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Newlyn PLC trying to charge me £493.84 and scare me. Please help

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  • Newlyn PLC trying to charge me £493.84 and scare me. Please help


    In November we had a parking fine for something we believed to be false, basically my partner stopped on a side road, turned round and parked somewhere else, we appealed and never heard anything back, even the fine picture showed she was there for less than 2 minutes and still in the car so we appealed, as she was dropping her sis in law off and only stopped briefly, not leaving or turning the car off.

    I never heard anything back from them so presumed it was sorted.

    Today, I came home to find a letter saying hand delivered and I owe Newlyn £493.83... the original fine was only £60!!

    I am so worried I keep checking outside as I phoned them and spoke to a guy, Tom, who was very rude and said if I didnt pay something now I they will send a baliff round to take our things, we have a 4 year old daughter and my partner is pregnant. I explained to him we cant afford that and we appealed it, he said well then you lost so know you have to pay us. I am so scared I don't want these people at my house or my partner and daughter worrying, please help me.

    The letter says:

    NEWLYN REF:2199865
    CLIENT REF: BZ93145018

    Total Outstanding £493.84
    Delivered by hand

    TAKE NOTICE Newlyn PLC, Certified Bailiffs have been instructed by L B of Barking and Dagenham. We are acting on their behalf to collect the outstanding amount detailed above and to enforce the Warrant in accordance with the law.

    In Line with our clients instructions we have attended your property today to SEIZE AND DISTRAIN your possessions to satisfy your road traffic debt together with the costs of removal.

    To avoid further baliff action which will incur additional charges you must contact our enforcement office immediately on 01604 633001 to discuss payment.


    Please please someone advise me, thank you

    Last edited by Darreng80; 19th May 2012, 16:34:PM.
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Re: Newlyn PLC trying to charge me £493.84 and scare me. Please help

    firstly, dont worry. Move your car a few streets away and do not allow anyone you dont know in to the house, they cannot have the locks changed or have your kids taken away (both things I have heard baillifs to have said.) I believe with your wife being pregnant she is classed as vunerable, but i will check for you.

    tell them everything must now be done in writing and ask for a breakdown of charges as I believe the amount to be illegal..



    • #3
      Re: Newlyn PLC trying to charge me £493.84 and scare me. Please help

      Thank you. Should I call them and tell them my partner is pregnant? she is 19 weeks. I cant believe how much money they want from us, I can't even contact the council today to ask why I did not get a reply from the appeal or to discuss this. I feel really helpless and concerned, I have a 4 year old daughter who would be traumatised is there is any confrontation of our doorstep. The guy on the phone was so rude and saying he was going to send a bailiff to our house today, I said I can't afford that money and don't understand why it is so high. Shall I call them and ask for a letter breaking down the charges and am I not supposed to have had a letter about court or something first? My god, I feel so on edge.

      Thanks for replying so fast,
      we are really worrying

      Last edited by Amethyst; 19th May 2012, 16:24:PM. Reason: removed phone number


      • #4
        Re: Newlyn PLC trying to charge me £493.84 and scare me. Please help

        Ok darren, take a breath and 5 mins for you.

        I know how scary it is, honest I do, but you need to be calm when you deal with these numpties, I am not a baillifs expert, but im a mam of 3 and I know you need to protect your partner as shes pregnant.
        I'm putting a call out for the experts to come and help you. They cannot break in, they have to gain peaceful access to the property.

        The experts are coming... promise.


        • #5
          Re: Newlyn PLC trying to charge me £493.84 and scare me. Please help

          Thank you. I am grateful you replied. How can these people be allowed to intimidate, worry and treat people this way.


          • #6
            Re: Newlyn PLC trying to charge me £493.84 and scare me. Please help

            Please have a good read Darren in our Bailiff section all the information is in there.

            If you need any specific questions answered once you have had a read please let us know, but most importantly of all hun do not panic you will get all the help you need here on this site. One of our more experienced helpers will be along soon.

            Can you please edit your first post and take out your surname.


            • #7
              Re: Newlyn PLC trying to charge me £493.84 and scare me. Please help

              Hi I am no expert but reading and learning on here and through my own experience, until someone more knowledgeable arrives -

              Don't call or talk to them, they will lie, cajole, threaten in fact anything to get money out of you. They will wind you and your partner up and this is no good for anyone. Do everything on writing from now on. Just because they are bailiffs and supposed to stick to a set of rules doesn't mean they will, they will say anything to intimidate. Don't let that happen, have a read around on here and try and gain some more information until someone else can get here.

              Read these if you haven't already -




              I'm sorry I couldn't help you more but hang in there.


              • #8
                Re: Newlyn PLC trying to charge me £493.84 and scare me. Please help

                ok darren hun,


                this is a sticky about what they can and cant do with a parking fee, have a read and a coffee while your waiting for the experts to come in. I agree with you about them intimidating you, but the best advice I can give you is, if they arrive tell them to post the levy through the letter box, remind them if they break in they are breaking the law and come away. Dont argue with them.

                If the baillif becomes aggressive call 999.

                again they cant break in a private home or have your child removed, despite what they say. If your partner is worried and wants another mam to speak to, feel free to let her PM me, I've been in her shoes.


