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Lowell-shop direct

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  • #16
    Re: Lowell-shop direct

    Originally posted by Esy2 View Post
    Hi yeah no i haven't received a response from my letter i sent nor have i received a judgement order from the court.. i don't know what they are playing at....
    Send Andrew Bartle Lowells Chief Operating Officer a curt letter requiring an explanation by return of post.
    Use this address,
    Andrew Bartle
    COO The Lowell Group
    Ellington House
    9 Savannah Way
    Leeds Valley Park
    LS10 1 AH

    Marked Private and Confidential.

    Going through Lowell's customer (dis) service dept. is a total waste of time.



    • #17
      Re: Lowell-shop direct

      Originally posted by FlamingParrot View Post
      From what I can see above it's been two weeks since you received that letter. Have you by any chance checked the CCJ records (trustonline, not your credit file) again to see if something has been recorded? I would be tempted to check again! :typing:
      Hi just double checked again today on the trustonline website and it says nothing is registered which I am pleased to say but I have no idea what they are playing at..... mmmm.


      • #18
        Re: Lowell-shop direct

        Originally posted by nemesis45 View Post
        Send Andrew Bartle Lowells Chief Operating Officer a curt letter requiring an explanation by return of post.
        Use this address,
        Andrew Bartle
        COO The Lowell Group
        Ellington House
        9 Savannah Way
        Leeds Valley Park
        LS10 1 AH

        Marked Private and Confidential.

        Going through Lowell's customer (dis) service dept. is a total waste of time.


        Hi thanks nem I will do that now...:okay:


        • #19
          Re: Lowell-shop direct

          Originally posted by Esy2 View Post
          Hi thanks nem I will do that now...:okay:
          Should get straight to his desk if marked Private & Confidential'

          God luck



          • #20
            Re: Lowell-shop direct

            Originally posted by FlamingParrot View Post
            ...and I assume you've got neither a response to your letter nor a general order of judgment from the court... I think I can smell a rat... :mmph: :ohwell:
            Hi all, its been a while now and they did recieve the letters on the 12th aug according to royal mail finally, but right up until now i have heard nothing no response to my letters i sent... mmm :mmph: i wonder how they thought to get away with sending that threatening letter... what now i wonder just wait and see what comes in the post i think... :noidea: Thanks all for your help... i will post anything if i hear from them :tinysmile_grin_t:


            • #21
              Re: Lowell-shop direct

              Originally posted by Esy2 View Post
              Hi all, its been a while now and they did recieve the letters on the 12th aug according to royal mail finally, but right up until now i have heard nothing no response to my letters i sent... mmm :mmph: i wonder how they thought to get away with sending that threatening letter... what now i wonder just wait and see what comes in the post i think... :noidea: Thanks all for your help... i will post anything if i hear from them :tinysmile_grin_t:
              Hi Esy
              Presumably you've checked the CCJ registry and there was no CCJ, nor have you received a judgment from the courts... :confused2:

              If you get no satisfaction as to why that letter was sent, I should think it should be reported to the FCA who are in charge of keeping them licensed. :thumb:


              • #22
                Re: Lowell-shop direct

                Originally posted by FlamingParrot View Post
                Hi Esy
                Presumably you've checked the CCJ registry and there was no CCJ, nor have you received a judgment from the courts... :confused2:

                If you get no satisfaction as to why that letter was sent, I should think it should be reported to the FCA who are in charge of keeping them licensed. :thumb:
                Hi FlamingParrot thanks for your reply, yes i checked the ccj registry again and there is nothing recorded, and also not recieved any judgments from the court either, so i am very confused . yes will defo report it if i dont hear anything from them, thanks


                • #23
                  Re: Lowell-shop direct

                  From recent experiences communicating with Lowell it seems they may well have some considerable backlog to deal with, a month to 6 weeks + seems normal for a response at present.
                  Also they are known to " forget" to respond at all, and leave matters in limbo, you can of course chase them for a response.



                  • #24
                    Re: Lowell-shop direct

                    Originally posted by Esy2 View Post
                    Hi FlamingParrot thanks for your reply, yes i checked the ccj registry again and there is nothing recorded, and also not recieved any judgments from the court either, so i am very confused . yes will defo report it if i dont hear anything from them, thanks
                    Hi Esy

                    It does sound very fishy if there's nothing on record, they probably won't reply as what could they say? That it was an admin glitch? :mmph:


                    • #25
                      Re: Lowell-shop direct

                      Originally posted by FlamingParrot View Post
                      Hi Esy

                      It does sound very fishy if there's nothing on record, they probably won't reply as what could they say? That it was an admin glitch? :mmph:
                      An e-mail re a request I made on behalf of another received delay due to " clerical error " the same phrase used in the past when responding to CRA record queries.


                      • #26
                        Re: Lowell-shop direct

                        a clerical error would be human script with a miss letter, anything else is bull shxx

                        like computer error = computer can only churn out what a human puts in!


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