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I WON!!!! Served with a statuory demand by BW Legal/Lowell

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  • #91
    Re: HELP!!! I've just been served with a statuory demand by bwlegal/Lowell

    Originally posted by fuzzybrain
    Update time (is there a chance this could moved into the VIP section so any inquistive eyes that are not forum friends cn't read thid - I think you know what i mean.....

    Firstly a massive huge thank you so to Kafka for being such an amazing support today and being there for me on the phone, your advice and support was so incredible and it really helped knowing you were at then end of the phone.

    Thank you also to you all who are helping me and offering such fabulous advice - please don't stop now as things are about to get interesting and I'm going to need all the help I can.

    What happened

    As you know solicitor for BW/Lowells wanted an adjournment for 28 days and then a further 28 days for my response and then a hearing day a month later. I refused point blank and so off to the judge we went to battle it out.

    The Judge was seriously ticked off that BW/Lowells were "not in a position to defend the application to day due to lack of paperwork" (solictors phrasing) She asked why they had not contacted the court to ask for extra time and asked me if i had been contacted prior to today to ask for extra time. I stated that I had not been advised or asked about an adjournment, that it was only brought to my attention upon my arrival at court today.

    She asked me why I thought the case should be dismissed so i put forward the following arguments:

    Barclarycard has had since 2009 to comply with the CCA request and have failed to do so despite numerous requests from me since January 2009 onwards. I stated that it is my belief that the documentation does not exist as it would have been presented to me by BC when I first requested it

    That the Stat demand was heavy handed and unneccesary and other options should have been explored before envoking insolvency procedures. I stated i felt the stat demand should be set aside and when the Lowells obtain the required documentation they can file for CCJ and we can go head to head in a more appropriate forum than heading straight for insolvency procedures.

    That I suffer from a comination of rare and complex medication conditions and the stress of the stat demand and having to apply for it to be set aside was negatively affecting and impacting upon my health and that I wanted and needed this to be resolved as quickly as possible. The judge asked me if I had any proof, so i showed her my card advising that that I have a sacaral neuromodulation stimulator wired to nerves my spine that send signals to my brain and bladder. I also informed her that i take a slow release form of morphine twice a day and extra morphine when the pain is severe. i advised the judge that since being issued with the stat demand i have become very stressed because of it and had to increase the level and dosage of morphine that I take. The judg seemed to accept this, but I think it might be worth having a word with somebody in my medical team and see if they could do a letter confirming that stress is a trigger and can cause a flare in my condition that usually results the above mentioned way or me ending up in hospital.

    The judge asked me if I was denying whether I owed the money. i stated that without seeing the requested CCA information then I couldn't answer that as i am questioning the enforceability of the debt and have been since 2009. The Judge then stated that i have rasied a lot of complex issues re CCA S78 in my witness statement and stated she was not aware of some of the points being raised. The judge then asked me if I had the rulings for the Harrison and Link that evidences the points raised in my witness statement. Sadly I hadn't even thought of bringing the rulings with me (i feel really dumb about that now, but I thought the other points would have had enough strength to get the stat demand dismissed)

    The judge suggested that at the next hearing i bring the following rulings with me and am able to evidence the argument i am making.

    The judge agreed that the stat demand is heavy handed espcially as they don't have the papwerwork to back it up. The solicitor claimed that they only knew about the set aside application on 7 Jan 2013 and therefore had not sufficent time to gather the required information. I then informed the judge that i have a letter sent by BW legal on 12 december stating they are now aware of the dispute and had stated in the letter they had requested the required info from Lowells who may need to go back to BC for the paperwork. Solicitor said that she had not been made aware of this letter, so i kindly offered to show her the letter - that didn't go down to well with the judge either!The judge stated that she was going to allow an adjournment but not the length or amount the solicitor was requesting. The judge gave the solicitor instructions that the required paperwork needed to be filed with the court within the next 21 days. She said then she would allow me another 21 days to file a response if i so wished to, but was not obiligated to and she gave us a return hearing date of 29 March. She then warned that she would not entertain any further requests for another adjournment at the next hearing.

    The judge then advised me to evidence my argument and bring to court the rulings mentioned and be able to demonstrate the part of the ruling that supported the points raised in my WS - The judge specifically mentioned Harrison and Link and also Hammond.

    Then the fun started the judge mentioned costs and at first the solicitor thought it was costs in their favour, but the judge was very quick to point out the Lowells have wasted both the court and my time by not having the required paperwork ready and that they should have notified the court and myself sooner and asked for an adjournment.

    The judge asked me what costs i had experienced by attending today. i stated that i had to take the day off work and that i have occured travel expense of getting to the court. I also mentioned about the time I had spent researching stat demands and set aside applications and also photocoping.

