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Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

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  • Re: Cento Client Review

    Originally posted by TUTTSI View Post
    Hi Delmarie

    I would in your position write a letter to the MD and state that you are extremely unhappy with their service and as they have not been able to settle your claim in the 12 weeks they initially told you. They normally record calls but I am sure when you make a claim for money back sods law they can not find that recording.

    Advise them that you will give them 7 days to make a full refund of your money or you will be reporting them to the Ministry of Justice and that should you not get your refund you intend to take this matter to the media.

    Send the letter by recorded/special delivery and put in the body of the letter a resume' of the various phone calls that you have had with them.

    Let us know what reaction you get. Keep everything from now in writing and thank you for posting up your story so far.


    Just to add to this, instead of saying you WILL send a complaint to the MOJ - clearly CC it to the MOJ, and tell them you have done so.

    Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

    Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


    • Re: Cento Client Review

      Thanks Tuttsi I will do that and keep you posted


      • Re: Cento Client Review

        If anybody fancies a read here is the recent judgement at Manchester Mercantile Court http://www.judiciary.gov.uk/docs/jud...rey-v-hsbc.pdf

        and press release from the Mail

        Judge closes credit card loophole
        Borrowers hoping to use a 'cynical' legal loophole to escape credit card debts have been dealt another blow.
        A High Court judge has decided banks are entitled to chase debts even if they have lost the original credit agreement or have failed to provide the document within 12 working days.
        Borrowers - mainly advised by claims management firms - had tried to have credit agreements deemed 'unenforceable' when lenders failed to meet these criteria.

        Still valid: Credit card firms will not have to provide an exact copy of the credit agreement in order to enforce a debt

        An unenforceable debt means the lender cannot chase a borrower for money owed. However, it can still register a black mark against their credit score.
        'Many of these claims are cynical because people knew what they had signed up to,' says Chris Busby, of law firm Eversheds. 'This judgment is another nail in the coffin of the credit card reclaim industry.'
        Last edited by TUTTSI; 8th January 2010, 09:40:AM.


        • Re: Cento Client Review

          I am trying to get my head around 'Carey' - it seems to me that the decision was based on a hypothetical situation (ie what if there had been a fire which destroyed records) or if the documents were 'lost' (To lose one, Mr Bank, is unfortunate, to lose them all is gross incompetence - sorry Oscar lol)
          It seems similar to the 'best evidence' rule, & the banks should be made to reveal exactly why they cannot produce the original agreement (when & where was the fire,then? lol), & 'weight' given accordingly imho

          This is only my opinion - "Opinions are made to be changed --or how is truth to be got at?" (Byron)

          You and I do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.
          Cohen, Herb

          There is danger when a man throws his tongue into high gear before he
          gets his brain a-going.
          Phelps, C. C.

          "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance!"
          The last words of John Sedgwick


          • Re: Cento Client Review

            I just found this link on Google and was a thread on Yahoo and it gives Legal Beages as a mention in conection with Cento Client Review.


            Cento client review .......scam or real?

            i have just been contacted by a welsh company saying they are able to rite off all my debt. they claim to be regulated by the ministry of justice and its 100 per cent risk free. they do ask for £150 for admin fees initially but say this will be returned in full if they feel they cant help us. has anybody had any dealings with them and cld u give some feed back reguarding how they operate. do u think its a scam? sounds too good to be true!

            Chosen by Asker
            Check MoneySaving Expert and LeagleBeagle. As they corectly point out there are alot of bad things said, but no good reviews.

            It really is worth reading around this before you part with any cash!


            • Re: Cento Client Review

              Originally posted by TUTTSI View Post
              Has anyone received a phone call from them ?

              If you have then please http://www.legalbeagles.info/forums/register.php for free and tell us your experiences of them.

              They are cold calling consumers offering to get back charges, PPI and also write off loans etc. They charge between £49.99 and £149.99 for their services for which you can do any of this yourself for free with the assistance of this site.

              EDIT -

              What would be very helpful would be if people who have posted with concerns over misleading claims made to them in these calls could PM me or send admin@legalbeagles.info an email stating the concern, the time and date of the call, and the telephone number that the call was made to. This will then be passed to cento so they can monitor and take action to improve the quality of their calls.

