I really need someones help here, DWP have an attachment of earnings on my salary for a debt i DONT owe... Cut a long story short, I got divorced from my first wife back in 2004 on the grounds that she committed credit card fraud (on family members) she also claimed benefits while I was actually in full time employment by forging my signature and obviously without my knowledge. She was caught and pleaded guilty to all charges of fraud (totalling almost 30k) she did not get a custodial sentence as we had young children at the time.
Now 12 years later the DWP are now taking money from MY salary for a debt of 16k that SHE was found guilty of obtaining fraudulently .. I have spoken to them on many occasions until Im blue in the face, Ive even told them the Magistrates court that dealt with her case and also the name of the arresting detective and told them to check but thay are not willing too. they just cant be bothered!!! I really need advice on how to get this attachment of earnings STOPPED. I have seen NO court order giving them permission to take it from me just letters they have sent over the last 2 years for which I have wrote to them explaining I dont owe them money, then the letter saying that they had contacted my employer and instructed them to take it from my salary and they have been taking it every month for the past 3 months.
Can anyone advise please
Now 12 years later the DWP are now taking money from MY salary for a debt of 16k that SHE was found guilty of obtaining fraudulently .. I have spoken to them on many occasions until Im blue in the face, Ive even told them the Magistrates court that dealt with her case and also the name of the arresting detective and told them to check but thay are not willing too. they just cant be bothered!!! I really need advice on how to get this attachment of earnings STOPPED. I have seen NO court order giving them permission to take it from me just letters they have sent over the last 2 years for which I have wrote to them explaining I dont owe them money, then the letter saying that they had contacted my employer and instructed them to take it from my salary and they have been taking it every month for the past 3 months.
Can anyone advise please