                • #9
                  Re: Newlyn PLC trying to charge me £493.84 and scare me. Please help

                  Thank you all so much, you have really put us at ease. I really hope they do not come though.


                  • #10
                    Re: Newlyn PLC trying to charge me £493.84 and scare me. Please help

                    Just found and read all these comments about Newlyn, now I am worried again, are they really as bad as this says.

                    Why are they allowed to be like this? If I contact my council who have employed Newlyn can they call them off? I mean, I appealed and had no reply, so I do not understand how the debt can be so high considering when I appealed it was £60. On the forum I was just reading people are all saying about the Bailiffs arriving early in the morning. Think I am in for a sleepless night. How can I end this, pay it (which I don't want to do a it is just wrong) or what, hope the council see sense and call them off, is that even likely?


                    • #11
                      Re: Newlyn PLC trying to charge me £493.84 and scare me. Please help

                      Hi Darreng80,

                      OK, don't panic - all easily resolved. Bailiffs are horrible, lying idiots, so please take what they claim with a Big pinch of salt. You'll be fine.

                      All the below can be found here;

                      http://www.legalbeagles.info/forums/...rking-Offences under 'Important Information For PCN's'

                      You need to file a Statutory Declaration, Out of Time (see below):

                      The respondent must send to the Centre –
                      (1) a completed application notice (form PE 2 may be used for applications relating to statutory declarations and form TE 7 may be used for applications relating to witness statements); and
                      (2) a completed –
                      (a) statutory declaration in form PE 3; or
                      (b) witness statement in form TE 9.
                      (Forms PE 2, PE 3, TE 7 and TE 9 can be obtained from the Centre at Northampton County Court, Bulk Centre, 21/27 St. Katharine's Street, Northampton NN1 2LH. (Telephone number: 08457 045007))

                      If you file a Statutory Declaration, Out of Time, you should tell the bailiff and provide them with evidence. On receiving an acceptable application, the TEC will notify the Local Authority concerned, and give them 19 working days to either accept or reject the application.

                      If accepted, the application will be treated as ‘in time’ and the Court registration will be revoked. The matter is then referred back to the Local Authority who will decide on their next action. If rejected, the application will be referred to a Court Officer at the TEC for an impartial decision to be made.

                      Bailiffs tend to add highly inflated fees to these accounts. If you suspect this may be the case, you should write to them using Letter 1 from HERE

                      Do not let the bailiffs in under any circumstances. Don't panic - there is nothing here that cannot be resolved, and whatever they claim, as long as you don't let them in, they cannot seize your goods.

                      It would be a VERY good idea to move your car(s) from outside your property and park them a few streets away until this is resolved.
                      Last edited by labman; 19th May 2012, 17:20:PM.


                      • #12
                        Re: Newlyn PLC trying to charge me £493.84 and scare me. Please help

                        Thanks, I tried to call them, but as it is late and the weekend I cant really do anything until Monday. This is going to be a stressful 36 hours. If the bailiffs do come I will just tell them the following:

                        I am filing for a statutory declaration, out of time.
                        My partner is pregnant and vulnerable
                        Any further communication should be done via writing

                        Is that about all I can do or say?

                        I am so grateful for all your help.


                        • #13
                          Re: Newlyn PLC trying to charge me £493.84 and scare me. Please help


                          I know you will find this hard to believe, but I'd be VERY surprised if the bailiffs did anything over the next 36 hours, so please try not to stress. I know that is easier said than done, I've been in the same situation myself several times.

                          You know what you need to do on Monday, and the bailiffs certainly won't visit you on Sunday, so Monday morning, get on the phone and get that form. I'd ask if there is an online version of it you can fill in to speed things up.

                          It is highly likely the fees have been inflated, so make sure you send that letter off too.

                          If they come (bet they don't!!!!!) ask to see their identification, take down their name and the court in which they were certificated. If possible record anything said, even if only with a mobile.

                          Seriously, trust me, it is highly unlikely you will see them before you've had time to get things moving and some things to get the bailiffs off your back. It would not be a bad idea to phone the Local Authority telling them you have filed a Stat Dec and ask them to call their enforcement bailiffs off until things have been processed. They should be co-operative. I'm also going to send you a pm in case you need someone instantly.


                          • #14
                            Re: Newlyn PLC trying to charge me £493.84 and scare me. Please help

                            I have been reading other forums, only posted on here though, and I read this about Newlyn, the comment I am referring to is about 6 down where someone has said that Newlyn is a debt recovery firm and not an accredited bailiff firm? Does anyone have the knowledge of this, is this true, as if it is they cannot try to gain entry to my property anyway can they? I have read that until it has been to court a bailiff will not be appointed to remove goods? I have had nothing to do with court, in actual fact, this is the first letter I have had, but is gives the impression they are bailiffs?

                            Does anyone know if they are bailiffs or debt recovery? I am confused by the letter that states "attended your property today to SEIZE AND DISTRAIN your possessions"



                            • #15
                              Re: Newlyn PLC trying to charge me £493.84 and scare me. Please help


                              PLEASE stop Googling and trust us. Newlyns are bailiffs, but they will not force entry to your property to take your goods because of a parking fine. Honestly, they won't!

                              The site you mentioned is full of Freeman of the Land stuff I think, and should be avoided. In fact ALL OTHER WEBSITES should be avoided. Just trust us on here!


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