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aggressive Jacob enforcement agent

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  • aggressive Jacob enforcement agent


    We hope you will be able top help us.

    We have incur some council tax arrears from last year of around 550 pounds. I am the full time carer of my partner who has physical and mental health disabilities. He is recognised by the council as vulnerable. I am myself unwell and have been in hospital recently too for mental health and epilepsy. We are both unemployed as a result of our long term conditions.

    We received a visit from a very aggressive enforcement agent from Jacob. We did not let him inside the house and we were only taking outside of our door. He added 235 pounds fee and warn us for prison term and moving our stuff straight away. He is refusing all repayment plan as I have break some payment due to the fact I was in hospital and my partner is unable to look after the finance and correspondence. However, I have resumed the payment and paid straight away the amount missing this month.

    A week later, last Wednesday, we had the pleasure of seeing him at our door step demanding full payment of around 850 pounds thereabout which we do not have as we are both unemployed and our income is made solely of state benefit. He is very aggressive and constantly calling my [partner who is vulnerable. this is making him suicidal and he is hallucinating pretty badly at the moment. The Council and bailiff are well aware of his status and refuse to back off him, even though they know that they should not speak with a vulnerable person.

    I have offered to pay various amount which were all refused by the bailiff. the council is saying talk the bailiff and are very uncooperative as well. I offered to get an attachment of benefit, which was refused. He even told my partner not to pay the rent so he could get the money in cash. He threaten him with jail term. All talk with have we him finish in him telling us that he will come to ours within 24 hours with a warrant to take our stuff with a removal van. He told us he is working independently from the council hasn't have to answer to them.

    I went to the Citizen advice bureau which called them the council and tax office. Telling the about my partner status and our financial difficulties. They type in a letter which I delivered by hand to the council.I have a meeting with them on Thursday but I have the impression that it will be fruitless. I am not too sure on how to proceed from there.

    can the bailiff force his entry into our home like he is saying ? what should we do ?

    thank you for your help.
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  • #2
    Re: aggressive Jacob enforcement agent

    First Stop worrying all the threats are hot air.
    Plenty of advice on here its early but your problem will get help from others on here very soon.


    • #3
      Re: aggressive Jacob enforcement agent

      Hi [MENTION=48634]Sirius[/MENTION] - first things first DON'T WORRY!!!! The council have a 'duty of care' to ensure that their employed Enforcement Agents act within the law.

      You can complain about the bailiffs actions http://www.jacobsenforcement.com/faqs/ (in writing is best) copying in your local council AND MP
      If you have good reason for making a complaint then we need to know. Please provide us with details of your concerns.
      You can make a complaint:-
      · in person to the Enforcement Agent
      · in writing to our Head Office:
      4 Europa Boulevard,
      CH41 4PE

      · By Telephone direct
      0845 601 2692

      We acknowledge all complaints in writing. We have a fully robust complaints policy and procedures. We will investigate your concerns and will aim to provide a full reply within 10 days.
      As the debt is for council tax, the bailiff cannot get into your property any way other than a usual means of entry - they can't force their way in at all :tinysmile_grin_t:

      Hopefully the meeting with your council on Thursday will put your mind at rest. The council have the option of recalling a debt (if I was you I'd push for this on vulnerability grounds) and are obliged to ensure that the bailiffs do not force you to agree to an unmanageable payment plan.

      Take a look at a few of the other threads on the bailiff forum - there is lots of information that will be useful for you!!

      These are a good start:






      Kati xx
      Debt is like any other trap, easy enough to get into, but hard enough to get out of.

      It doesn't matter where your journey begins, so long as you begin it...

      recte agens confido


      Any advice I provide is given without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

      I can be emailed if you need my help loading pictures/documents to your thread. My email address is Kati@legalbeagles.info
      But please include a link to your thread so I know who you are.

      Specialist advice can be sought via our sister site JustBeagle


      • #4
        Re: aggressive Jacob enforcement agent

        Thank you . I have contacted my MP too.
        I just rang the council who told me that the debt has been put on hold until we meet that person at the Council on Thursday. So why they keep ringing us up ?
        how do I write the letter ? thank you once again.


        • #5
          Re: aggressive Jacob enforcement agent

          I have forgotten to add that my key/support worker will be attending the meeting with me to add weight to our claim of vulnerability. I hope it will be a positive outcome as we are not refusing to pay and we are not even disputing the debt.


          • #6
            Re: aggressive Jacob enforcement agent

            It sounds like you need to try to get in touch with the Welfare Department at Jacobs - it's worth phoning and asking to be put through to them to see if they offer further help. If that does not produce any results, I would write a letter to the CEO of the council (email it if possible as well so it is received faster). Head it Formal Complaint, explain the situation in full and ask as a resolution for the council to take it back. As you have failed to stick to an agreed repayment plan, they may be very reluctant to do this, though it does sound like there is a clear case of vulnerability.


            • #7
              Re: aggressive Jacob enforcement agent

              You have stated in your post number 4 that the council have told you that the account is ON HOLD pending the meeting with you on Thursday.

              On Thursday you are also going to attend with your support worker. Given the information provided above it would seem clear that there is a serious case of 'vulnerability' and I would be shocked if after the meeting the council referred the case back to Jacobs Ltd.

              There is no need to stress yourself any further with writing letters and my personal opinion is that the matter will be resolved on Thursday when you and the support worker attend the counil meeting.

              Please do post back here after the meeting and I am sure that I speak for all of us on here by wishing you well for Thursday.


