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mkdp awaiting hearing

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  • #16
    Re: mkdp awaiting hearing

    Hi, i was told by the courts that mkdp had until fri the 14th at 4pm to pay for the hearing, i received my ws on thurs so they probably have, but i phoned the courts inquiry line at 4.30 to be told phone back monday some inquiry line!! so another wait now until monday to see if court is deffo on or been struck out, looks more like the court route though that on this friday


    • #17
      Re: mkdp awaiting hearing

      Okay. Is your solicitor representing you at court ?

      They will need to provide a legible reconstructed copy of the agreement - but you will need to argue that they need to do that to be able to enforce the debt.

      Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

      Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


      • #18
        Re: mkdp awaiting hearing

        Originally posted by ibiza12 View Post
        Hi, i was told by the courts that mkdp had until fri the 14th at 4pm to pay for the hearing, i received my ws on thurs so they probably have, but i phoned the courts inquiry line at 4.30 to be told phone back monday some inquiry line!! so another wait now until monday to see if court is deffo on or been struck out, looks more like the court route though that on this friday
        Due to costs most court offices are now open only between 1000Hrs and 1300/1400 hours.


        • #19
          Re: mkdp awaiting hearing

          Hi nenesis my local court is open until 5, i did speak to somebody at 4.30 but they werent willing to check if the fee had been paid.
          yes Amethys i do have a solicitor representing me as i thought until it went to my local court that it was fast track. i have learnt so much on this site from u guys to be honest on how mkdp work that this has been probably more help to me than my solicitor, so thanks for that.
          My solicitor says that if it does go to court friday which it looks like it is she will argue the ws as in the agreement and noa also she said something about relief of sanction that im not really sure what that is, but i think she meant due to them being 5 weeks late putting it in? will update again tomorrow to tell u all if they did pay and send ws to the courts. im hoping and praying they didnt beacause a strike out will be issued tomorrow but doubt i will be that lucky!!


          • #20
            Re: mkdp awaiting hearing

            Hi all
            well my solicitor phoned the courts today at 4 pm, mkdp hadnt met the deadline for last friday by 4 pm to pay the hearing fee and submit WS so thay are now striking it out! and taking me off the court list for Friday, will hopefully get conformation in writing wednesday so will feel even happier then.
            Still not sure why they bothered going to the effort of producing me a WS last week but there we go i will never understand these people!!!


            • #21
              Re: mkdp awaiting hearing

              Fingers crossed xxx

              Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

              Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


              • #22
                Re: mkdp awaiting hearing

                Thank you Amethyst, im so grateful for all ive learnt from this site, helped me so much. they mentioned to my solicitor that knowing the DC a cheque may have crossed in the post and arrive tomorrow but hopefully if theyve applied the strike out today that shouldnt matter, i think if i had my WS last thurs then surely the courts should have had theirs plus the payment that day or the next surely! yes fingers crossed now that almost 7 months of stress is over. thank you Amethyst xx


                • #23
                  Re: mkdp awaiting hearing

                  xx Thank you.

                  Yes, I'm crossing fingers they don't get the cheque in before they process the request for a strike out. Courts can be behind a bit in their post so hopefully they hadn't sent the WS to court with the hearing fee on the same day they sent yours and the court hasn't picked it up yet, as you say it seems odd to go to the effort of writing a WS just for your eyes, but I suppose its intimidatory.

                  Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

                  Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


                  • #24
                    Re: mkdp awaiting hearing

                    Yes they are my thoughts too Amethyst, thats why i will only breathe when it comes through in writing! i did read i think from eskimo that they also only produced the WS to him/her
                    my local court in aberystwyth wales is very small so im hoping they are on the ball with their paper work and its struck out very soon, crazy how they could get away with sending a cheque when only 3 days til the hearing as from tomorrow, surely it would need to clear too. mkdp are a joke!!


                    • #25
                      Re: mkdp awaiting hearing

                      just an update, had the order through from the courts, case has been struck out!!!!!! Amethyst does this mean they cant try again??


                      • #26
                        Re: mkdp awaiting hearing

                        Originally posted by ibiza12 View Post
                        just an update, had the order through from the courts, case has been struck out!!!!!! Amethyst does this mean they cant try again??
                        Excellent news!!! :cheer2:
                        Unless the claimant can show they have new evidence that wasn't available at the time of the original claim, issuing a new claim for the same account would be regarded as an abuse of process. :thumb:


                        • #27
                          Re: mkdp awaiting hearing

                          Originally posted by ibiza12 View Post
                          just an update, had the order through from the courts, case has been struck out!!!!!! Amethyst does this mean they cant try again??
                          bloody hell ibiza, kept that quiet ( i am so sorry to have missed your post !!!!) ... congratulations :beagle:

                          Thanks Flaming Parrot xxxxxx

                          Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

                          Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


                          • #28
                            Re: mkdp awaiting hearing

                            Thank you Flamingparrot for your reassurance, and thank you too Amethyst for your advice on here, have followed this site for the last 6 months and it gave me the strength and knowledge to take mkdp to the end, has been a stressful few months but got there in the end, the reason mostly for my posts was so that others in the same situation can relate to my situation and know too that they can fight them and win. good luck to everybody who is fighting DC and thanks all


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