              THE STORY SO FAR.......

              1. Basically, I have not heard of one person so far who has been sucessful, but that is not to say that there have not been any.

              2.The solicitors they have stated to many people that they use are Forbes Douglas, I have evidence from the MD of Forbes Douglas that they are not solicitors and neither do they have any solicitors employed by them, they are in fact another claims managment company. So again if they make these references you must check out what they are saying is correct.

              3. If your claim progresses to the next stage they may ask for more money and they may also get you to sign away an additional 30% of any money they recover for you.

              4. If you decide to use them, you should check their T & C's before entering into any agreement IMHO and definately before you pay any money over.

              5. Get everything in writing before entering into any agreement, unless you are recording your phonecalls.

              6. Do your research thoroughly before using them or any other claims management company, before parting with your money. There are loads of resources on the internet.

              7. Anything they can do for you you can do for free, with the help of consumer web sites like here on Legal Beagles.

              8.Cento Client Review told me that I had £3K to come back from a particular previous mortgage company, this was not true as I have checked it out, I did not take PPI and neither did I have £3K of Mortgage charges. The mortgage payments were much more than £3K so where to they get there figures from.

              9. Also, it is worth remembering at the time of their phonecall to you they are not privy to your Bank,Mortgage,Creditcards and Loans so how can they pluck figues out of thin air and advise you what you have to come back.

              10. They have been known to tell people to stop paying their loans and pay the money to their solicitors, on no account must anyone do this as it is not advisable. Seek solicitors advice from someone you trust as you could end up in default and your financial record could be damaged.

              11. When they phone you, did should ask where they got your personal data from? they are not allowed to cold call. They told me they got my information from the FSA - that is not true, when questioned further they told me a central regisitry for PPI, again I have no PPI so this cannot be true.

              12. Never give you personal data to anybody that calls you on the telephone this includes you credit/debit card numbers, without first checking them out.

              Finally, if you feel they have misled you or that they cold called you, this will make them in breach of their conditions for holding a Ministry of Justice Licence, then a complaint to the MOJ is very important. 100 companies with licences have had them suspended ot cancelled.

              Claims Management Officer
              Claims Management Regulation
              Monitoring and Compliance Unit
              57-60 High Street
              Burton on Trent
              DE14 1JS
              www.claimsregulation.gov. uk
              Telephone: 0845 450 6858
              Fax: 0845 450 6866
              Email: info@claimsregulation.gov .uk

              MOJ web site showing CMC's that have lost their licence. http://www.claimsregulation.gov.uk/
              I have been trying to obtain a full refund of £299.00 from Cento Client Review since October 2009...after many phone calls to them and them telling me they will refund I still have not been refunded. They seem to blatantly lie to me...I am so angry and frustrated. I have resorted to calling them 3 or 4 times a day just to be a nuisance to them.


              • Re: Cento Client Review

                Hi Tony

                I am really sorry for the troubles you have had with cento client review. this is the advice I gave yesterday to another new member who is experiencing similar problems, no more phone calls stick to writing letters and by special delivery.

                You should be writing a letter to for the attention of one of the directors, Mr Stanton who I believe is a director of Cento Client Review, new directors recently are Kevin Anthony Kearle and Damian Spooner, the Ltd company name is Client Connection Ltd, you should outline the sequence of events which happened and demand your money back as that was an unfair practice in delaying sending out the pack. Also, you should put a cc on you letter for the Ministry of Justice and of course you send them a copy, their contact details are here:-

                Patrick Abernethy
                Claims Management Officer
                Claims Management Regulation
                Monitoring and Compliance Unit
                57-60 High Street
                Burton on Trent
                DE14 1JS
                Telephone: 0845 450 6858
                Fax: 0845 450 6866

                Let us know if you pursue this and the response you get. Cento will be coming up for a review of the renewal of their licence very shortly so I expect they will want to keep things tuit sweet with the MOJ and will not want any bad marks against them as their licence actually expires 31st March 2010.


