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Rossendales won't allow critical comments

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  • #31
    Re: Rossendales won't allow critical comments

    Originally posted by mr.ton View Post
    If you free yourself from debt then you have effectively freed yourself from terrorism.
    DCA's/bailiffs are just a part of that terrorism.
    Vive le revoltione

    A minor point who is going to lend you the money knowing they are not going to get it back.



    • #32
      Re: Rossendales won't allow critical comments

      Originally posted by peterbard View Post
      Bailliffs setainly arn't paragnos of virtue, they should be just someone doing a job, they arn't thats the problem.

      Scotland no bailiffs? sounds like heaven. I think they are called Sherrifs officers or Mc Deputies or something.

      Peter we have sherrifs officers, but they are like magistrates. In Scotland nobody can impound your goods. You can get goods repossessed, but they cannot take your goods to pay for another debt.


      • #33
        Re: Rossendales won't allow critical comments

        Originally posted by peterbard View Post
        Vive le revoltione

        A minor point who is going to lend you the money knowing they are not going to get it back.

        I for one strive for a world were no one has to lend anything off anyone for anything.
        Like i say, debt is a form of terrorism and we are all just held hostage by those terrorists.
        Wouldn't it be so nice to be able to break free from them, no matter how hard they make it.


        • #34
          Re: Rossendales won't allow critical comments

          Originally posted by mr.ton View Post
          I for one strive for a world were no one has to lend anything off anyone for anything.
          Like i say, debt is a form of terrorism and we are all just held hostage by those terrorists.
          Wouldn't it be so nice to be able to break free from them, no matter how hard they make it.
          Utopia a someone elses expense.

          Most of us in here get into debt because we couldnt help it, you sound like you are choosing to be in debt, because of some kind of moral crusade.

          PersonallyI think it would have been credible if you had been debt free before you embarked

          ------------------------------- merged -------------------------------
          Originally posted by shell View Post
          Peter we have sherrifs officers, but they are like magistrates. In Scotland nobody can impound your goods. You can get goods repossessed, but they cannot take your goods to pay for another debt.
          Thanks i did not know that

          Last edited by peterbard; 14th November 2011, 20:52:PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


          • #35
            Re: Rossendales won't allow critical comments

            Originally posted by peterbard View Post
            Utopia a someone elses expense.

            Most of us in here get into debt because we couldnt help it, you sound like you are choosing to be in debt, because of some kind of moral crusade.

            PersonallyI think it would have been credible if you had been debt free before you embarked
            Don't talk about morals to me when we have the banks being bailed out with taxpayers money and refusing to repay what they owe, whilst we have to suffer cuts as well - wont wash that one Peter


            • #36
              Re: Rossendales won't allow critical comments

              Wasnt talking about the banks morals, we al know thy dont have any,wasnt even ialking about yours, i was talking about your crusade.

              Last edited by peterbard; 14th November 2011, 22:45:PM. Reason: Nearly lost it OK now


              • #37
                Re: Rossendales won't allow critical comments

                My tax money earned over many years has been stolen off me by bankers and MP's - so why should i (or anyone else) repay debts?


                • #38
                  Re: Rossendales won't allow critical comments

                  how can i put this deliciately.

                  I cant.



                  • #39
                    Re: Rossendales won't allow critical comments

                    Originally posted by peterbard View Post
                    A minor point who is going to lend you the money knowing they are not going to get it back.
                    It is generally not necessary to use bailiffs to recover monies owed, as third party debt orders and similar means of judgement enforcement may be more effective and are certainly less expensive.

                    On the other hand, one may recall having read that the facile argument of "who will lend you the money knowing they are not going to get it back" was once used to support the iniquitous barbarity of debtors' gaols.


                    • #40
                      Re: Rossendales won't allow critical comments

                      I wouldn't suggest that we all do it, but a handful of years ago a couple of guys ruined my little sole proprietor business by letting it go down the pan when they were supposed to be doing a job. One of them was a guy who was supposed to be rebuilding my mobile shop - and wasn't. The other was the guy who should have been breathing down that guy's neck - and didn't. That was me.

                      I took out an IVA (known as a Trust Deed up here in Shell's fine country), and got approx. £42K of debt reduced to approx. £7K. I felt guilty - and very, very small - after that. Then, I got wind of a certain consumer action group, and realised just what a drop in the ocean my paltry £42K was - compared to the likes of Fred the Shred. Sure - I still feel very small - but I no longer feel guilty for sacrificing my credit status in order to get away with a measly £35K. I did it lawfully - just as Sir Frederick Goodwin did. Queensberry Rules, and all that.
                      Originally posted by peterbard View Post
                      Vive le revoltione

                      A minor point who is going to lend you the money knowing they are not going to get it back.

