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Cento Client Review ( CCR Claims ) Client connection Ltd

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  • Re: Cento Client Review

    Thank you. Am feeling a little lost with everything financial at the moment. Dont want to make matters worse by being scammed.
    Will keep asking questions and hope to find a way round all these issues.

    Originally posted by Amethyst View Post
    just replied on your other thread.

    The thing with these companies are they are newly incorporated, so theres no accounts to go and check on, and not much historical info to look at - if you get to a stage after the first letters and discussing stuff on here where you feel out of your depth then there are decent solicitors and longer established companies you can then take your cases to.

    If you want a hand with your reclaiming bank charges / missold PPI / credit card charges etc too please just shout



    • Re: Cento Client Review

      Hello all.
      I am new to this forum so forgive me if I make a few mistakes!
      I was contacted by Cento Client Review telling me I have a 'very strong case' against MBNA re a loop hole they have discovered in the agreement when I took out the credit card with them.
      All sounded too good to be true although I was assured that if my case was unsuccessful I would be refunded my £300...anyway, I asked them to give me 24 hours to think about it and talk to my wife . They called back yesterday and I decided that we would use their sevices because it appeared to be a safe thing to do. They also asked about any mortgage issues that I may have i.e. mis sold endowment policies, of which I feel I have been mis sold 25 years ago.

      I was assured that they could make a claim for this too plus any other credit cards, bank charges etc...seemed they could do anything!

      Well today I decided to call them back to cancel (after I Googled them and discovered this site) but was told this was not possible until I returned the pack which they have already sent out. I now have to wait for this to arrive and send it back by recorded delivery.
      I can't believe I fell for it...maybe the fact that I have just been made redundant played a part in my decision.

      If I can I will seek the information my self and then find a no win no fee company.
      I have discovered also in the last week that I have been charged £1,700 in charges relating to overdrafts etc by the Nationwide since 2003! Needless to say I have sent a letter requesting reimbursement of these 'unfair' charges...

      Any thoughts on any of this would be gratefully received...


      • Re: Cento Client Review

        Cancel as soon as you can, then do it yourself. You will get all the help you need on here.

        Start your own thread and ask whatever questions you need.

        And welcome to Beagles x
        Is no longer here


        • Re: Cento Client Review

          Hi Tony

          Welcome to Legal Beagles.

          It is normal with Cento Client Review that when you want to cancel you have to return the package within 14 days. When you receive it please send it back by special/recorded delivery for proof of posting.

          What concerns me is how did they knew that you had a MBNA card -or did you tell them this. They should not have been privvy to any of your financial details together with your phone number.

          Did you ask them how they obtained your phone number?

          With your Nationwide charges, have a look at the threads under Banks/Nationwide and also the Test case threads. Presently the banks test case is ongoing, but since you have already written you will receive a communication my Nationwide regarding this. At least they should register your complaint so that after the test case is complete you should receive the refund. We have a lot of usefull resources on this site and you can make full use of them and ask away for help.

          With your MBNA claim again have a look under credit cards/MBNA for more help. You will need to send a Subject Access request (SAR) to MBNA again you will find a templated letter fot the SAR in the library. I will take a look latter and post you up an example.

          SAR examples http://www.legalbeagles.info/forums/...ad.php?t=14196

          Last edited by TUTTSI; 25th September 2009, 16:12:PM. Reason: added link to sar


          • Re: Cento Client Review

            I think I might have made a mistake, was cold called by this company last thursday, and was reassured that I would be getting a large part of my mortgage written off, as well as possible loans from Welcome Finance and GE Moneylending as they had probably miss-sold me, I have paid £199.99 which left my account on 28/09/09 for a family pack for my son and myself, am now waiting for the pack to come through. Will I be entitled to change my mind and get my money back, and how long does this usually take, as I can bearly afford the £199.99 as it is....

