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welcome finance help needed

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  • Re: welcome finance help needed

    My local office is still open, and the guy I know there is still confident in them keeping their jobs.


    • Re: welcome finance help needed

      Poochie have you called the FOS recently to see whats happening, sound like Welcome need a nudge.


      • Re: welcome finance help needed

        hiya guys, not heard a thing from them so was wonderin if I should be writin to them again..... Why are they takin so long wen fos gave them a deadline of 7wks to make an offer.
        My husband back to the issue of stoppin payments now to see if it gets them movin in right direction... Any ideas guys?

        All help and advice much appreciated


        • Re: welcome finance help needed

          You may not need to stop payments soon. They may well be out of business completely. Time will tell. I'm thinking we should get some news by the end of the month.

          I'd be surprised if anybody gets any sort of payment whatsoever now.

          Be patient.
          My Blog


          • Re: welcome finance help needed

            so if they go out of business then we dont have to repay the loan then?...Is that wat your sayin dear coz if so then all my digits are well and trully crossed...lol


            • Re: welcome finance help needed

              LOL. Not really saying that. But I DO wonder who the heck would be stupid enough to take on their accounts.

              They haven't yet filed amended accounts, (they have until 23rd to do so), have no possibility of raising any more cash, and some of the heirarchy are facing jail. Investors are threatening court action, and there has been dodgy dealings with the share rights issue.

              Some folks at the top must be wondering if the roof will ever stop falling in.
              My Blog


              • Re: welcome finance help needed

                ok so wat do you advise we do because we aint had offer yet and Im sure they have had the 7wks that the fos said tehy had to make the offer.

                We just confused now.....Do we just keep payin as normal?.....thanx


                • Re: welcome finance help needed

                  I wouldn't ever advise stopping payment. I know... hypocrite that I am.

                  But. Reasons are...

                  local office will likley hound you, adding £10 per phone call, and £25 per visit
                  Interest willl accrue on the arrears
                  They may very well default you
                  You could end up in court and have to explain your reasons for non payment
                  You may not be in a situation where you can put aside the money to be used should all else fail and you end up having to pay it back
                  Any settlement you get will have the arrears deducted from the payment

                  Now. It is entirely up to you whether or not you take on board what I have said. But I really DO urge caution. And patience. Lots of patience.

                  The FOS is inundated with PPI complaints, especially about Welcome, so they WILL get around to dealing with your complaint. And they WILL side with you. And Welcome DO have to abide by their decision. So frustrating as it is, you can only wait. I just hope the coffers aren't empty by the time they get to yours.
                  My Blog


                  • Re: welcome finance help needed

                    but this is why Im upset just now...fos gave them 7wks to make offer and we have heard nothin so do we write to fos and let them know we aint had offer or just sit back and wait to see wat happens......thanx


                    • Re: welcome finance help needed

                      Poochie, chase up the FOS about your claim. Don't write to the FOS ring them.


                      • Re: welcome finance help needed

                        There should be a number on the letter that the FOS sent you, and you can probably speak with the person who replied to you.

                        I know on my letter it gave me Welcome's number in Compliance to phone if there was an issue. But most times the muppets in compliance just let it ring and ring. And ring. And ring....

                        You get the picture.
                        My Blog


                        • Re: welcome finance help needed

                          I have several letters from fos becayse we had several complaints like the charges and also they takin wrong payment from our account each month etc so we have lots of letters with different references on them but I will get the one with the 7wk deadline and phone it to see wat they say
                          Thanx everyone, will keep ye updated if and wen I get any replies


                          • Re: welcome finance help needed

                            We are still waiting, spoke to FOS last week and they were chasing it up as we have other issuse about the acount being uneforeable due to lack of signed papers (what a suprise)!
                            Never give up, Never surrender.


                            • Re: welcome finance help needed

                              You could try emailing them, quoting your FOS reference number...

                              My Blog


                              • Re: welcome finance help needed

                                still not gettin anywhere by fone so will try e-mailin them...thanx everyone


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