                Originally posted by tonyf1961 View Post
                I have been trying to obtain a full refund of £299.00 from Cento Client Review since October 2009...after many phone calls to them and them telling me they will refund I still have not been refunded. They seem to blatantly lie to me...I am so angry and frustrated. I have resorted to calling them 3 or 4 times a day just to be a nuisance to them.


                • Re: Cento Client Review

                  Cento Client Review Terms and Conditions from their web site:-

                  Terms and Conditions
                  1 CLIENT CONNECTION LTD trading as CENTO CLIENT REVIEW.
                  2 'Client' means the client of the Company.
                  3 'Claim' means a claim for Compensation made by the Company on behalf of the Client in accordance with the terms of the Contract.
                  4 'PPI' means a Payment Protection Insurance policy or similar loan protection scheme
                  5 'Contract' means the contract between the Company and the Client for the provision of the Services, comprising the signed letter of appointment and these terms and conditions.
                  6 'Administration Charge' means such costs incurred in processing, preparation and submission of the claim including any charges payable to any Third Party in order to obtain details relating to the Client's claim incurred by the Company and as fall under the Contract.
                  7 'Benefit' means all non-monetary benefits in whatever form including without limitation all benefits that will arise from any waiver, cancellation, reduction, saving, deduction or rescheduling of any outstanding or future premiums, charges or other interest or administrative payments (or any offsetting or relief against the same) or any other saving, inducement, discount or rebate offered in relation to any other products or services offered by a Third Party or persons connected to the Third Party.
                  8 'Compensation' means the total monies and the full value of Benefits offered by the Third Party and arising from any claim made by the Company on behalf of the Client for alleged mis-sold PPI.
                  9 'Legal Costs' means the costs incurred by or on behalf of the Company in relation to the preparation or commencement of proceedings in connection with a Claim, including but not limited to the fees of the Company's appointed legal representative(s) and court fees.
                  10 'Services' means all or any of the services as specified in the Contract.
                  11 'Service Charges' means the charges payable by the Client set out in the Contract.
                  12 'Third Party' means any bank, person, firm or company that arranged for the Client a PPI Policy.
                  Terms and Conditions
                  1 The Contract shall commence on the date on which the Client's signed letter of appointment has been received by the Company and unless terminated earlier shall continue until compensation is recovered for the Client, the Company advises the Client in writing that it is unable to recover compensation or the company exercises its right not to pursue the claim
                  2 The company agrees that it will use its reasonable means to pursue an application for Compensation from the Third Party on behalf of the Client where the Company believes that it is appropriate to do so, having regard to the merits and the value of the Client's claim, to keep the Client informed of the progress of the claim and to notify the Client promptly and in writing if it decides that it will not pursue any claim, to act in the best interests of the Client at all times, to hold all Compensation monies received from a third party in a client account, to promptly pay any Compensation received to the Client after deducting the Service Charges and not to seek to recover its charges should the claim fail, unless this is due to an act or omission on the part of the Client
                  3 The liability for the Client to pay the Service Charges and any other charges that may be payable under the Contract is (where the Client is more than one person) joint and several. This means that the Company can recover all of such charges from any person who is the Client. Service Charges and any outstanding Administration Charges will be payable on any part of any Compensation that is received by the Client or the Company immediately upon recovery from the Third Party.
                  4 In the event the Company takes steps to recover any Service Charges and/or Administration Charges due and unpaid by the Client to the Company, the Client shall pay to the Company the Company's costs (including administrative costs) of taking such steps plus VAT. In addition the Client undertakes that it will at all times be responsible for all costs and expenses incurred by the Company, including but not limited to, Court fees, interest and administrative fees in recovering from the Client any Service Charges due and unpaid from the Client to the Company.
                  5 The Client agrees with the Company to provide promptly all such information as the Company may from time to time reasonably request, to ensure that all information sent to the Company is true, and shall not omit any facts, to authorise the Company to act on its behalf on an exclusive basis to perform the Services and to authorise the release of any such information as the Company deems appropriate, to negotiate on the merits of the Client's claim, to deal with all correspondence from the Company promptly, not to contact or correspond or communicate with the Third Party in connection with the claim, to immediately copy to the Company any correspondence it receives from the Third Party in connection with the claim, to notify the Company of the full names of all joint policy holders and any further relevant information that the Client has in its possession and that it has not previously claimed or received compensation or an offer of compensation from the Third Party.