            Boy do I feel an idiot


            • Re: Cento Client Review

              Hello angela and a warm welcome to Beagles.
              You are not an idiot at all, many have been in the same position as you.
              It is normal with Cento Client Review that when you want to cancel you have to return the package within 14 days. When you receive it please send it back by special/recorded delivery for proof of posting.
              Please have a read over this thread you will soon see you are not on your own and how you can help yourself for free.
              Enaid x


              • Re: Cento Client Review

                Just thought I would post an update.
                I paid my £79.99 to Cento client some 15 weeks ago now (they state claims will be dealt with within 12 weeks). Two of the accounts have come back as having no flaws. Two have been sent onto Forbes Doulgas and one company has not replied at all so is potentially going to be reported by Cento to the FOS.
                I have challenged the fact they advised me initially if the claims weren't settled in 12 weeks I would get my payment back - they advise me they will need to listen to the recording of the initial conversation and will get back to me.
                Not holding my breath over any of the claims but at least each time I ring something seems to have progressed (which I realise may just be a clever tactic on their behalf).
                Sorry nothing more positive to report and thanks to all at this site for ongoing support


                • Re: Cento Client Review

                  Hi Linda

                  We have had a another member who has posted on another thread http://www.legalbeagles.info/forums/...ad.php?t=19536
                  he started his claim a lot earlier than you and has only just heard. But Cento seem to have changed the goal posts with their charging antics and are trying to extort money from him, we are now waiting for clarification when he promises that he will report back to me later with more updates.

                  That is also very interesting, that they say that have taped telephone conversations, there could be no doubt if indeed they do have these recordings.

                  I agree that it would been really nice if some really good positive results come out from Cento as there are a lot of folks out there that have paid money for a service and it would be really nice to see some good results for a change.

                  Please keep us updated.

                  Tuttsi x

                  Originally posted by RedRose View Post
                  Just thought I would post an update.
                  I paid my £79.99 to Cento client some 15 weeks ago now (they state claims will be dealt with within 12 weeks). Two of the accounts have come back as having no flaws. Two have been sent onto Forbes Doulgas and one company has not replied at all so is potentially going to be reported by Cento to the FOS.
                  I have challenged the fact they advised me initially if the claims weren't settled in 12 weeks I would get my payment back - they advise me they will need to listen to the recording of the initial conversation and will get back to me.
                  Not holding my breath over any of the claims but at least each time I ring something seems to have progressed (which I realise may just be a clever tactic on their behalf).
                  Sorry nothing more positive to report and thanks to all at this site for ongoing support
                  Last edited by TUTTSI; 8th October 2009, 07:02:AM. Reason: spelling


                  • Re: Cento Client Review

                    With regards to the taped phone calls - on each occasion I have spoken to them they either start by saying it is taped or if I call them there is a message before the operator answers saying it is recorded. I imagine the response I get will be that they only keep tapes for 6 weeks so cannot verify my claim !!
                    But then maybe just maybe I'm cynical ?
                    I'll let you know as and when I hear anything else. Interestingly to date there has been no suggestion I stop paying anyone else.


                    • Re: Cento Client Review

                      Just to let you know I called Cento client again today for my weekly update - the two accounts which have gone to Legal Redress are waiting further responses from the companies - first letters sent 24th Sept and they have 28 days to respond.
                      When I asked re the 12 weeks I was advised that Cento client do "their bit" in 12 weeks but there is no guidance on how long Legal Redress take, they are still saying I am entitled to my money back if my claim is unsuccessful.
                      I asked what further actions they may need from me as I'm going away on holiday - they said the only action I will need to take is when I get a letter with an offer I will need to sign it to agree with the amount.
                      Still not very positive but at least it seems to be moving on each time I call.
                      Linda. :tinysmile_cry_t:


                      • Re: Cento Client Review

                        Hi , i feel like a fool , i parted with £149.99 last week ( paid on my credit card ) after numerous phone calls from this company over the last few weeks , i felt they were genuine as they had so much information about my mortgage , and credit card company , even down to the fact of how much i owed ( where do they get this info from ?) ..Now the odd bit , every time they phoned it was myself they spoke to and not my wife , they have sent the information pack through and its all in my wifes name and not mine , now i have 2 options phone them 1st thing tomorrow and ask for the information pack in my name and then send it back and claim my money back ( can not send the original back as its already filled in with to much personal info on there ...not posted thank god) or just drive down there in the morning demand my money back in cash ..what should i do ?
                        many thanks..