    The judge stated that the most she could allow was a witness fee of £90 per day and my travel expenses - which resulted in a costs awarded order against Lowell of £102. She said the other costs could be claimed at the next hearing (I'm trying not to read too much into that remark, but i can't help but think the judge is expected Lowells to fail to produce the required info - if they do then i'll stick a costs order in anyhow!!!)

    The solicitor was really narked at this and stated to mention that I had ignored all Lowells letters and a cost order against Lowells/BW was unfair and unjust. the jugde squashed thiis one befire i time to speak out by saying they had started the ball rolling with issuing a stat demand and that i was obligated to defend such an action. They weren't ready and have wasted my time and the court's time today so it was only fair i was recompensated for these costs occured.

    I then addressed the judge and voiced my concerns that the required and requested paperworkdid not exist as BC would have sent it to me in 2009 when i was repeatedly requesting the information. I stated that if Lowells now have ownership of the debt so wouldn't all the paperwork have been given to them then and ths if they hadn't got it then it didn't exist!! The judge stated that I have a very vaild point and would able to argue this at the next hearing if we were in the same position as today.

    Solicitor then piped uo with hiw unfair a costs order was but te judge was really getting ticked off at this point and told the solicitor to inform Lowells that they had ti pay the cost order to me by 15 February and they need to file the required info by the 21 February.

    The judge then indicated that the hearing was now adjourned and for both parties to follow the courts instructions given.

    I spoke with the solicitor afterwards and said that neother of us got what we wanted and how much longer were BW/Lowells going to drag out this out for as the paperwork doesn't exisit as if it did it would have been produced by now. I asked why didn't they just withdrawn the applciatioon and go down a CCJ route, which was far more and appropriate course of action. I warned the solicitor that if BW/Lowells intend to keep pushing further forwards with this stat demand then i would go for their throats and i would hit lowells for every single penny i possibly could and that the judge seemed sympathic ti my cause and very obliging to award costs in my favour. Solicitor repied that she was a rented solicitior and that the decision lies with Lowell/BW and i should speak with Lowells/BW about getting a conclusion sorted. I declined and said I'll wait to see what happens next and keep logging the hours and every expense down no matter how small.

    So that's pretty much it. Costs were a big bonus and i think its sent a warning sign to Lowells that this is going to cost them if they want to keep going. Personally i think they will enter a withdrawal of stat demand at te last possible moment but they will make me sweat first.

    Ok - i'm open to all suggestions/advice/support and sharing of knowledge and experience

    Quote:- A rented Solicitor, thought the street corner hang arounders were called something else?

    You are doing o.k. so far, keep your chin up!


    • #92
      Re: HELP!!! I've just been served with a statuory demand by bwlegal/Lowell

      Do I need to phone the court and let them know that the date the judge set is a bank holiday - or is the judge predicting that BW/Lowells will withdraw and isn't that fussed about the next hearing date (that's probably too much to hope for and wishful thinking on my part!!)

      All suggestions welcomed and appreciated


      • #93
        Re: HELP!!! I've just been served with a statuory demand by bwlegal/Lowell

        Just got the court order through it states:

        On 1 February 2013 Before District Judge Sullivan

        Upon hearing the Applicant in person and the respondent's representative

        It is ordered that:

        1. Application adjourned to 3 April 2013 at 14:00 with an estimated length of 1 hour

        2. The respondent shall file and serve any evidence on which it intends to rely by 4pm 22 February 2013

        3. The applicant mmay file and serve evidence in rely 4pm 15 March 2013

        4. The respondent shall pay the Applicants costs today of assessed at £102 by 4pm 15 February 2013

        Dated 1 February

        __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _____________________________

        I have heard nothing from BW Legal or Lowells , which isn't a huge surprise.

        if this case is going forward i Really need to start learning and understanding my defence. I've read the ruligns through that are mentioned in my witness statement, which seem to refer to the default notice being faulty and also the terms and conditions are not the appropriate ones for then the credit agreement was taken out as the credit agreement shows a different rate of interest to those shown on the terms and conditions

        However I have never seen a copy of the default notice or credit agreement as neither have been sent to me so lord knows what the rate of interest was when I took out the card as I can't remember when I took the card out but i know it must have been around or before 2004

        I need to get moving with this as my health isn't good as present (which is partly down to the stress of this case) My condition has flared up and I am taking additional morphine to deal with the pain as my treatment session on Wednesday didn't go very well and was extremely painful. I need to get control of my medical condition and part of that isbeing confident I'm not going to made bankrupt.

        Part of me wants to call Lowell or BW and offer them a deal. If they submit a withdrawal of their stat demand the i will drop any further action in respects of costs or should I wait and see if they file anything by 22 April?

        Any thoughts please? Please!!!!


