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neighbour harassment

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  • neighbour harassment

    have a long balcony which stretches from my neighbor to mine. but since I packed in last year my neighbor claimed the balcony is a shared or communal balcony which means he can leave the balcony right in front of his to start using mine. In other words using the whole balcony for his benefit.

    Initially, I allowed him to use the place if he could clean and clear it. but because he drinks, smokes and leaves all the rubbish (leftover wine, cigarette residue) there even with tables and chairs uncleared. I approached him to speak to him, he said aggressively I have to bear it even if he leaves it there for a week and also said if i dont pack away my exercise kit he would throw them out/away.

    with the attitude above, I objected to all his suggestions below.

    *initially he suggested I should clear my side (take all my belongings i.e. exercise equipment) so that he can plant flowers after some weeks, he came back to suggest he wants to put a table and chair so that his children can be reading there. lastly, he suggested he wants to cover up my belongings and have a party there because his partner wants the place cleaned up.

    Having objected as indicated above, he started leaving rubbish on my side of the balcony which I had cleared once cos it started disintegrating. The last straw that broke the camels back was him throwing my stuff out to the bin twice when i took it back he thrown it out again and now confronting me to say he would throw it out if I put my stuff on my front balcony. Claiming I don't have the right to object to him on the usage of my front.

    I once reported him to my landlord who called his agents and i believe his agent spoke to him but few months down the line he took a giant step to throw my stuff out

    What can I do please.
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  • #2
    Re: neighbour harassment

    Could you just confirm what this phrase means? - `but since I packed in last year`
    I`m wondering why there is no physical divide in the middle of the balcony? Can he see into your home when he comes over to your side?
    Clearly he is being unreasonable. You have given him an inch and he`s taken a mile.
    I would be complaining quite strongly to my landlord and insisting they put a railing of some sort at the dividing line.
    Last edited by VanillaCustard; 16th May 2017, 23:14:PM. Reason: extra question


    • #3
      Re: neighbour harassment

      Originally posted by VanillaCustard View Post
      Could you just confirm what this phrase means? - `but since I packed in last year`
      I`m wondering why there is no physical divide in the middle of the balcony? Can he see into your home when he comes over to your side?
      Clearly he is being unreasonable. You have given him an inch and he`s taken a mile.
      I would be complaining quite strongly to my landlord and insisting they put a railing of some sort at the dividing line.
      Thanks for your reply, VanillaCustard.

      (`but since I packed in last year`) - I meant after I moved into my apartment or flat. Yes, he can see through to my kitchen if he is on my balcony section.


      • #4
        Re: neighbour harassment

        Totally agree with Vanilla Custard. Ask your landlord where the dividing line is and when clear where the line is either ask your LL to erect a barrier and/or have a word with the neighbour about boundaries or, if that does not work, look for another place as this situation sounds intolerable.

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