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My medication

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  • My medication

    Do I need to take all my medication with me to mypip assessment also I use a tens machine should I take this with me. At home I have a community alarm installed do I take the fob I wear round my neck with me to prove I actually have this
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  • #2
    Re: My medication

    Hi there ...

    The first thing that you must do is to attend on time otherwise they can stop your PIP simply for non attendance ..... I have supplied a link here to the Citizens Advice Page on this very matter and if you find where it says 'Help sheet for the day of your assessment', there is a link that will take you to a sheet detailing how you should prepare and what you should bring on the day, namely medication, any aids that you use ( and are obviously portable ), any evidence about how your condition affects you that you didn’t include in your PIP claim form - forexample, from a health professional and a copy of your PIP claim form - you can refer to it in the assessment and it’s a good way to make sureyou tell the assessor everything you want them to know about how your condition affects you.




    • #3
      Re: My medication

      Hi there thanks only just found this forum my assesment is in the morning at 9.00am my husband is coming with me as I can't travel on public transport on my own. Husband also took photos of my bath bubble as no one seems to have herd of this before so he can she the assessor photos of it if required my tummy has been upset all day/ night I'm going from DLA for life to PIP but always had home visits when it was DLA before I was finally awarded it for life this time we need to travel 16 miles just as well my daughter can take us in the car.


      • #4
        Re: My medication

        Had my assesment yesterday which only lasted 25 mins was only asked about which medication I take & if I need help getting dressed,bathed etc. Had my husband with me he helped answer some questions for me & put his case across about how he only goes out to work because I have a community alarm at home so if I fall or take ILL I have help at hand was asked if I can prepare & cook a meal which I can't he tested my legs & hands but I got so upset at one point that he said he wouldn't go any further as he could see how distressed I was getting. Now it's just a case of wait & see I was on DLA indefinetly getting changed over to pip so fingers crossed although I don't hold out much hope of getting anything.


        • #5
          Re: My medication

          Thanks for the update ..... I appreciate just how harrowing these things can be. MY late wife was diagnosed with MS in 1990 and passed away in 2008, aged 58, after spending ten years in a nursing home. That was harrowing enough but to also have to complete lengthy forms every few years and prove that she couldn't move or talk was very painful. You didn't mention your own disability but I wish you well in your claim ...


          • #6
            Re: My medication

            Sorry to hear about your wife my own disability's are osteoarthritis,type 2 diabetic,spondylosis in my neck & shoulder,tendonitis in my foot, high blood pressure & cholesterol, depression & anxiety. I have been suicidal & even tried to take an over dose because of the pain I'm in but I wasn't really asked much about any of this I had to squeeze the assessor' hand & push his hand away with my foot which really hurt I was crying because I was in so much pain. So just playing the waiting game now but my gut instinct tells me I won't get anything even though I was on high rate for disability with DLA & middle rate for care will keep you posted on the out come of it.


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