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welcome finance help needed

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  • Re: welcome finance help needed

    Ok, now Im confused....wats the lba letter?
    how can I seperate claim or watever it is I need to do for FOS?
    I need clear concise instructions cause I aint the brightest bulb in the box.....lol :tinysmile_cry_t:


    • Re: welcome finance help needed

      OK poochie, will get you sorted with this either today or tomorrow.
      There is a lot going on as you may know with the test case today and quite a few are going and the rest will be waiting with baited breath.
      You have not been forgotten, or being ignored it will be sorted.
      Enaid x


      • Re: welcome finance help needed

        Originally posted by poochie View Post
        Ok, now Im confused....wats the lba letter?
        how can I seperate claim or watever it is I need to do for FOS?
        I need clear concise instructions cause I aint the brightest bulb in the box.....lol :tinysmile_cry_t:
        OK LBA is Letter Before Action which is sent following an initial complaint letter or Preliminary Request Letter. This is often used in an attempt to get a firm to reconsider their initial response if not the response you had wanted and also informing them of your intention to escalate the matter to the relvant authorities either Court or FOS.

        As I have previously stated you will need to either give the firm 8 weeks to respond positively or issue you with a final response. After this the FOS will get involved after you have made a complaint.

        When you make a complaint to the FOS they have different departments for example a PPI team and a Charges team.

        They recomend that you seperate the two parts of your complaint against a firm into a complaint for a refund of charges (if you are requesting these to be refunded) and a complaint for the refund of mis-sold PPI (if you are claiming this).

        Therefore for each part you need to complete a seperate one of these if going FOS route: http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.u...laint_form.doc

        You can start trying to complete these in advance to the 8 weeks being up. If yu need any help let us know. Also when you do send in your complaints you will need to send them in together with all supporting documentation including letter sent to and from you and WFS and all other documentation perhaps info from your SAR etc that might support your complaints. They will then copy all your docs an pass them to the relevant team.


        • Re: welcome finance help needed

          The part I dont understand now is that if I send them the 14days deadline to respond and they dont, then i send another 14days deadline letter, why then do I have to wait the 8wks that you mentioned...? Is it then not a waste of time sendin the 14days deadline letter?
          Maybe I am not understandin this well, and I do apologise for my ignorance in all this but I am so appreciative of everyone takin time to help and advise me


          • Re: welcome finance help needed

            LBA's are usually given 14 days to show you are offering them a reasonable time to respond before court action. However the FOS state you must wait 8 weeks.

            You could if you wanted to at the start give the firm a 7 day prelim refund request followed by a 7 week LBA as this would take you up to the FOS timescale.

            However if you were to do this they would most definately wait until the last minute without a chance of you getting a response any quicker. Doing it the 14 days way means they are not sure if you are going to go court route or FOS so they usually pay a bit more attention if your lucky. If they dont and you are going FOS then just wait for the 8 weeks to elapse and fanny's your aunt.

            Dont worry about it though.
            ------------------------------- merged -------------------------------
            ps the FOS can take anything up to and above a year to sort PPI complaints out.

            Charges are usually quicker and other complaints, another reason why its good to seperate charges from PPI.
            Last edited by TANZARELLI; 27th February 2009, 00:45:AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


            • Re: welcome finance help needed

              Right thanx tanzarelli, I think I understand that..... So wat I do now is write the next 14days deadline letter and wait the 8wks...Is that right or am I wrong again?...Im sorry to keep bein unsure but I aint that knowledgable about all this.
              How do I do the lba letter?..Is there a template for it?.....Thanx again, much appreciated


              • Re: welcome finance help needed

                Originally posted by TANZARELLI View Post
                ps the FOS can take anything up to and above a year to sort PPI complaints out.
                One that I know of is in the 18th month, AFTER being passed to an adjudicator. Expect timescales to increase as a result of more public awareness due to the blanket ban on pushing PPI at the point of sale.

