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message for bluebottle

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  • #16
    Re: message for bluebottle

    Originally posted by miliitant View Post
    letsa get back onto the original question

    what is the legal standing of a dca who sends a letter preporting to be from the original creditor assigning the debt and a dca welcome letter in the same envelpe.
    its obvious both have been typed up by the dca in question and why is the assignment is not sent by registerd post to be legally binding.

    the assignment is then inafectiive if the assignment is not sent by recorded mail
    There is no reason why it cannot be, it is simply to let you know that the agreement has been assigned in compliance with the act.

    Doesnt matter who sent it.

    Itr is not purporting to be something it isnt, why would it when either party could have sent it.



    • #17
      Re: message for bluebottle

      Originally posted by miliitant View Post
      the fact of giving a notice of assignment does not, of itself, create an assignment and that there must be an actual assignment in existence. It is the actual Assignment, not just the Section 136 notice, under which the creditor has just cause. the debtor has a legal right to see the actual assignment.

      (Van Lynn Developments v Pelias Construction Co Ltd 1968 [3] All ER 824)

      i am talking on ABSOLUTE ASSIGNMENTS
      In this case you're not talking about the Notice of Assignment, you're talking about the actual Deed of Assignment. Yes, you can get to see this, but only by using the CPR's. It is highly unlikely you will ever get to see the actual deed otherwise.


      • #18
        Re: message for bluebottle

        Originally posted by miliitant View Post
        the fact of giving a notice of assignment does not, of itself, create an assignment and that there must be an actual assignment in existence. It is the actual Assignment, not just the Section 136 notice, under which the creditor has just cause. the debtor has a legal right to see the actual assignment.

        (Van Lynn Developments v Pelias Construction Co Ltd 1968 [3] All ER 824)
        Are you saying that no actual assignment took place?
        Do you have any reason to think this.



        • #19
          Re: message for bluebottle

          196 (4) Stipulates That A Notice Of Assignment Sent Through The Mail Must Be By Recorded Mail To Be Effective Any notice required or authorised by this Act to be served shall also be sufficiently served

          Lets Answer That Question First


          • #20
            Re: message for bluebottle

            Originally posted by bluebottle View Post
            Just had a look at Section 136, Law of Property Act 1925.

            From what I have read, it gives a creditor the right to assign a debt to another party, provided the creditor gives written notice to the debtor of the assignment. This can be done by the creditor or the assignee (DCA) can forward the original Notice of Assignment or a Certified Copy of same to the debtor. If a copy is forwarded that is not a Certified Copy, it can be regarded as a forgery.
            HI Can you point out the entry that says anything about sendig a notice of assignment or certified copy to the debtor


            Any absolute assignment by writing under the hand of the assignor (not purporting to be by way of,charge only) of any debt or other legal thing in action, of which express notice in writing has been given to the debtor, trustee or other person from whom the assignor would have been entitled to claim such debt or thing in action, is effectual in law (subject to equities having priority over the right of the assignee) to pass and transfer from the date of such notice

            Nothing about a copy certified or otherwise just notice of the assignment.



            • #21
              Re: message for bluebottle

              Originally posted by miliitant View Post
              196 (4) Stipulates That A Notice Of Assignment Sent Through The Mail Must Be By Recorded Mail To Be Effective Any notice required or authorised by this Act to be served shall also be sufficiently served

              Lets Answer That Question First
              Ok so lets forget about the forgery thning

              The complaint is the way the notice was sent.



              • #22
                Re: message for bluebottle

                Originally posted by miliitant View Post
                letsa get back onto the original question

                what is the legal standing of a dca who sends a letter preporting to be from the original creditor assigning the debt and a dca welcome letter in the same envelpe.
                its obvious both have been typed up by the dca in question and why is the assignment is not sent by registerd post to be legally binding.

                the assignment is then inafectiive if the assignment is not sent by recorded mail
                Okay. The Law of Property Act 1925 is still on the Statute Book and in force. If the EU Directive says that a notice does not have to be sent if nothing has changed, so be it. However, if things have changed, then, yes, a Notice of Assignment would be required. Under the circumstances, the debtor would need to be served with an original notice from the creditor, either directly, or by the assignee (DCA). If the assignee wants to hold the original, it is lawful to send a Certified Copy. If a Notice of Assignment is sent by a DCA to a debtor, where the law so requires, that is neither an original of that provided by the creditor or a Certified Copy, it is reasonable to suspect it is a forgery. The debtor has a right to establish whether or not a Notice of Assignment is genuine.

