to solicitors, including claims about enforceability of consumer credit agreements.

                          Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

                          Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


                          • Re: Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

                            Originally posted by Amethyst View Post
                            Contact Advertising Standards Agency xxx
                            I would rather continue to act in my unofficial advisory capacity to the five or six CMC's that regularly cold call me each week.!!!!!!!!!!

                            Sadly, none of them seem to take my advice when I suggest that they shove their phones up their backsides !!


                            • Re: Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

                              Originally posted by Budgie View Post
                              I would rather continue to act in my unofficial advisory capacity to the five or six CMC's that regularly cold call me each week.!!!!!!!!!!

                              Sadly, none of them seem to take my advice when I suggest that they shove their phones up their backsides !!
                              That must be warm calling?


                              • Re: Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

                                Originally posted by MIKE770 View Post
                                That must be warm calling?
                                & that's innuendo
                                CAVEAT LECTOR

                                This is only my opinion - "Opinions are made to be changed --or how is truth to be got at?" (Byron)

                                You and I do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.
                                Cohen, Herb

                                There is danger when a man throws his tongue into high gear before he
                                gets his brain a-going.
                                Phelps, C. C.

                                "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance!"
                                The last words of John Sedgwick


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