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Which court will I be given?

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  • Which court will I be given?

    Hi all

    I think I've found the right form for starting a claim (N1) on the internet and where to send it to. But I was just wondering if anyone knows what court the case would end up being in? Would it end up being in a court near me? near the defendant? Or somewhere else?

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  • #2
    Re: Which court will I be given?

    Originally posted by PatientPanda View Post
    Hi all

    I think I've found the right form for starting a claim (N1) on the internet and where to send it to. But I was just wondering if anyone knows what court the case would end up being in? Would it end up being in a court near me? near the defendant? Or somewhere else?

    Welcome to LB

    You serve the claim via your local county court, but if the defendant is some considerable distance from that court they can have it reallocated to their local court.

    What is the nature of the claim?


    • #3
      Re: Which court will I be given?

      Firstly, if your claim is less then £10,000 save yourself the hassle and use Money Claim Online https://www.moneyclaim.gov.uk/web/mcol/welcome

      If the claim becomes defended (the defendant files a defence) a questionnaire will be sent to you and the defendant asking what court you wish a hearing to be in? If the defendant specifies a court then it will be theirs and if they don't it'll be the one you specify.

      Point of note before issuing a claim, write a pre-action letter to the defendant outlining your position (what they owe and why), how they can remedy that (how and where they can pay you back) and giving them the opportunity to write to you within 14 days to acknowledge your letter and then a full response no later than 30 days. Finally that if they ignore or their response is not satisfactory your intention to file a claim.

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