              • #8
                Re: aggressive Jacob enforcement agent

                Thank you all for your kind help. I will let you posted on how it goes on. My partner is in a very bad way at the moment. The bailiff does not seem to understand the meaning of "On hold". I have given to the council already proof of benefit and copy of his care assessment made by the social worker in June as well as his care plan which detailed very well his physical and mental condition.
                I have tried to contact also my local councillor but no chance with him either as he is not responding back to us.


                • #9
                  Re: aggressive Jacob enforcement agent

                  Put in a formal complaint about the bailiff when you go in on Thursday!! If you have been told it's on hold, the bailiff shouldn't be contacting you at all :tinysmile_twink_t2:

                  Good luck xx
                  Debt is like any other trap, easy enough to get into, but hard enough to get out of.

                  It doesn't matter where your journey begins, so long as you begin it...

                  recte agens confido


                  Any advice I provide is given without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

                  I can be emailed if you need my help loading pictures/documents to your thread. My email address is Kati@legalbeagles.info
                  But please include a link to your thread so I know who you are.

                  Specialist advice can be sought via our sister site JustBeagle


                  • #10
                    Re: aggressive Jacob enforcement agent

                    Originally posted by syrius View Post
                    Thank you all for your kind help. I will let you posted on how it goes on.

                    My partner is in a very bad way at the moment. The bailiff does not seem to understand the meaning of "On hold".

                    I have given to the council already proof of benefit and copy of his care assessment made by the social worker in June as well as his care plan which detailed very well his physical and mental condition.
                    I have tried to contact also my local councillor but no chance with him either as he is not responding back to us.
                    Your question is of great concern as it appear to show that the local authority have not advised Jacobs to stop enforcement.

                    You should not need to contact your local councillor given that your support worker is attending the meeting on Thursday.

                    I would strongly suggest that you call the council to ask why they have not instructed Jacobs to stop enforcement. Please post back once you have spoken with them.


                    • #11
                      Re: aggressive Jacob enforcement agent

                      Originally posted by syrius View Post
                      Thank you all for your kind help. I will let you posted on how it goes on. My partner is in a very bad way at the moment. The bailiff does not seem to understand the meaning of "On hold". I have given to the council already proof of benefit and copy of his care assessment made by the social worker in June as well as his care plan which detailed very well his physical and mental condition.
                      I have tried to contact also my local councillor but no chance with him either as he is not responding back to us.
                      So the bailiff is still calling even though it is on hold? definitely Formal Complaint with CEO of council, elected leader and MP if there is no resolution on Thursday. Post back as soon as you know the result and beagles will help further


                      • #12
                        Re: aggressive Jacob enforcement agent

                        If your local councillor will not respond try the leader of the council and his opposite number. Best initial contact is by phone.


                        • #13
                          Re: aggressive Jacob enforcement agent

                          Thank you all. I have managed to get some more info today and my local MP will ring the council on our behalf.
                          I have heard from the council now stating that they are not aware now of my partner disability and vulnerability status. even though, they are aware that he is receiving ESA support group and DLA high rate ! they still confirm that their bailiff action is on hold for 14 days not too sure what will happen after this ?
                          all this is making very even more anxious about meeting them tomorrow morning.


                          • #14
                            Re: aggressive Jacob enforcement agent

                            Thank you all. I have managed to get some more info today and my local MP will ring the council on our behalf.
                            I have heard from the council now stating that they are not aware now of my partner disability and vulnerability status. even though, they are aware that he is receiving ESA support group and DLA high rate ! they still confirm that their bailiff action is on hold for 14 days not too sure what will happen after this ?
                            all this is making very even more anxious about meeting them tomorrow morning.The bailiff still has called him around 9.30 am . He does not answer phone to anyone due to his condition. I am starting to think that the bailiff is rather trying to punish us rather than collecting money which is job more or less.


                            • #15
                              Re: aggressive Jacob enforcement agent

                              Originally posted by syrius View Post
                              Thank you all. I have managed to get some more info today and my local MP will ring the council on our behalf.
                              I have heard from the council now stating that they are not aware now of my partner disability and vulnerability status. even though, they are aware that he is receiving ESA support group and DLA high rate ! they still confirm that their bailiff action is on hold for 14 days not too sure what will happen after this ?
                              all this is making very even more anxious about meeting them tomorrow morning.The bailiff still has called him around 9.30 am . He does not answer phone to anyone due to his condition. I am starting to think that the bailiff is rather trying to punish us rather than collecting money which is job more or less.
                              The bailiff's 'on hold' while you appeal on vulnerability grounds - hopefully tomorrow the council will recall the debt and you will be able to set up a payment plan with the council :tinysmile_grin_t:

                              You really need to put in a formal complaint about the bailiffs continuing harassment - if you can write something up to take in tomorrow it would start the ball rolling!! The account is on hold, and the council needs to know that their employed debt collectors are not abiding by the regulations :tinysmile_twink_t2:

                              Good luck tomorrow [MENTION=6618]syrius[/MENTION] (not that you need it) - with your support worker there for support, everything should be fine

                              Kati xx
                              Debt is like any other trap, easy enough to get into, but hard enough to get out of.

                              It doesn't matter where your journey begins, so long as you begin it...

                              recte agens confido


                              Any advice I provide is given without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

                              I can be emailed if you need my help loading pictures/documents to your thread. My email address is Kati@legalbeagles.info
                              But please include a link to your thread so I know who you are.

                              Specialist advice can be sought via our sister site JustBeagle


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