Hi All
Sometimes these companies beggar belief.
I made a complaint to Amex about the conduct of Newmans last year as they (and their predecessors AIC) were refusing to accept my DMP.
Amex response was that they would accept my DMP payment and also have frozen interest and charges (see response letter attachment).
Newmans are now sending me letters demanding I complete their own Income and Expenditure sheet. This form demands:
What cars I own and their value
Current value of our house and outstanding mortage
Employer information (so no doubt they can then try to call me at work as they currently do not have this information as I changed employment last year)
Proof of my income
Pension information and value
Surely the fact they have a letter from their 'client' accepting my DMP (they were sent a copy of the letter attached) should be enough.
But instead they still send letters demanding I call them, are asking for more financial information than they are entitled to, despite the fact their client has instructed them to accept my payment.
How many complaints do I have to put in about these idiots?!!
I think my stance should be something along the lines of 'your client has instructed you to accept my payment plan so bugger off'.
I think some more complaints in to the OFT and even the FOS are now in order.
I would love them to take me to court now I really would!
Sometimes these companies beggar belief.
I made a complaint to Amex about the conduct of Newmans last year as they (and their predecessors AIC) were refusing to accept my DMP.
Amex response was that they would accept my DMP payment and also have frozen interest and charges (see response letter attachment).
Newmans are now sending me letters demanding I complete their own Income and Expenditure sheet. This form demands:
What cars I own and their value
Current value of our house and outstanding mortage
Employer information (so no doubt they can then try to call me at work as they currently do not have this information as I changed employment last year)
Proof of my income
Pension information and value
Surely the fact they have a letter from their 'client' accepting my DMP (they were sent a copy of the letter attached) should be enough.
But instead they still send letters demanding I call them, are asking for more financial information than they are entitled to, despite the fact their client has instructed them to accept my payment.
How many complaints do I have to put in about these idiots?!!
I think my stance should be something along the lines of 'your client has instructed you to accept my payment plan so bugger off'.
I think some more complaints in to the OFT and even the FOS are now in order.
I would love them to take me to court now I really would!