                The FOS is currently understaffed. Anybody fancy a job?
                My Blog


                • Re: welcome finance help needed

                  Originally posted by poochie View Post
                  How do I do the lba letter?..Is there a template for it?.....Thanx again, much appreciated
                  Its now here PPI Letter Before Action

                  Last edited by Paule; 28th February 2009, 17:17:PM.


                  • Re: welcome finance help needed

                    ok guys, I got standard letter from welcome to say my complaint is bein dealt with by their complaints dept and they will be in touch soon. I also got call today and before they would speak to me they asked for me to confirm details fro dat aprotection to make sure they were speakin to the right person. I said thats daft cause you phoned me and the lass got stroppy with me so it started off well.....lol
                    Anyways, I said I wont confirm anythin because they had been told not to phone me or husband and to keep all contact in writin and she said if I dont speak to her now then she will send someone to the house to do it so I said go ahead but I will just shut door in their face...
                    I dont know if my letter of complaint is about the documents I got that did not relate to us or about our charges or about how come they takin £327 a month out our account wen it should be £317 and we have letters to prove they takin wrong amount so I suppose its just waitin to see if I get visitor at door or if I get letter.
                    Sorry if this has not helped my case but they have been told not to phone us and I got letter from head office to say they will keep all contact in writing in the future...It obviously not worked....
                    Sorry guys :tinysmile_cry_t:


                    • Re: welcome finance help needed

                      Are you behind with payments still?


                      • Re: welcome finance help needed

                        poochie, please don't be sorry, it is they that are in the wrong.
                        Did you send the LBA letter ? This one? PPI Letter Before Action


                        • Re: welcome finance help needed

                          They are sayin we are behind with payments but we dont think so, we had reached agreement to defer payments to end of the loan term with them but obviously we were not smart enough to ask for confirmation in writing so we cant prove we had agreement.
                          I am tryin to do the lba letter tonight so I can hopefully send it tomorrow.
                          Wat do we do after that?..Do I start gettin all the info ready for the FOS?....
                          Thanx again everyone, this site has been brilliant and patient with me...very much appreciated


                          • Re: welcome finance help needed

                            The threat of someone visiting is due to the areas they say you owe. Its prob a case of left hand doesn't know what right hand is doing and even though head office have said they will contact you in writing the local branch hasn't been informed of this so continue to try to collect.

                            Your first letter was sent recorded delivery wasn't it? If so then the clock starts ticking for the FOS here. Its worth getting your info ready for the FOS and try to complete the complaint form in as much detail as you can, this can be saved and re-looked at whenever you get 5 mins here and there.

                            Its advisable to take copies of all the original docs you send to the FOS just in case something happens to them in the post or they are mis-placed. The FOS do return docs to you when they have finished with them and on reciept will copy a set for your file.

                            Get the LBA off as soon as you can and dont forget it needs to be recorded delivery so it can be tracked.


                            • Re: welcome finance help needed

                              ok I will do that tanzarelli....
                              Today I recieved another reply from welcome that basically just says thanx for my letter and my complaint is bein investigated and someone will be in touch soon.. It doesnt actually say wat letter of complaint they mean coz I have sent a few now but I think they gettin fed up with me and have a standard letter they will just keep postin to me..... Its good job Im keepin diary of wat date I sent wat letter etc because thats the only clues I have as to wat letter they replyin about....They say thanx for your letter dated such and such so i check my diary to see which ane they mean..... See Im learning something from you guys.....
                              ------------------------------- merged -------------------------------
                              I deserve a jaffa cake for bein a clever girl and payin attention in class ....ha ha
                              Last edited by poochie; 6th March 2009, 22:00:PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                              • Re: welcome finance help needed

                                [quote=poochie; See Im learning something from you guys.....
                                ------------------------------- merged -------------------------------
                                I deserve a jaffa cake for bein a clever girl and payin attention in class ....ha ha [/quote]

                                Have a packet love, cause if your like me, you can't stop at one lol.


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