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Used car faulty after six days from purchase.

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  • #76
    Re: Used car faulty after six days from purchase.

    a further email from the Motor Trader :

    Just managed to speak to the courts.

    The order is still being processed
    & until it is typed the 14 days does not start until then.

    There is a
    problem understanding the judges handwriting I am told.


    I have written back informing him he is incorrect and the Judgement for 14 days to pay starts from the date of the hearing.


    • #77
      Re: Used car faulty after six days from purchase.

      Correct...... Should have atended court!
      CPR 40:When judgment or order takes effect


      (1) A judgment or order takes effect from the day when it is given or made, or such later date as the court may specify.
      (2) This rule applies to all judgments and orders except those to which rule 40.10 (judgment against a State) applies.


      • #78
        Re: Used car faulty after six days from purchase.

        Thank you. It may well be the case that the Court has specified a later date because of the referral to the Judge for clarification. I will have to wait for the papers.
        I have to be careful if CPR rule 40.11 applies, Time for complying with a judgment or order.
        Last edited by explorer121; 25th July 2016, 17:24:PM.


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