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  • hi

    just joined and dont really know what im doing i could do with a bit of reclaiming bank charges for me and my partner, from abbey, nationwide and the dreaded llyods tsb!!

    any help would be MUCHLY appriciated!!

  • #2
    Re: hi

    Welcome to Legal Beagles princessfizz.

    Have a look through some of the threads here


    to get an idea of the process. Then when your ready start separate threads for each claim .



    • #3
      Re: hi

      thank you calamity jane,
      Ive sent a letter last year asking for the charges back to llyods and was told it was on hold blah blah standard reply, then in april this year i went down the hardship rules, i have recieved a letter sayng that someone will ring me however noone has so really my question is what now? i cant get to speak to any1 that even resembles a normal human being at llyods they just keep telling me there are no phone lines for the reclaiming dept.

      hope u can understand my ramble.



      • #4
        Re: hi

        The first thing you need to do is start separate threads for each of the banks that you are claiming from in the following Forums.


        Provide as much details as you can for each as to what action you have already taken. i.e.

        1) SAR sent to obtain full details of charges
        2) Preliminary letter requesting refund
        3) Whether or not a claim has been submitted to the County Courts

        When claiming for Hardship, to be considered for this there are certain criteria that you need to fulfil. The details of this can be found in the Hardship Forum


        Once we know how far you've got with you claims we can advise you further.



        • #5
          Re: hi

          the main one we are having problems with is llyods.

          I have written to the asking to reclaim under the hardship rules (i got a list of all my charges from internet banking), they have told me today that they recieved this on the 9th april, they replied dated 28th april, saying someone from the relevant dept would ring me however nobody did, so i rang andover and got passed through 4 different depts who all said i was speaking to the wrong people and eventually had to admit defeat and asked for a note to be put on my file and an email to be sent to the correct dept asking them to ring me.

          A woman in the england dept had already told me however that llyods were paying out to NOBODY at all until after the test case.



          • #6
            Re: hi

            Sorry I haven't got back to you on this before.

            If you want to proceed with the hardship claim with Lloyds you need to;

            1) Start a new thread in the Lloyds forum. Lloyds Forum New Topic

            2) Provide details of the letters that you have sent to/received from Lloyds, and if possible post copies(deleting any personal details such as names & address)

            3) Fill in an Income/Expenditure Form (You can be download either excel or open office versions) so your eligibility for Hardship can be assessed

            If you feel uncomfortable posting your financial details on the open forum, you can forward the completed forms to admin@legalbeagles.info. for them to check.


            • #7
              I am a new member

              hi all,
              I 'v just joined the forum. I am a disabled single parent seeing my children taking a huge debt for their university's education.
              I guess I am not alone when there are so many other people are being hit hard by the current economical down turn!

              beat regards:tinysmile_grin_t:


              • #8
                Re: I am a new member

                Originally posted by sal09 View Post
                hi all,
                I 'v just joined the forum. I am a disabled single parent seeing my children taking a huge debt for their university's education.
                I guess I am not alone when there are so many other people are being hit hard by the current economical down turn!

                beat regards:tinysmile_grin_t:
                A Warm welcome to Legal Beagles.


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