I am currently unemployed after my part time job ended, and I have only just claimed benefits. I therefore have no assets or earning to be able to pay anyone anything at all. Today out of the blue I get a letter about an old disputed CC debt, the letter is from Lowells and they are saying they've bought the debt from bank of Scotland.
The bank of scotland letter came in the same envelope as the statement. The BOS letter was printed on lowell's office printer, the envelope has a different return address PO Box 189 and letters all have different addresses. So I'm a bit confused whether the bank has written to me or is it just the DCA. So has the debt now been sold on and the dca own it in full? Does this mean they will take me to court?
The bank of scotland letter came in the same envelope as the statement. The BOS letter was printed on lowell's office printer, the envelope has a different return address PO Box 189 and letters all have different addresses. So I'm a bit confused whether the bank has written to me or is it just the DCA. So has the debt now been sold on and the dca own it in full? Does this mean they will take me to court?