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bank smart symmetric systems

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  • bank smart symmetric systems

    does anybody have any information about bank smart they are chasing me for money i m not too sure about thanks
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  • #2
    Some further details would be really helpful.

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    • #3
      Originally posted by DANNYBOY62 View Post
      does anybody have any information about bank smart they are chasing me for money i m not too sure about thanks
      They are chasing a lot of old customers at the moment for alleged unpaid commission fess with threats of legal action. In order to advise we'd need your story with as much detail as you can provide.


      • #4
        hello again sorry about the delay i was nt too well anyhow bank smart are threatening me with sending in the baiiffs on foot of a default by me on foot of a mediation agreement which i agreed to in feb 2018 whereby i gave them £1200 of a £3700 and i was to pay the rest at £75.00 per month unfortunately i only paid them for 4 months as i was in severe financial troubles owing to a company i did a lot of work for going bankrupt and had my house repossed by elderbridge who bought my mortgage from first plus just six months after making the agreement i tried explaining this to bank smart but they just kept sending me invoices and demands to be hnest i just got bogged down in the whole businnes as i was battling with about 5 other companies at the time it was very very stressfull i am nw living in rented accomodation and living off our old age pensions out the blue bank smart sent me an email on 19th of november this year with a ccj for the balance they say i owe them £2550.00 i thought they had written my debt off to be honest i dont know where they got that figure from i know i did get some ppi money back but how much i cant remember the figure they drew up for the mediation agreement i never contested because i was scared and confused and just wanted them off my back they are not a nice company to try and eal with .how they got my present address and they also sent a signed for letter with a copy of a ccj from kingston court which i knew nothing about that is dated january19th 2019 i now live 285 miles in devon the number of the ccj is [edited] but i looked on the court register f judge ments but its not turning up on my search neither is it on my credit file so i m absolutely woriried now again my wife and myself thought all this was behind us my wife is 68 and her health is nt great i am 76 and we thought we would have afew years of peaceand quite with our jack russel sorry for being so long winded if you can be of any help however small i would really appreciate it thank you


        • #5
          Lawyer (solicitor) - retired from practice, now supervising solicitor in a university law clinic. I do not advise by private message.

          Litigants in Person should download and read the Judiciary's handbook for litigants in person: https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/..._in_Person.pdf


          • #6
            dear atticus i mayy have deleted your reply by mistake not sure really forgive me if it was my fault not great on computers im afaid


            • #7
              Originally posted by DANNYBOY62 View Post
              hello again sorry about the delay i was nt too well anyhow bank smart are threatening me with sending in the baiiffs on foot of a default by me on foot of a mediation agreement which i agreed to in feb 2018 whereby i gave them £1200 of a £3700 and i was to pay the rest at £75.00 per month unfortunately i only paid them for 4 months as i was in severe financial troubles owing to a company i did a lot of work for going bankrupt and had my house repossed by elderbridge who bought my mortgage from first plus just six months after making the agreement i tried explaining this to bank smart but they just kept sending me invoices and demands to be hnest i just got bogged down in the whole businnes as i was battling with about 5 other companies at the time it was very very stressfull i am nw living in rented accomodation and living off our old age pensions out the blue bank smart sent me an email on 19th of november this year with a ccj for the balance they say i owe them £2550.00 i thought they had written my debt off to be honest i dont know where they got that figure from i know i did get some ppi money back but how much i cant remember the figure they drew up for the mediation agreement i never contested because i was scared and confused and just wanted them off my back they are not a nice company to try and eal with .how they got my present address and they also sent a signed for letter with a copy of a ccj from kingston court which i knew nothing about that is dated january19th 2019 i now live 285 miles in devon the number of the ccj is [edited] but i looked on the court register f judge ments but its not turning up on my search neither is it on my credit file so i m absolutely woriried now again my wife and myself thought all this was behind us my wife is 68 and her health is nt great i am 76 and we thought we would have afew years of peaceand quite with our jack russel sorry for being so long winded if you can be of any help however small i would really appreciate it thank you
              Ok, thanks. I've removed the reference number of the CCJ from your post as it is personal information.

              I would need to see a copy of the letter they sent you and the CCJ. If you have any other correspondence from them it would be helpful to see that too. To make it easy for you, photograph them and email them to me at nick@legalbeaglesgroup.com

              Can you remember if the £3700 is for commission for successful PPI claims or was it for breach of contract, or a combination of both?


              • #8
                Originally posted by DANNYBOY62 View Post
                dear atticus i mayy have deleted your reply by mistake not sure really forgive me if it was my fault not great on computers im afaid
                It was deleted by me, after further reflection.
                Lawyer (solicitor) - retired from practice, now supervising solicitor in a university law clinic. I do not advise by private message.

                Litigants in Person should download and read the Judiciary's handbook for litigants in person: https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/..._in_Person.pdf


                • #9
                  good morning nick thank you i will do as you say and photo them and em them to you later on to day i havea doctors appointment this morning which takes a time again my thanks


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by DANNYBOY62 View Post
                    good morning nick thank you i will do as you say and photo them and em them to you later on to day i havea doctors appointment this morning which takes a time again my thanks
                    No problem.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by DANNYBOY62 View Post
                      good morning nick thank you i will do as you say and photo them and em them to you later on to day i havea doctors appointment this morning which takes a time again my thanks
                      I've got what you sent, thanks.

                      I have two questions:

                      1) When did you move to Devon?
                      2) Can you remember if the original £3700 was for commission for successful PPI claims or was it for breach of contract, or a combination of both?


                      • #12
                        hi again nick we moved to devon on the 23 june this year as rents are cheaper we had to leave the other rented house in finchampstead wokingham beacuse we couldnt afford the rent which was £1400per month here in devon we are paying £785 which we just afford on our pensions my wife has the oap and a nursing pension she worked all thhrough the covid crisis and i have my oap pension its not the full one as i did not have enough stamps and i have a small private pension which pays for the car which we need as we have to drive 26 miles to the hospital to keep our appointsments in answer to your second question i really dont know they kept sending me letters with everthing added up on foot of what they created whether these figures were true or false i do not know or how to disagree with them i have no proof im going to go through all my docs and it might throw up something of help to you it not easy we dont get any other benefits which is very sad seeing as we both worked hard and paid our taxes over a 47 year period good luck and thank you for being there


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by DANNYBOY62 View Post
                          hi again nick we moved to devon on the 23 june this year as rents are cheaper we had to leave the other rented house in finchampstead wokingham beacuse we couldnt afford the rent which was £1400per month here in devon we are paying £785 which we just afford on our pensions my wife has the oap and a nursing pension she worked all thhrough the covid crisis and i have my oap pension its not the full one as i did not have enough stamps and i have a small private pension which pays for the car which we need as we have to drive 26 miles to the hospital to keep our appointsments in answer to your second question i really dont know they kept sending me letters with everthing added up on foot of what they created whether these figures were true or false i do not know or how to disagree with them i have no proof im going to go through all my docs and it might throw up something of help to you it not easy we dont get any other benefits which is very sad seeing as we both worked hard and paid our taxes over a 47 year period good luck and thank you for being there
                          Ok, the CCJ is from Kingston-upon-Thames County Court. Where were you living in February 2019?

                          Yes please look for anything that relates to the £3700 and send it to me.


                          • #14
                            we had moved to finchampstead rg40 4eg the same month i will try and find any inforelating to the £3700 from what i can remember they were invoices that kept adding up with regard to signing anycontracts with them i honestly cannot remember thanks


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by DANNYBOY62 View Post
                              we had moved to finchampstead rg40 4eg the same month
                              Where did you move from?


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