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Newlyn PLC trying to charge me £493.84 and scare me. Please help

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  • #16
    Re: Newlyn PLC trying to charge me £493.84 and scare me. Please help

    Okay, lol I will. Sorry, just trying to see what other peoples experiences with them are. I will stop as I am only making myself more concerned. I am going to try and relax and watch the champions league final. This weekend was going well until I got home from work and that damn letter!!

    Thanks for all your help


    • #17
      Re: Newlyn PLC trying to charge me £493.84 and scare me. Please help

      Yep, behave yourself and watch the footie! lol :beagle:


      • #18
        Re: Newlyn PLC trying to charge me £493.84 and scare me. Please help

        The local authority involved have not followed the correct procedures by not informing you of the outcome of the appeal against the PCN. It could, therefore, be argued that they did not treat you fairly or lawfully or comply with the law, full-stop. I also have doubts as to whether they have followed correct procedures regarding instructing Newlyns. Labman has given you excellent advice, as have other LB members on this thread. Please don't ring Newlyns and ask if their bailiffs have DentPlan Dental Insurance, because they'll twig straight away you're going to smack them in the mouth if they come within 100 yards of your home. Only joking. Be guided by Labman
        Life is a journey on which we all travel, sometimes together, but never alone.


        • #19
          Re: Newlyn PLC trying to charge me £493.84 and scare me. Please help


          I promised you that the experts were coming, and I promise again if anyone can help you, its Labman and BB.

          I trust them completely, your in good hands now hun, the very best.

          Now go play with that lovely little girl of yours and make your lady a cuppa


          • #20
            Re: Newlyn PLC trying to charge me £493.84 and scare me. Please help

            I feel the L(azy) B(*ggers) of Barking Mad and Dagenham need to explain why they did not respond to your appeal against the PCN. If you sent it by Recorded Delivery and they signed for it, print off the confirmation and electronic signature from the Royal Mail Track & Trace website and send it to them. They also need to explain why they did not follow correct procedures by not writing to you and enquiring about any non-payment of their PCN. Defaulting to bailiffs instead of following the correct procedures is not going to go down well with a judge, if it ever gets that far.

            Get a Recorded Delivery letter off to the Barking Mad Council and ask them for a full and frank explanation for their actions. At the same time, follow the advice Labman has given you in Post #11. And, please, stop worrying about Newylns. They all share a single brain cell and it's sometimes difficult, for them and others, to work out whose turn it is to have the brain cell on any given day.
            Life is a journey on which we all travel, sometimes together, but never alone.


            • #21
              Re: Newlyn PLC trying to charge me £493.84 and scare me. Please help

              Listen to the advice given and you won't go far wrong.

              If on the off chance Newlyns come back to you, simply do NOT have a conversation with them under any circumstances.

              If they call you, don't confirm who you are, that way you can avoid the hassle of endless phone calls, because they'll ask you to confirm some personal details for Data Protection purposes, simply be as evasive as possible and start taking control of the situation.

              You're not going to be dealing with Newlyns by the sounds of it, it appears to me that the Council have been negligent and this can all probably be headed off and stopped simply by reminding them and persuading them of their responsibilities.

              Do NOT have discussions with Newlyns, tell them nothing and answer no questions if they turn up.

              Regardless of what the Council say or Newlyns, the Council are responsible for calling Newlyns in, and they also have the power to tell Newlyns to stop.

              Don't take any fluff from Newlyns if they say "you can't deal with the Council, you can only deal with us", because its nonsense.

              Take control, take a deep breath and realise, its really no where near as bad as you think


              • #22
                Re: Newlyn PLC trying to charge me £493.84 and scare me. Please help

                Just thought I'd pop in and say Good Morning. I see you've had some other sage advice overnight. Just tackle things one step at a time though. You were clear before the footie last night what yu needed to do. Keep those things top of your list, then write to the LA about procedural issues.

                I see others have said this is not as bad as you think. I also know how hard it is to accept this when you're the one in the situation. Just keep reminding yourself nobody is going to force entry to your house, you know where you're heading and pick away at things one step at a time.

                Nobody is saying there may not be more to be done, but going into everything at the minute will only serve to confuse you, so one step at a time and you'll be absolutely fine.


                • #23
                  Re: Newlyn PLC trying to charge me £493.84 and scare me. Please help

                  Thank you all again for your advice. To say I struggled to sleep last night is an understatement, but very relieved no one was banging on my door this morning, just as you told me they wouldn't.

                  I am going to get some discs for my camera today so that in the off chance anyone does decide to come I will film everything that is said.