                  6 The Client assigns to the Company all its rights in the Compensation and authorises the Company to collect on its behalf any Compensation due from the Third Party. The amount of the Service Charges payable by the Client to the Company is set out in the signed letter of engagement relating to the Services. The Client agrees that it is liable to pay the Service Charges to the Company if the Compensation is paid directly to the Client by the Third Party , all Service Charges and other fees due to the Company under the Contract shall be paid by the Client within 14 days of the Company's invoices
                  7 When compensation is paid directly to the Company by a Third Party, the Client agrees that the Company may take payment for its Service Charges and any other fees due to the Company under the Contract from any Compensation it receives on the Client's behalf before transferring the balance to the Client. The Company shall issue a receipted VAT invoice for such payments to the Client within 14 days of the date on which payment was taken.
                  8 When an offer for Compensation is obtained from the Third Party on behalf of the Client which in the reasonable opinion of the Company is fair and reasonable having regard to the relevant timescales and that offer is rejected by the Client then the Company reserves the right to charge a fee equal to the amount of the Service Charge which would have been payable in the event that the Client accepted that offer in line with the Company's advice.
                  9 The Client agrees to pay to the Company the Service Charge and is deemed to have irrevocably accepted an offer of Compensation in cases where an offer of compensation, which in the reasonable opinion of the Company is fair and reasonable, has been sent either by the Company or the Third Party to the Client, and the Client has not within 28 days of receiving such offer returned to the Company, the Third either Party's acceptance form or a letter rejecting the Third Party's offer.
                  10 The Company will use all reasonable endeavours to perform the Services within a reasonable period from the date of receipt of the letter of appointment signed by the Client. The Company cannot be held responsible for delays due to circumstances beyond its control, such as delays caused by the Third Party or the Client. Reasonable delays in performance or delays due to circumstances beyond the Company's control shall not entitle the Client to terminate the Contract. Due to logistical reasons, it is not practicable for the Company to store paper copies of any documents relating to the Client's claim. The Company will store them electronically and return any documents supplied by the Client if requested to do so. Otherwise, the Company will dispose of the paper copies securely.
                  11 The Company's liability in respect of the Services is to provide the same with reasonable skill and care. The Company does not make any other warranties about the Services.
                  12 The liability of the Company to the Client in contract, tort (including negligence for breach of statutory duty) or otherwise howsoever under or in connection with the Contract shall be to losses that are a foreseeable consequence of the Company's breach of contract or tort and shall not exceed the amount at which the Company (acting reasonably) values the Client's claim. Any claim by the Client for compensation for loss caused by the Company's negligence or breach of contract must be notified to the Company as soon as practicable
                  13 The Company shall have the right to commence legal proceedings on the Client's behalf to pursue a claim for Compensation. Where the Company commences legal proceedings on the Client's behalf, the Client agrees to: Comply with all reasonable requests of the Company and/or any legal representative appointed by the Company without undue delay, permit the Company to have the conduct of the claim and to pursue the claim in such manner as the Company in its absolute discretion thinks fit;, disclose all relevant information and documentation as reasonably requested by the Company and/or its legal representative, instruct any legal representative appointed by the Company to provide all information relating to the claim to the Company, at the Company's request, authorise any legal representative appointed by the Company to pay the Service Charges directly to the Company from any Compensation recovered by the legal representative and pay the Service Charges to the Company if the Compensation is paid directly to the Client.
                  14 The Company agrees to be responsible for the Legal costs unless the Client misleads the Company and/or any legal representative appointed by the Company in any way , any information provided by the Client contains material omissions which would have resulted in the legal representative and/or the Company declining to accept the Client's instructions, the Client terminates the Contract during the course of the proceedings, the Client fails to provide the Company and/or the legal representative with information (including without limitation witness statements) within a reasonable time from the time that such information is requested to remedy a breach of its obligations under the Contract within 7 days of a notice from the Company requiring the Client to do so.
