Hi all, long story short got into financial difficulty about 10 years ago and have been paying for it ever since. My last debt is with a company called Link financial, i have been repaying a debt (mostly interest) for the last 10 years and got a statement from them at the end of November which is gobbly gook. So i phoned and asked for a breakdown in what i still owe, which they didnt answer as settlement figures are dealt with elsewhere. I then said i would be sending in a pound for a breakdown of my account and would then take that to a solicitor to make sure everything was in accordance with the ccj awarded against me. On the 14th December recieved settlement letter from Link Financial saying that the account held with them has been settled. Then on 21st December recieved letter saying that account is now in arrears. So i broke the rule and phoned them asking what is going on. After a while it appears that on their old system the account has been settled but on there new system the debt is in its thousands. So i got a non po box address of off them and i will send by recorded mail a one pound postal order for a copy of my account. The bloke i spoke to said he would get his manager to call and explain to me what has happened, I declined and told him to put in my notes that all correspondance are to be in writing only. Wonder if they will phone!
The thing i would like to know is can they now demand money from me on an account that i have recieved a settled in full letter from. EJP
The thing i would like to know is can they now demand money from me on an account that i have recieved a settled in full letter from. EJP