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Esa assessment phase, 5 months no joy

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  • Esa assessment phase, 5 months no joy

    Hi once again I'm hoping you could give me some advise.

    • I made a joint CB claim for ESA at the beginning of March and I've not had an assessment yet. It's still with the medical team. Does anyone know why it could be still with the nurse? I have called maximus or DWP on a weekly sometimes fortnightly basis I always get the same answers , it's with the nurse. Medical team. I sent in some evidence test results a couple of weeks ago which they received. The lady who I spoke to today said it can take 13 weeks, dispite it being closer to 5 months. I asked if there was delays, she said no none this really didn't help my anxiety levels. I recently made a claim for pip I was already on DLA 'indefinitely'
    i sent my form off a week after my ESA and I had my assessment ten days ago.
    I'm being treated by a spine clinic I have a rheumy appointment in a few weeks. I had a MRI of my spine last week I'm waiting to hear the results do you think they are waiting for further evidence from tests or report from pip claim. It's a stressful time.
    Thank You
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  • #2
    Re: Esa assessment phase, 5 months no joy

    The assessment phase is supposed to last 13 weeks but it often lasts longer.
    You might find this site inteesting: http://www.benefitsandwork.co.uk/emp...port-allowance


    • #3
      Re: Esa assessment phase, 5 months no joy

      Hi yes thanks,
      I've been on there, it's a brilliant site,
      However its a lot of information to absorb for someone like me.
      I have problems concentrating remembering things like I totally forgot I had written this post lol due to my pain and night meds.
      i might ask them the questions though.
      Thank You


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