                  15 The Client agrees that the Company shall be reimbursed for all Legal costs to the extent that they are recovered from the Third Party. The Company is entitled to retain reimbursed Legal costs received directly by the Company from the Third Party and the Client agrees to pay to the Company forthwith any reimbursed Legal costs received by the Client from the Third Party. The Company may be paid a referral fee by any Solicitors instructed on the claim. The existence of such referral fee and its amount will be notified to the client at the appropriate time.
                  16 The Company shall have to immediately terminate the Contract upon any material breach by the Client of any term of the Contract, the Client is adjudicated bankrupt, enters into a voluntary arrangement with its creditors or has a IMCA appointed under the Mental Health Act 1983 and/or the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (as amended) or the Client does not follow any reasonable recommendations of the Company.
                  17 The Client shall have the right to terminate the Contract by giving written notice to the Company within 14 days of signing the Contract. In the event that the Client terminates the Contract after 14 days the Company reserves the right to charge the Client at the Company's standard hourly rate, such preparation, processing, and submission costs as may have been incurred by the Company up to the time the Client's notice of cancellation is received by the Company. If such termination takes place once the Third Party has made an offer of Compensation, the Company shall have the right to impose a charge equivalent to the Service Charges that would be payable if the offer was accepted.
                  18 The Company shall not be liable for any delay or other failure to perform any services by reason of any cause whatsoever beyond its reasonable control.
                  19 Both parties agree to keep confidential the subject matter of the Contract and any information (whether written or oral) acquired by that party in connection with the Contract and not to use any such information except for the purpose of performing its obligations under the Contract. The Client agrees that the Company shall not be required to disclose to the Client or account to the Client in respect of the Company's interests, such as in relation to advice on marketing or other matters, provided that the Company does not contravene any applicable rules, regulations or codes of conduct. The Company reserves the right to charge the Client for any costs incurred by the Company if any information provided by the Client is misleading or contains material omissions which result in the Company providing the service to the Client, which it would have declined to do, if it had been in possession of the full information.
                  20 The Company reserves the right to assign the Contract and all rights under it and to sub-contract to others all or any of its obligations. The Contract is personal to the Client and is not assignable except to the personal representatives of the Client. A person who is not a party to the Contract will have no rights pursuant to the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce the Contract.
                  24 All personal data will be held in accordance with the terms of the Company’s Privacy Policy which can be found on the Company’s website or is available upon request. All data is held in accordance with the provisions of the DPA.
                  25 The Company agrees to comply with any written Data Subject Access Request under the DPA made by Client for the personal data that it holds subject to any exemptions that may apply from time to time. The Company charges an administration fee of £10.00 or the fee prevailing from time to time (providing always that the fee shall not exceed the maximum fee permitted under the DPA) for providing this information. The current fee is displayed on the Company’s website.
                  26 The Company further agrees to correct any inaccuracies in the clients personal data held at the request of the client.
                  27 By acceptance of the Company’s Privacy Policy and unless and until the Company receives written to the contrary, the client agrees that the Company may share the Clients personal information with Banks, Financial Advisors or other institutions and affiliates, associated companies or firms or service partners for the purpose of assisting the Client with the Client’s claim for compensation or any financial matters that the Company believes may be of assistance to the Client. Except as explicitly stated in this condition and the Privacy Policy, the Company does not disclose to any third party the information provided by the Client
                  28 The Client acknowledges and agrees that its personal data may be submitted to a credit reference agency and processed on behalf of the Company in connection with the services.
                  29 Any notice to be given in accordance with the Contract and these terms and conditions must be in writing.
                  30 If any provision of the Contract is held by any court or other competent authority to be void or unenforceable in whole or part, the other provisions of the Contract and the remainder of the affected provisions shall continue to be valid.
                  31 No failure or delay in exercising any of the Company's rights shall constitute a waiver of the same or any other of its rights.
                  32 The law applicable to the Contract shall be English law and the parties consent to the jurisdiction of the English courts in all matters affecting the Contract.


