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welcome finance help needed

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  • Re: welcome finance help needed

    Wishing you a speedy recovery Poochie.xx


    • Re: welcome finance help needed

      me and my partner have got a loan with welcome finance too every time we speak to a debt advisor and we say who loans with they sound disappointed and say o no not welcome finance ????????? ive also started to feel they are dodgy specially since they gave us a 15,000 secure loan to us when we got a 100% morgage and no equrity in our house. when we was searching round loan companys every 1 said u got no equity in our house and wouldnt give us 1 ?


      • Re: welcome finance help needed

        hello again guys. just an update for you all
        we got letter from fos and they basically gave us a form to sign to say we will accept the fos workin on our behalf and that welcome have been sent set of guidelines to make us an offer and add £200 compensation payment to any offer. They have then to send it to fos who will check it to make sure its within the guidelines and then post it to us for acceptance.
        If fos not happy with offer then it goes back to welcome but basically we wait on letter from fos with the offer.
        Does th sound the normal way of things?
        Last edited by poochie; 14th August 2009, 18:47:PM.


        • Re: welcome finance help needed

          I think so, yes. It's not that you are signing to say that you WILL accept any offer that they make, but only that you agree for the FOS to act for you. And it's good that the FOS slap a compensation figure on to boot. That's something that you would be hard pushed to negotiate for yourself. Only fair IMHO.

          Make sure they still have money left to pay me, won't you.
          My Blog


          • Re: welcome finance help needed

            aye belter luggerbugs....Im gonna be stockin up on valium if I can with the extra dosh...thats assumin they pay up.....lol


            • Re: welcome finance help needed

              I'm not trusting their figures either. SAR'd them, plus asked for a complete breakdown of their figures.
              My Blog


              • Re: welcome finance help needed

                your case makes very interestin readin especially about the statements because we never got regular statements until I started complainin and we got them for about 4 mths then they have stopped again.
                We never get statements from welcome anymore so should I complain about that as well


                • Re: welcome finance help needed

                  Well, they are only supposed to send them a minimum of once a year, so I don't think they would necessarily accept it as a valid complaint. But no harm either, I suppose. Just so they don't forget about you.
                  My Blog


                  • Re: welcome finance help needed

                    Due to recent reforms in the Consumer Credit Act 1974 from the 1st October 2008, you should receive a statement shortly after the anniversary date of your loan.


                    • Re: welcome finance help needed

                      still no reply or offer from welcome as yet guys....... Hopefully it will be soon tho cause we could do with a laff


                      • Re: welcome finance help needed

                        I am well surprised. Everything seemed to happen quite quickly. I went straight to Compliance though.

                        Mind you, I still haven't heard back yet from my "Feck off and make me a better offer" letter. LOL

                        Could be that they are too busy "sorting" stuff for the administrators.

                        Or should that be "shredding"? hehe
                        My Blog


                        • Re: welcome finance help needed

                          I think their nerves must be in shredded with you on their case eh

                          Im still waiting on offer but intend writing to them on monday if nothin in the post that day..... They are not keepin me waitin coz I have fought long and hard for this.....
                          Also we got letter to say our local office has shut down and if we had any queries our nearest office is in england now....how can that be if we in scotland......lol
                          Must be credit crunch and cut backs.....lol


                          • Re: welcome finance help needed

                            Welcome have shut down loads of offices, and I believe that the worklod from thjose offices has been taken over by Nottingham.

                            Which probably explains the deafening silence.

                            Mind you, I'm very surprised I haven't even had one tentative phone call, since I stopped paying them. I think my office is still open after all. Maybe I should go and knock on the door in the morning. :tinysmile_hmm_t2:
                            My Blog


                            • Re: welcome finance help needed

                              dya think we could get away with stoppin payments then.....lol


                              • Re: welcome finance help needed

                                Whilst I am confident enough to deal with any possible consequences of stopping payments, it's not a course of action I would actually recommend.
                                My Blog


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