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Garden shed

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  • Garden shed

    Good afternoon.
    I'm new here and not certain where to post for advice.
    Briefly, I've employed a builder to build a garden gym. Essentially a large shed structure with high specifications (insulation, under floor heating, double glazed French doors etc)
    Work began in Nov 2020
    It was estimated to take 2 to 4 weeks but covid and lockdown slowed the progress.
    Deposit payment was made in October. A further payment in November and a penultimate payment in December (final payment to be made on completion). A total of £17,000 has been paid!
    As the new year started the work stopped. Blaming the weather, the time of year, family difficulties, covid, lockdown, manufacturing delays, delivery delays, closed factories... Etc etc. I waited patiently for work outside to resume. Other work by other contractors (interior major building work and garden remodelling and 2 areas of new roof) continued despite Covid. But the work on my husbands gym stopped.
    When I noticed the half finished structure was leaking on the inside and that the roof was starting to sag they sent a couple guys round to 'tackle' it. They wedged a temporary plank under the sag! I had a couple of different builders take a look at the structure and they were horrified at the poor quality. They both (independently) declared it unsafe as the slate roof was sagging perilously under the excess weight of slate tiles and the roof trusses to weak to support slate! (I'd agreed to have artificial tiles but the builder claimed he couldn't get them so installed reclaimed slates instead).
    I've paid an electrical company to have the electrics made safe as I was so worried about that. I've messaged, called and chased the father/son to get the build finished but they are blaming all of the above. There have been umpteen occasions where I've been told goods and building items have been ordered then a month later told those things have not been ordered!
    ​​​​I've asked if they could please be finished by 28th May. They have not agreed! I am paying for storage for the gym equipment while waiting for this structure to be completed and I'm feeling exhausted with the stress of it.
    Is there anything I can I do?
    Hope I'm OK to post this.
    Tags: None

  • #2

    You need to take advantage of your rights under the Consumer Contract Rights 2015 and tell the builder that if he doesn't complete the work to a reasonable standard & soon you will be suing him for all your losses, including storage charges incurred because of his dilatoriness.

    Is the culprit a Ltd Company or an individual "tradesman"
    Before you start actually initiating court action make sure they have sufficient assets to pay when you win. No point suing someone who has no assets!


    • #3
      Thank you! He is not a Ltd company but he does have personal assets! However, I called by his showroom and worksop yesterday and found it locked, closed down and (even though all his things were still there) security company signs were all over the walls. He'd been there for 30 years! So he's obviously gone out of business - not that he's let me know! Now I don't know his address for correspondence!
      I'm at a loss!
      Should I go to a solicitor?
      Thank you


      • #4
        So search for his private address!
        Try neighbouring shops, social media, 192.com for starters.
        Do other contractors who worked on site know his address?
        Ask people who have supplied him with goods?


        • #5
          I wouldn't involve a solicitor, this is a debt recovery matter really now and a solicitor will only end up costing you more money. Calculate the amount you believe to be outstanding and send a written final demand, also send by email if possible. If the company is going under, at least you may then have a claim with his insolvency practitioner, however sadly, your build is likely to be one of many clients with unfinished work and he has probably also got debts with suppliers, HMRC etc. If he has assets though, then you may be in with a chance of getting something back, but it's unlikely to be a fast process.
          "Although scalar fields are Lorentz scalars, they may transform nontrivially under other symmetries, such as flavour or isospin. For example, the pion is invariant under the restricted Lorentz group, but is an isospin triplet (meaning it transforms like a three component vector under the SU(2) isospin symmetry). Furthermore, it picks up a negative phase under parity inversion, so it transforms nontrivially under the full Lorentz group; such particles are called pseudoscalar rather than scalar. Most mesons are pseudoscalar particles." (finally explained to a captivated Celestine by Professor Brian Cox on Wednesday 27th June 2012 )

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