                  • Re: Cento Client Review

                    Please read here about cooling off period.


                    Distance selling and online trading

                    The cooling-off period and cancellations

                    When selling to consumers by mail order, phone, fax, internet or digital TV you must give them a cooling-off period during which they have an unconditional right to cancel the contract.
                    In the case of services, the cooling-off period normally ends seven working days after the day the order was made - or after written confirmation is received.
                    In the case of goods, the cooling-off period normally ends seven working days after the day the goods are received.
                    Consumers must inform you in writing - by letter, fax or email - of their decision to cancel.
                    Consumers' money should be reimbursed as soon as possible - and in any case within a maximum period of 30 days.
                    Your contract with the consumer should also specify who pays any postage necessary to return unwanted goods.
                    However, there are some exceptions to the right to cancel. Consumers can't cancel if the contract is for:
                    • <LI added="null">accommodation, transport, catering or leisure services <LI added="null">package travel and timeshare arrangements <LI added="null">food, drinks or other goods delivered regularly to the consumer's home or workplace by a 'regular roundsman' such as a milkman or domestic oil supplier <LI added="null">goods made to the customer's specification <LI added="null">goods that are perishable or can't be returned, such as frozen food and fresh flowers <LI added="null">audio or video recordings or computer software that the consumer has opened <LI added="null">newspapers or magazines <LI added="null">betting, gaming and lotteries <LI added="null">premium-rate telephone and website services
                    • services that begin, by agreement, before the end of the cooling-off period


                    • Re: Cento Client Review

                      Due to the vast amount of complaints received on all Claims Management Companies, Legal Beagles would like to start compiling a super complaint on behalf of all consumers, in order to do this, could you please email your complaint letters that you have actually been sent to the Ministry of Justice please send to admin@legalbeagles.info and also advise if you have had any response so that we can start formulating this complaint proceedure.

                      Thank you


                      • Re: Cento Client Review

                        update re cento

                        I have drafted my letter - although it took me a week. I am sending it recorded delivery tomorrow. They finally sent me the T & C's by email last week (first time ihave seen them) and it states that a refund request may be made in writing within two weeks of signing the agreement. I sent my pack back without signing it and although they denied receiving my letter they still have no signed agreement - surely they have no right to pursue the case. today I received a letter from my capital one credit card (the one they said they could get a 0 balance) stating that they were increasing my interest rate to 35%!!!! There must be a connection here - my payments have always been on time. I am now thinking that I must transfer my balance to a cheaper card but where will I stand with cento if I dont have a balance on the card they wont get there comission?


                        • Re: Cento Client Review

                          Hi Delmarie

                          When you write please address it to one of the Directors at Cento Client Review giving them 7 days to refund the money : Mr Kevin Anthony Kearle or Ryan George Stanton or Mr Damian Spooner-Cleverly and dont forget to cc for The Ministry of Justice and send it by special delivery. I do know that George Stanton that has signed cheques in the past so maybe he is your man. That also worries me that people pay by credit card and have the money returned by cheque which is very odd.

                          Their MOJ licence is up for renewal at the end of March so they will not want to upset the MOJ.

                          We are now getting many complaints and it is very worrying and concerning. Yesterday one lady said her daughter has now paid over £2k and is doubtful now that she will see a return of the money, I do hope she is wrong.

                          Also I have posted up up about cooling off periods on this thread and because they cold called you (thread 399), I believe that you should have have a read of that post and see if there is anything on there that will add more weight to your demand of your money back.

                          If you can post a copy of the letter up and either myself or one of the team can have a look at it for you and try and add some more weight to it if you wish, but please omit your personal details.


                          ps Try Special Delivery instead of Recorded Delivery.


                          • Re: Cento Client Review

                            Thank you - my letter could be a little longwinded and I would appeciate you looking at it. Could you remind me how to upload it please?

                            maNY THANKS


                            • Re: Cento Client Review

                              I think if you go to "post reply" there is a little paperclip on the top row of the tool bar within the "reply to thread" screen which opens. Hope this helps


                              • Re: Cento Client Review

                                Could you please copy from your word doc and paste onto a new post and we will have a look at it for you and help you tidy it up. That way we can alter it and others can also advise as well.

                                Originally posted by delmarie View Post
                                Thank you - my letter could be a little longwinded and I would appeciate you looking at it. Could you remind me how to upload it please?

                                maNY THANKS


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