                  I made the mistake of confirming my details with them at first, I came home and saw the letter and panicked, my partner and daughter were out and I wanted to try and resolve it before they came home as I didn't want her worrying, I didn't realise what sort of people I would be dealing with when I phoned them, and confirmed my name address and...gave them my old phone number (mobile) . It was then I fully understood what sort of thugs these people are when the threats of sending someone to my house that day to take my things. He kept on trying to get me to make a small payment there and then, I see now he just wanted to make me commit to the debt I guess. Anyway, after some repeating myself and saying I was not going to pay the debt as I 1.I have not heard back from the council after my appeal and 2. Even if I had would not pay such a high debt as I could not work out why it was so high, to which he replied, that's our costs.

                  So I spoke to them at first without the knowledge of who these people are and what they are like. I was saying to my partner, it felt bad enough for us yesterday, but we have each other and you guys for advice and re assurance, I cant imagine what it must like for people in worse situations or alone. Very sad indeed these people can traumatise people.


                  • #24
                    Re: Newlyn PLC trying to charge me £493.84 and scare me. Please help


                    Let us know how you get on with things today.


                    • #25
                      Re: Newlyn PLC trying to charge me £493.84 and scare me. Please help

                      Hi everyone

                      I have filed the forms with the Northampton county court, I was able to do them on-line too. Is there anything else I should do or just wait to hear from my council now. I am so tired, been finding it really hard to sleep.


                      • #26
                        Re: Newlyn PLC trying to charge me £493.84 and scare me. Please help

                        Originally posted by Darreng80 View Post
                        Hi everyone

                        I have filed the forms with the Northampton county court, I was able to do them on-line too. Is there anything else I should do or just wait to hear from my council now. I am so tired, been finding it really hard to sleep.
                        If you have proof you have filed the Stat Dec, tell the Local Authority, provide them with proof and ask them to supend the action of their enforcement agents; do exactly the same by recorded delivery to the bailiffs themselves. :beagle:


                        • #27
                          Re: Newlyn PLC trying to charge me £493.84 and scare me. Please help

                          Just had a text from them saying: Bailiff Mr Havard 07876035050 to attend your property for the removal of goods call ASAP to stop action.


                          • #28
                            Re: Newlyn PLC trying to charge me £493.84 and scare me. Please help

                            Don't call them. As already detailed in previous posts they won't listen to reason and will tell you all sorts. Have you done as Labman said?

                            If you have proof you have filed the Stat Dec, tell the Local Authority, provide them with proof and ask them to supend the action of their enforcement agents; do exactly the same by recorded delivery to the bailiffs themselves.
                            Don't call or answer their calls and don't answer the door, send the info recorded delivery that you have been advised by Labman, Bluebottle and Galahad earlier and please try not to panic. I realise that is much much easier said than done. I have had this with another firm of bailiffs but basically they are all the same, I am a single mum and prone to being neurotic lol so I was in absolute bits when it all happened. BUT it can and will be sorted out by following the advice given here. Labman had massive input into my situation as did some others and it is now sorted and paid and I did it with the help from this site. Bailiffs bank on scaring you half to death and intimidating you so you will pay whatever you have right there and then so they have you on the hook and can keep adding charges. Please please please don't call them you see that's what they want so one of the office monkeys or Bully Bailiff himself can weave you a nice fairy tale and wangle more money from you. Bailiffs may be certified and may have a set of rules they are supposed to stick to but in reality this doesn't happen. Don't let them make you feel in the wrong, don't be intimidated. If you do come across them by accident be polite but firm and tell them what you have done and ask them to leave you alone.

                            You're not alone Darren


                            • #29
                              Re: Newlyn PLC trying to charge me £493.84 and scare me. Please help

                              I have just phoned my council offices and informed them of the stat dec and they just said they will be informed by the courts and they will not contact Newlyn until this happens. I also said why was I not sent any letters warning me of this avenue before receiving a letter from Newlyns, she said you would have been sent these. How can they tell me I was sent something I know I did not receive lol.

                              She told me to phone Newlyns and inform them of the stat dec but I am not going to do that, I am only following the advice from here.


                              • #30
                                Re: Newlyn PLC trying to charge me £493.84 and scare me. Please help

                                Send the stat dec info to Newlyns by recorded delivery and then go on the Royal Mail site and track your letter, once it has been signed for then it has been received, print this out and keep it safe in case you need it. Don't call them. Labman is about somewhere and I am sure he'll be along with some more good advice for you.

                                Like I said I am no expert in Bailiff Law but I am an expert in how cr*p they make you feel as are many of us. Well done for what you have started - it's the first step to getting it sorted out and that will be a weight off.


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