Hi all just had a quick read of some posts. I have received a CFS form to complete by Halifax. I just wanted some guidance as didnt want to make a mess of it. Basically living off credit ie overdraft/credit cards to supplement my small pension and DLA benefits. Was medically retired, divorced etc now reached point cant maNAGE financially anymore. well cant manage in many ways actually. Have mobility and both upper lower limb weakness pain issues. Life sucks right now . bEEN IN CONTACT WITH DEBT MANAGEMENT RE doing A MONTHLY payment to creditors total credit debt about 24k . Thought as most on bank overdraft and credit card would ask about reclaim again re bank charges that were at 3.6k in 2007/08 . Just started to incur again now.
Sop the CFS fORM is MY next priority.
Hey I have to make payment to gardener/window cleaner and help with some housework how will this be viewed? I CANT DO THESE THINGS MYSELF. Also my mobility element of DLA goes on mobility car so how do I PUT THAT DOWN?
Sorry not sure if I SHOULD ASK THIS HERE ?
Sop the CFS fORM is MY next priority.
Hey I have to make payment to gardener/window cleaner and help with some housework how will this be viewed? I CANT DO THESE THINGS MYSELF. Also my mobility element of DLA goes on mobility car so how do I PUT THAT DOWN?
Sorry not sure if I SHOULD ASK THIS HERE ?