Hi! I am greatful for any opinion, advice and account of a similar experience to the one I have with 1st Credit. I am also indebted to anyone who is taking time to read about my trouble at the moment. Thank you!
I defaulted on payments on my Barclaycard in... 2003. I think the debt was £2500, but I'm actually not sure. Barclaycard sent Credit Solutions to chase the debt. I had a traumatising experience of their telephone conduct (where by they literally shouted at me, threatened with physical breaking in and changed reps at trying increasingly harder approaches to dealing with me). They asked for the monthly sums which were ridiculous for me (£50 at least, I think) and which, of course, I would have paid to Barclaycard if I could. My line of defence at the time was that, if they couldn't accept a significantly lower sum, they were welcome to send me to court. I don't think I knew what I was saying at the time, but I didn't know what else to say. The strange thing was that they didn't want to do that. We somehow settled with a sum of £7 a month for the start, which within a year or so gradually increased to £14 and I have been paying that ever since, until a few months ago.
Because I was so traumatised by this experience (I sought counciling, had sleepless nights, would burst into sweat and shaking at the thought of it), I never answered an anonymous phone call or one that I suspected was this debt agent, since. Everything happenned in writing, but there has been so much of it, that, in my last clearance, I got rid of a large chunk; and left only the relatively recent correspondence.
The debt was passed on to Connought before 2005, I think. This 'Connought' would, at times, manifest as 1st Credit Solutions; and then Connought again - highly confusing, but, as my conscience was clear by now, that I was paying more than I could afford by anyone's estimate, I only glanced at their letters and ignored most of the threats and gimmicks (I quickly figured that they were the same company). They have since then threatened with court numerous times. They'd adopt a hard line of a few phone calls a day and weekly letters, for a period of time; and then give it a rest; and then start again. They offered to accept half the required sum and close the account, many times. All the while, I never engaged with them, I just started sending checks to the new company and address, once I was informed that the debt was passed over to them.
In 2013, the debt was Assigned to them. I was informed of this in writing by them and Barclaycard, but not by recorded delivery. I don't know whether the Assignment is Absolute or Legal. My reality didn't change. I still carried on paying, they still carried on writing, calling, threatening legal action and making offers.
A few months ago, I wrote them a letter, informing them that I would have to stop with payments for a while. My financial circumstances worsened and the burden was too heavy. I emphasised that I had no employer, no assets and no property, all of which is true; and that I would contact them when I'm able to restart a payment plan or make an offer of payment. They acknowledged the letter, gave me about a month break and then started the demands again.
The last I have is that I owe close to £2200 and that my 'account has been passed to 1st Credit's Legal Department'. Apparently, their 'Credit Bureau information' suggests that I have means to pay and, if I don't respond in 10 days, my account will be passed to the solicitors, 'with the intention of issuing' me with a ''letter before claim''.
Now, my credit score was bad for a long time, but I think it has improved in the last few years. It would be nice to keep it that way, so I don't feel as indifferent about a CCJ now as I did over a decade ago. Any estimates out there as to where this could go next or ideas on a balanced negotiation move?
All thoughts much appreciated and appologies for such a long post, but I thought I'd lay out the facts straight away, to save time on filling the gaps.
I defaulted on payments on my Barclaycard in... 2003. I think the debt was £2500, but I'm actually not sure. Barclaycard sent Credit Solutions to chase the debt. I had a traumatising experience of their telephone conduct (where by they literally shouted at me, threatened with physical breaking in and changed reps at trying increasingly harder approaches to dealing with me). They asked for the monthly sums which were ridiculous for me (£50 at least, I think) and which, of course, I would have paid to Barclaycard if I could. My line of defence at the time was that, if they couldn't accept a significantly lower sum, they were welcome to send me to court. I don't think I knew what I was saying at the time, but I didn't know what else to say. The strange thing was that they didn't want to do that. We somehow settled with a sum of £7 a month for the start, which within a year or so gradually increased to £14 and I have been paying that ever since, until a few months ago.
Because I was so traumatised by this experience (I sought counciling, had sleepless nights, would burst into sweat and shaking at the thought of it), I never answered an anonymous phone call or one that I suspected was this debt agent, since. Everything happenned in writing, but there has been so much of it, that, in my last clearance, I got rid of a large chunk; and left only the relatively recent correspondence.
The debt was passed on to Connought before 2005, I think. This 'Connought' would, at times, manifest as 1st Credit Solutions; and then Connought again - highly confusing, but, as my conscience was clear by now, that I was paying more than I could afford by anyone's estimate, I only glanced at their letters and ignored most of the threats and gimmicks (I quickly figured that they were the same company). They have since then threatened with court numerous times. They'd adopt a hard line of a few phone calls a day and weekly letters, for a period of time; and then give it a rest; and then start again. They offered to accept half the required sum and close the account, many times. All the while, I never engaged with them, I just started sending checks to the new company and address, once I was informed that the debt was passed over to them.
In 2013, the debt was Assigned to them. I was informed of this in writing by them and Barclaycard, but not by recorded delivery. I don't know whether the Assignment is Absolute or Legal. My reality didn't change. I still carried on paying, they still carried on writing, calling, threatening legal action and making offers.
A few months ago, I wrote them a letter, informing them that I would have to stop with payments for a while. My financial circumstances worsened and the burden was too heavy. I emphasised that I had no employer, no assets and no property, all of which is true; and that I would contact them when I'm able to restart a payment plan or make an offer of payment. They acknowledged the letter, gave me about a month break and then started the demands again.
The last I have is that I owe close to £2200 and that my 'account has been passed to 1st Credit's Legal Department'. Apparently, their 'Credit Bureau information' suggests that I have means to pay and, if I don't respond in 10 days, my account will be passed to the solicitors, 'with the intention of issuing' me with a ''letter before claim''.
Now, my credit score was bad for a long time, but I think it has improved in the last few years. It would be nice to keep it that way, so I don't feel as indifferent about a CCJ now as I did over a decade ago. Any estimates out there as to where this could go next or ideas on a balanced negotiation move?
All thoughts much appreciated and appologies for such a long post, but I thought I'd lay out the facts straight away, to save time on filling the gaps.