                      Indeedy, Peter. So - right now, I owe no money to anybody - I'm debt-free. BUT, nobody will lend money to me, either !!! No problemo - 'cos I DO NOT want to go down that long dark road again, if I can help it. I work for cash, and my paltry savings go under the mattress and in the biscuit tin. Granny (...and Pa Larkin) knew best, all along !!! Sure - a night out for us is going to the flicks using an 'Orange Wednesdays' BOGOF cinema ticket, followed by a Pizza Hut BOGOF (and all the veg you can eat) voucher. Yeah - maybe that makes me feel small - but not having to worry about some flat-nosed bailiff (Sheriff Officer up here) banging on the door at dawn is maybe worth it.

                      I'm sure I had higher morals years ago - or maybe they were just 'ideals.' These days, I consider 'guilt' as nowt more than an illusory condition imposed upon us by an absolutely corrupted establishment - who continuously fool us into believing that we elected them because we were offered a choice.



                      • #41
                        Re: Rossendales won't allow critical comments

                        I wasnt trying to raise a moral point, nor do i think that the question is facile.
                        In the world we live in we all require credit at some time.

                        If the advice is being given that we no longer repay the loans, then i ask who is going to lend you money if they are not going to get it back.
                        Would you? I wouldnt.



                        • #42
                          Re: Rossendales won't allow critical comments

                          Originally posted by CleverClogs View Post
                          It is generally not necessary to use bailiffs to recover monies owed, as third party debt orders and similar means of judgement enforcement may be more effective and are certainly less expensive.

                          On the other hand, one may recall having read that the facile argument of "who will lend you the money knowing they are not going to get it back" was once used to support the iniquitous barbarity of debtors' gaols.
                          I agree with the first paragraph to an extent.
                          The second i dont undertand, however the point i make is a simple pragmatic one.

                          Is anyone really arguing that it is not better to pay off your debts if you are able. If you cant, or if the creditor or system is unwilling to accomidate your difficulties that is different.
                          The situation has changed over the last few years it is now possible in the majority of cases to repay debts through various means, sometimes creditors need to be reminded, sometimes you have to resort to other means mearly to protect your nearest and dearest, but that is not or should not be your first chosen option.

                          Last edited by peterbard; 15th November 2011, 09:40:AM.


                          • #43
                            Re: Rossendales won't allow critical comments

                            Originally posted by Bill-K View Post
                            I wouldn't suggest that we all do it, but a handful of years ago a couple of guys ruined my little sole proprietor business by letting it go down the pan when they were supposed to be doing a job. One of them was a guy who was supposed to be rebuilding my mobile shop - and wasn't. The other was the guy who should have been breathing down that guy's neck - and didn't. That was me.

                            I took out an IVA (known as a Trust Deed up here in Shell's fine country), and got approx. £42K of debt reduced to approx. £7K. I felt guilty - and very, very small - after that. Then, I got wind of a certain consumer action group, and realised just what a drop in the ocean my paltry £42K was - compared to the likes of Fred the Shred. Sure - I still feel very small - but I no longer feel guilty for sacrificing my credit status in order to get away with a measly £35K. I did it lawfully - just as Sir Frederick Goodwin did. Queensberry Rules, and all that.Indeedy, Peter. So - right now, I owe no money to anybody - I'm debt-free. BUT, nobody will lend money to me, either !!! No problemo - 'cos I DO NOT want to go down that long dark road again, if I can help it. I work for cash, and my paltry savings go under the mattress and in the biscuit tin. Granny (...and Pa Larkin) knew best, all along !!! Sure - a night out for us is going to the flicks using an 'Orange Wednesdays' BOGOF cinema ticket, followed by a Pizza Hut BOGOF (and all the veg you can eat) voucher. Yeah - maybe that makes me feel small - but not having to worry about some flat-nosed bailiff (Sheriff Officer up here) banging on the door at dawn is maybe worth it.

                            I'm sure I had higher morals years ago - or maybe they were just 'ideals.' These days, I consider 'guilt' as nowt more than an illusory condition imposed upon us by an absolutely corrupted establishment - who continuously fool us into believing that we elected them because we were offered a choice.

                            I dont think morals really come into this but if they did i think that you should not feel any anyway diminished.
                            It isnt easy to do what you did, i know, far easier just to pretend that the debt doesnt exist.



                            • #44
                              Re: Rossendales won't allow critical comments

                              I'm so glad to know that you wouldnt be lending the money Peter - the sooner millions more like you think the same, the sooner people will be free from this forum of financial tyranny.


                              • #45
                                Re: Rossendales won't allow critical comments

                                Yes and we would all living in mud huts because no one could afford to buy a house or buy a car or send ther kids to university or go abroad on holiday or....................

                                You know your argument would be much more convincing if you hadn't already borrowed money and where trying to get out of repaying it.

                                Surely by borrowing the money in the first palce you are contributing to the system that you are condemning, a bit hypocritical dont you think?

                                Nothing wrong with not being able to repay your loan by the way, it hapens to all of us at some point, but when it does you have to make the best of a bad situation. You cant just say, i have decided that you are in some way wounding me by lending me your money, and i now feel that i am justified in not repaying it, that is total unadulterated nonesense.

                                This is not worth my time.

                                Last edited by peterbard; 16th November 2011, 21:01:PM.


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