                        • Re: Cento Client Review

                          Good evening and welcome to Legal Beagles,

                          No you are not a fool, you, you were just taken in by them as they sounded genuine. Did they tell you how much they could claim back for you?

                          You have to remember that they are NOT privvy to your Mortgage or Credit card account details nether the amounts outstanding and to know the balances as well that is really scary. If they really do know then I am afraid they would have to be reported to the Minstry of Justice as this sort of information is not available to the Claims Management Companies.

                          I would phone them tomorrow first thing and explain to them that you have now changed your mind, and that they sold you the pack and that you paid for it on your credit card. But when the pack arrived it was in your wife's name, but she was not party to the contract as agreed on the phone. Also, did they advise you that your call was being recorded? If they did then the evidence is there for them to play back.

                          You do have to return the pack to obtain your refund and because you paid they need to return the money to you personally and not your wife, If you decided to return it by hand then please obatin a receipt from them for the pack as they could deny having received it back and make sure that they know who they are refunding. I feel sure they will not give you your refund in cash, you should however. receive it within 2 weeks. Another poster on this site told them he was reporting them to the MOJ and they returned his money pretty sharpish but this was paid by cheque depite him/her paying by credit card.

                          Here is a link to another poster who started his claim before sometime before March 2009 and they have still not settled his claim and they are now trying to change the contract/goal posts, very interesting reading....Cento Client Review - Legal Beagles

                          Please let us know how you get on with this and if we can help you any further please let us know. In the meantime this forum is free to use and should you want to look into claiming back for instance Mis-Sold PPI, Bank, Credit or Mortgage charges, we can help you.


                          Originally posted by welshwingnut View Post
                          Hi , i feel like a fool , i parted with £149.99 last week ( paid on my credit card ) after numerous phone calls from this company over the last few weeks , i felt they were genuine as they had so much information about my mortgage , and credit card company , even down to the fact of how much i owed ( where do they get this info from ?) Did you ask them?..Now the odd bit , every time they phoned it was myself they spoke to and not my wife , they have sent the information pack through and its all in my wifes name and not mine , now i have 2 options phone them 1st thing tomorrow and ask for the information pack in my name and then send it back and claim my money back ( can not send the original back as its already filled in with to much personal info on there ...not posted thank god) or just drive down there in the morning demand my money back in cash ..what should i do ?
                          many thanks..
                          Last edited by TUTTSI; 11th October 2009, 22:26:PM. Reason: added a link


                          • Re: Cento Client Review

                            Hi tuttsi ( same name as my cat lol) , thanks for the reply , i will be on the phone to them 1st thing this morning and i will mention all that has been said above , i will keep you posted and see how i get on , many thanks.


                            • Re: Cento Client Review

                              Looking good , i think the refund is on its way , watch this space , i will explain more when the money is back on my card..
                              Last edited by welshwingnut; 12th October 2009, 15:09:PM. Reason: just had another phone call


                              • Re: Cento Client Review

                                Many thanks for so many good contributions regarding that particular "service" arrangement proposed by Cento Client Review. I have been phonned by them, and shall politely decline their offer of sortings things out. They have been a bit persistent in wasting my time, and I do not care for their, as it is their choice to waste theirs.
                                A big THANK YOU to all of you in assisting me to say very politely "No Thank you" to Cento.
                                This is my first post on this forum, and I shall follow it with interest.
                                Last edited by 2be; 13th October 2009, 15:47:PM.


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