        • #94
          Re: HELP!!! I've just been served with a statuory demand by bwlegal/Lowell

          Only you can weigh up the effect on your health of this. However, if pt is behind you (post 81) you should be reasonably confident something is wrong. He is not known for stating things with such certainty if there is any doubt.


          • #95
            Re: HELP!!! I've just been served with a statuory demand by bwlegal/Lowell

            Is PT just as confiident now that its been adjourned. He gave some excellent advice, but sadly i didn't receive it in time as i went ino the hearing and obviously I had to to tun my hone off so didn't get chance to present PT advice to the judge.

            Obvously if BW/Lowells fail to produce any evidence by 22 Feb then I can another shot and will be absolutely use this excellent advice in a witness statement when I advise the court of the other side's non compliance to tbe dorections ordered at the last hearing.

            I guess my questions is that if BW/Lowells do submit evidence to the court what are my chances of getting the stat demand set aside and the judge coming down on my side?

            If the Judge did decide not to set aside what happens next? would it still be possible to avoid brankrupcy or wwuld a bankrupcy order be made at the same time as set aside is denied?


            • #96
              Re: HELP!!! I've just been served with a statuory demand by bwlegal/Lowell

              pm him with a link to the post and ask if he'd be kind enough to give his opinion again. If he has time, I'm sure he will, though I know his commitments are immense.


              • #97
                Re: HELP!!! I've just been served with a statuory demand by bwlegal/Lowell

                My immediate thoughts are that you are currently trying to do too much while it isn't yet clear exactly what is best. Your health is best served by focusing very clearly on the immediate issues and awaiting clarification on others.

                It is right that you should contact pt immediately for his advice, as he is the best person to help. Even if this does go to another hearing, you can't prepare a full defence yet until we see what - if anything - they deliver by 22 Feb. In the case of the agreement, the Default Notice and the Notice of Assignment, they might yet produce the real thing, a fabricated copy that they will say they sent, or nothing at all. Your arguments will relate directly to what they send, so there's little point making plans now. We can quickly frame the defence arguments based on what they send as you have three weeks to submit a response.

                Concentrate on your health and contacting pt for now, and we will sort the rest out for you after 22nd.


                • #98
                  Re: HELP!!! I've just been served with a statuory demand by bwlegal/Lowell

                  Thank you - just having a panic day. I'm in a flare at present and getting the court order just freaked me a bit

                  Will follow your very good advice and keep clam xx


                  • #99
                    Re: HELP!!! I've just been served with a statuory demand by bwlegal/Lowell

                    Originally posted by fuzzybrain
                    Is PT just as confiident now that its been adjourned. He gave some excellent advice, but sadly i didn't receive it in time as i went ino the hearing and obviously I had to to tun my hone off so didn't get chance to present PT advice to the judge.

                    Obvously if BW/Lowells fail to produce any evidence by 22 Feb then I can another shot and will be absolutely use this excellent advice in a witness statement when I advise the court of the other side's non compliance to tbe dorections ordered at the last hearing.

                    I guess my questions is that if BW/Lowells do submit evidence to the court what are my chances of getting the stat demand set aside and the judge coming down on my side?

                    If the Judge did decide not to set aside what happens next? would it still be possible to avoid brankrupcy or wwuld a bankrupcy order be made at the same time as set aside is denied?
                    No, if the judge refuses then they need to present a petition first. They cannot make you bankrupt at that point without the petition being served on you.

                    As fpr what happens when lowells submit their evidence, we need to wait and see what they present first before you can even begin to contemplate what the next move is.

                    Its like saying what happens when i win the lottery, i need to win it first before i plan the next step
                    I work for Roach Pittis Solicitors. I give my free time available to helping other on the forum and would be happy to try and assist informally where needed. Any posts I make on LegalBeagles are for information and discussion purposes only and shouldn't be seen as legal advice. Any advice I provide is without liability.

                    If you need to contact me please email me on Pt@roachpittis.co.uk .

                    I have been involved in leading consumer credit and data protection cases including Harrison v Link Financial Limited (High Court), Grace v Blackhorse (Court of Appeal) and also Kotecha v Phoenix Recoveries (Court of Appeal) along with a number of other reported cases and often blog about all things consumer law orientated.

                    You can also follow my blog on consumer credit here.


                    • Re: HELP!!! I've just been served with a statuory demand by bwlegal/Lowell

                      Thank you PT and al you other amazing LB's for giving this a look over and offering my the excellent advice you always give xxx
                      What has been posted makes perfect sense and you are obvviously thinking far straighter than i am - which is good as the word drama queen could have been invented for me when I have a panic day!! (Don't worry they don't happen that often I promise - yesterday was a combination of stress, flare, severe pain, too much morphine and the wrong day for a court order to drop on the mat!!)

                      However topday the flare is settling and so has my inner drama queen!!