                What I have said above is my interpretation of the law as it is written.
                Life is a journey on which we all travel, sometimes together, but never alone.


                • #23
                  Re: message for bluebottle

                  Originally posted by bluebottle View Post
                  Okay. The Law of Property Act 1925 is still on the Statute Book and in force. If the EU Directive says that a notice does not have to be sent if nothing has changed, so be it. However, if things have changed, then, yes, a Notice of Assignment would be required. Under the circumstances, the debtor would need to be served with an original notice from the creditor, either directly, or by the assignee (DCA). If the assignee wants to hold the original, it is lawful to send a Certified Copy. If a Notice of Assignment is sent by a DCA to a debtor, where the law so requires, that is neither an original of that provided by the creditor or a Certified Copy, it is reasonable to suspect it is a forgery. The debtor has a right to establish whether or not a Notice of Assignment is genuine.

                  What I have said above is my interpretation of the law as it is written.



                  • #24
                    Re: message for bluebottle

                    The Complaint Was The Way A Dca Sends Out The Notice Of Assigment And Its Legality In Law So Where Does It Stand Then As To 196 (4) If What Ever Notice Was Sent Other Than Recorded Mail To Be A Lawful Assignment


                    • #25
                      Re: message for bluebottle


                      take barclaycard
                      the sell a debt to a dca
                      the account has then changed because a dca slipps up as it does not offer a credit card facility so it is no longer a running credit account


                      • #26
                        Re: message for bluebottle

                        Sorry to keep harking back to them, but again the EU Directives are not silent on this topic either. They state:

                        It is important, however, that notice is given as soon as reasonably possible and in a way that is clearly understandable by the borrower.


                        • #27
                          Re: message for bluebottle

                          Originally posted by miliitant View Post

                          take barclaycard
                          the sell a debt to a dca
                          the account has then changed because a dca slipps up as it does not offer a credit card facility so it is no longer a running credit account
                          Acccounts have to be terminated before they are sold to aDCA dont they.
                          Upon termination all liabilitirs under the contract become due, this is not a loan of any kind at this point.



                          • #28
                            Re: message for bluebottle

                            ill say it again


                            THANK YOU


                            • #29
                              Re: message for bluebottle

                              Originally posted by miliitant View Post
                              The Complaint Was The Way A Dca Sends Out The Notice Of Assigment And Its Legality In Law So Where Does It Stand Then As To 196 (4) If What Ever Notice Was Sent Other Than Recorded Mail To Be A Lawful Assignment
                              Have got the Law of Property Act 1925 open as a PDF. Section 196(4) states that any notice required to be served under the Act must be sent by Registered Post (Special Delivery) and is regarded as delivered within the period normally allowed by the postal operator for delivery of a Registered Post (Special Delivery) Letter.

                              If a DCA sent out a Notice of Assignment by Recorded Delivery, as opposed to Special Delivery, it could be argued that the Notice was not served properly.

                              With regard to a Credit Card Debt, assuming the card issuer has stopped the card from being used, the amount the debtor owes is a straightforward debt. So the usual rules of debt collection would apply. In my experience, credit card issuers usually block a card to prevent it from being used before involving DCAs. I have never known a credit card issuer assign a debt to a DCA whilst a credit card is still active.

                              The way the EU Directive appears to operate is as in the examples below -

                              A creditor has a £1000 debt which they assign to a DCA. The debtor has not made any payments to reduce it. Under the Directive, the creditor doesn't have to provide the debtor with a Notice of Assignment.

                              A creditor has a £1000 debt which they assign to a DCA. The debtor has made payments totalling £150 to try and clear the debt and is continuing to make payments. Under the Directive, the creditor has to provide a Notice of Assignment to the debtor or the DCA, if they follow correct legal procedures, has to provide the original Notice of Assignment or a Certified Copy.

                              In my experience, where a document is required for some legal purpose, it must either be the original or a Certified Copy if it is to have any force in law.
                              Life is a journey on which we all travel, sometimes together, but never alone.


                              • #30
                                Re: message for bluebottle

                                it must either be the original or a Certified Copy if it is to have any force in law.

                                totally agree

                                its the same with reconstructed agreements (carey judgement)

                                so with reference 196 (4) lop 1925

                                unless the creditor (dca) can prove the notice of assignment was sent by registered post then the assignment is ineffectual in law and a perfect defense to any claim by a dca


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