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Ppi Claims For The Deceased

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  • #16
    Re: Ppi Claims For The Deceased

    ok then.....

    forms went back last week, and 75% of the monies in my account today at 3.00pm. The remainder, for some obscure reason, is being sent in the form of a cheque/cheques. Speaking with the PPI team today i have learned that i CAN request the calculations, ( which i have done) and will cross-reference the amounts closely. Two more in the system, so am waiting......

    Gonna have a beer or two tonight, then contemplate my next move with the servicing account.
    Thanks to all who have given me encouragement over the last few weeks....



    • #17
      Re: Ppi Claims For The Deceased

      That's good news, Brummie. I think they will have refunded the PPI and attributed account interest directly to the account, but the 8% Compensatory interest is usually refunded directly to the claimant.

      If their calculations later prove incorrect, and they have not sent you sufficient explanation of them as required by Disp App 3.9.4, then I think you may still be able to get a revised offer, even if you have signed a F&F acceptance.


      • #18
        Re: Ppi Claims For The Deceased

        Hi Brummie,

        I am very sorry to hear about your sad loss and wanted to echo Bill's words regarding your brave stance in tackling the issues caused by the bank's actions.

        As the person very gratefully on the receiving end of Bill's pioneering attempts to recover these 'consequential' losses incurred as a result of the application of mis-sold PPI, I can thoroughly recommend both the advice and assistance meted out by the great furry one and in addition the excellent spreadsheets drafted by both Turbo and Bill - my heroes both :billk:

        As Bill says, in respect of the charges applied to the servicing account there is a long battle ahead but one which is I feel, well worth the fight

        All the best to you,

        Nellie x


        • #19
          Re: Ppi Claims For The Deceased

          Many thanks for your kind comments, Nellie. I know you have other things to be dealing with out there in reality-land right now, so it is really good of you to take the trouble to look in on this thread and give Brummie some encouragement.

          Your perseverance with this aspect of PPI reclaiming is really appreciated - as is your charming company out here on the cutting edge, ma'am !!!


          • #20
            Re: Ppi Claims For The Deceased

            Thanks for your kind words, nellie!

            Bill has been great with all his help and i really appreciate all the time people have taken to respond to my posts. As you can probably sense, giving up is not one of my traits, and even if my claim fails i would hope that somebody else out there in cyber-space could learn from my experiences.

            Not over yet, my dear...not by a long shot!!

            Warmest regards,


            • #21
              Re: Ppi Claims For The Deceased

              In addition to the PPI claims in this post, i submitted a claim for my mortgage PPI that was held with my late wife back in august of last year. Over the last few months i have been playing ping-pong with the PPI team, as they kept writing back to me asking for information such as an account number for the mortgage. This came via SARS in october last year and was forwarded to them. I found out yesterday that the claim had not yet been logged, that the advisor would log it immediately and that i could request a 24hr call back from one of the team managers offering an expanation as to what had caused the delay.




              • #22
                Re: Ppi Claims For The Deceased

                Hi to all!

                Been a bit quiet lately - only because i have left the bank to their internal systems to respond. And they have responded...

                Firstly, my claim for consequential losses suffered to the servicing account;
                I compiled the letter kindly provided by Bill and Turbo, sent it up to Manchester, got it back, faxed, got it back etc. Eventually addressed it to one of the managers and got a call to say that it would go into the system.

                Secondly my claim for PPI against my joint mortgage with my late wife;
                The bank has stated that they require grant of probate/power of eterny before they will entertain even looking at the claim. This is after the six claims that have been settled on our personal loans in joint names, and me being first applicant on the mortgage. So, grant applied for.

                I seem to feel that they are stalling me. any views?


                • #23
                  Re: Ppi Claims For The Deceased

                  I could be wrong here, but I do NOT think you should be granting Power of Attorney to them, Brummie. Please - do NOT - give them this power unless and until you have had some decent advice on that - and understood it.


                  • #24
                    Re: Ppi Claims For The Deceased

                    Bill k I think that it is either a misread or that the OP misunderstood the bank. The Grant of Probate would be to him but they are asking to see sight of that grant of probate. If no probate was required then I would think executorship of the will should be sufficient.
                    "Family means that no one gets forgotten or left behind"
                    (quote from David Ogden Stiers)


                    • #25
                      Re: Ppi Claims For The Deceased

                      Originally posted by Bill-K View Post
                      I could be wrong here, but I do NOT think you should be granting Power of Attorney to them, Brummie. Please - do NOT - give them this power unless and until you have had some decent advice on that - and understood it.
                      i think that they want to see it from my side - as leclerc has stated the grant of probate would be to me. i took legal advice on this at the time of my wife's death, as a number of creditors were requesting it, and because the estate value was below the government set amount it was not necessary to apply. The creditors were satisfied with the proof that settlement letters were provided clearly showing that debts were being paid off and that monies paid to the estate were being paid directly to me as sole benefactor. The bank knows this, but still states that they wish to see grant of probate. Now this is the bank that knows full well we had no children, that our joint personal loan was re-paid in full to them as was the credit card. It is also clear that all monies paid into the estate were paid into MY bank account under MY name. Surely this is proof enough of executorship as if any doubt was cast the premiums would not have been paid to me? Four years has passed now, and i'm sure if somebody had reason to contest the estate it would have happened by now.


                      • #26
                        Re: Ppi Claims For The Deceased

                        Tell the bank that there is no Grant of Probate since the value of the estate was x amount which is below the threshold for it.
                        Was their a will left? A copy of the will should be sufficient if it names an executor as yourself..
                        "Family means that no one gets forgotten or left behind"
                        (quote from David Ogden Stiers)


                        • #27
                          Re: Ppi Claims For The Deceased

                          no will left. told the bank that no necessity for probate. bank dealt with the entire estate funds through my/our bank accounts.


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