Re: Contractual Interest
As i understand it the principle of account of profits is that the courts determine a)if the proifits made were unjust or not and if they do then b) theres a detrmination of how much they actually profitted unjustlyby.
I think in reality i think that if a court action based on account of profits was won, that it would be a two stage affair
1st determining if the claim warranted such an aciotn and the second the determinaiton of the actual remedy.
in principle a claimaint sdhould not be put in a better position than they were at the start, notwithstanding any compensaiton awarded by the courts for injuries.
So i think the issues would be highly complex and would require the appointment of an expert by the courts. I cannot see how an assessment by a claiminat nor the assessment by the defendant could be relied upon by either party.
As i understand it the principle of account of profits is that the courts determine a)if the proifits made were unjust or not and if they do then b) theres a detrmination of how much they actually profitted unjustlyby.
I think in reality i think that if a court action based on account of profits was won, that it would be a two stage affair
1st determining if the claim warranted such an aciotn and the second the determinaiton of the actual remedy.
in principle a claimaint sdhould not be put in a better position than they were at the start, notwithstanding any compensaiton awarded by the courts for injuries.
So i think the issues would be highly complex and would require the appointment of an expert by the courts. I cannot see how an assessment by a claiminat nor the assessment by the defendant could be relied upon by either party.