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Distress For Rent Regulations

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  • Distress For Rent Regulations

    Good morning guys,

    I have filed a complaint against a bailiff who has incorrectly clamped my vehicle, even though a warrant had been revoked.

    I sent the distress for rent regulations compalint through to the HMCS, with evidence of the clamp and evidence of the warrant being revoked.

    The judge has returned a decline of my complaint with the following reason:
    I have not understood the limitations of the admittedly inadequate, complaints procedure under the distress for rent regulations. A complaint can only deal with the personal conduct of the Bailiff concerned. It does not and cannot deal with the efficency or mistakes of the organisation which employs him.

    My decision that there will be no oral hearing is final.

    Any suggestions any one?
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  • #2
    Re: Distress For Rent Regulations

    Hi beppelondo

    I'm sorry this is not really going to help but the fat bloated corrupt judge who was involved in your distress for rent complaint is probably on the take from the private bailiff industry to make these decisions.


    • #3
      Re: Distress For Rent Regulations

      Hi I'm sure one of our Bailiff specialists will be around sometime soon, so in the meantime have a read of Amy's excellent guide Bailiff Guide - Legal Beagles Consumer Forum


      • #4
        Re: Distress For Rent Regulations

        What did you write on your complaint? In what way was your vehicle incorrectly clamped?


        • #5
          Re: Distress For Rent Regulations

          Thanks for all your responses, Amy the complaint was that the bailiff had clamped my vehicle without sourcing with his office that the warrant had actually been put on hold.

          I filled the complaint in and then also tried claiming for costs which were incurred.(Not been able to get to work etc)


          • #6
            Re: Distress For Rent Regulations

            Can you give some background and post up the precise wording you used in your complaint?


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