                      As I read it (and please tell me if i'm disappearing off on a wrong tangent here) the first event to deal with is that don't pay the cots awarded by next Friday (my guess is they won't!!) If they don't then on Monday morning I fax a letter to court (and Lowells so they know i'm not going to be a quiet litte mouse and roll over) to tell the nice Judge that Lowells aren't playing nice and ignoring her directions.

                      We then do the same thing the following week when they don't serve the evidence on time and ask the judge to set aside the stat demand due to non compliance and stick a costs request into the mix too as well as order them to pay the existing costs, which I'm betting they still haven't done!!

                      However as PT stated this can be dealt with when it happens

                      Thank you all for keeping my feet on the ground and putting up with me - I'm very sorry about going into panic mode and my drama queen behaviour yesterday


                      • Re: HELP!!! I've just been served with a statuory demand by bwlegal/Lowell

                        And as predicted the payment for court costs that I was supposed to receive by today has not materialised. I guess the question is to do I inform the court now or wait a week and wait and see if the evidence they are supposed to submit fails to materialise either (date to submit their evidence by is 22 Feb 2013)?


                        • Re: HELP!!! I've just been served with a statuory demand by bwlegal/Lowell

                          wait till Monday?


                          • Re: HELP!!! I've just been served with a statuory demand by bwlegal/Lowell

                            I've had a response from BW/Lowells

                            I can't scan it up at present as my scanner at home is not working but i can post itnup tomorrow when i'm at work. In the mean time I can give an overview of what they have sent.

                            There is a letter from Barclaycatd dated 11 feb 2013

                            It states my account number and says it is in reference to section 78 of the CCA 1974

                            I refer to your request for information

                            Thr information we must provide to you under the terms of Section 78 of thr CCA 1974 ("The Act") is prescribed by the act anf by thr consumer credit (cancellation Notices and copies of dcuments) Regulations 1983. Section 78 of the Act provides that, where a creditor receives a section 78 request, the creditor shall give the debtor a copy of the excuted agreement (and any document referred to in it) and a statement of the account.

                            I enclose a resconstitued copy of your credit agreement together with a copy of the terms of your credit agreement as varied in accordance with section 82 (1) of the Act. This is a statement o the terms of yur agreement with us ad incorporates any variations to the terms of your agreement with us and incorporates any variations to the terms made since you entered into this agreement. However, the interest rates , fees and charges set out in the agreement, may differ from those we have discussed with yum due to the current states of your account.

                            A statement of your account is below:

                            The current credit limit on your account is £0.00

                            The current balance on yur account today is £3,209.30

                            Due to the current status of your account, the cull outstanding is now due.

                            This completes our obligatons under section 78 of the Act

                            >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

                            There is then a sheet of A4 paper that has my prevous address in block capitals on the left had side and at the bottom of the page in a box is the statement

                            "your right to cancel: Once you have signed this agreement, you will have for a short time a right to cancel it. Exact details of how and when you can do this will be sent to youb by post by us"

                            >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

                            The next page is the agreement which has the title of Barclarycard conditions Credit Agreement regulated by the consumer credit act 1974

                            There are i personal detsils on the form at all - nothing that mentions my name, address or anything that identifies that I am connected to the account. The is a blank cancdllation box in the corner by this doesn't seem to quite fit in with the rest of the document and again it is completely blank. There are mentions if the year 2004 but I can't see how this is an agreement as its clearly terms and conditions - it even says so on the top of the page and the opening line states these are the terms and conditions of an agreement between (barclaycard bank pkc ) and you the person whi signed t agreement.

                            There is nowhere to sign the agreement, there is no date and no space for personal information - surely this can't be presented to court as a credit agreement???? Probably an easier question ti answer once i'v scanned everything up!!!

                            The next 3 pages is another set of terms and conditions which seem to be from 2008 as there is a date on the top of page of 03/09/08

                            Any suggestions on my next move - oh and still no court costs that should havve been paid either!!!


                            • Re: HELP!!! I've just been served with a statuory demand by bwlegal/Lowell

                              It doesn't sound like a proper agreement but it's hard to tell without seeing it. Post it up as soon as you can, let's see what PT2537 has to say when he sees it.
                              Originally posted by pt2537
                              No, if the judge refuses then they need to present a petition first. They cannot make you bankrupt at that point without the petition being served on you.

                              As fpr what happens when lowells submit their evidence, we need to wait and see what they present first before you can even begin to contemplate what the next move is.

                              Its like saying what happens when i win the lottery, i need to win it first before i plan the next step


                              • Re: HELP!!! I've just been served with a statuory demand by bwlegal/Lowell

                                I have looked thought the previous T&C's snet to me and these 2 pages are the same - can't find a copy of what they claim is an actual agreement, so will have to scan this document tomorrow, but I didn't kow if these 2 would be of any help?
                                Attached Files


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