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Been caught shoplifting and paid for the items at the end

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  • Been caught shoplifting and paid for the items at the end

    Hi I'm to ashamed what I did. I going through very difficult time with my marriage situation for about two years. I had misscarage recently and on anti desperation medication. I find out recently that my husband cheating on me and that put me under so much stress and start thinking im ugly and that's why my husband going after girls so end up looking how to look beautiful with all this beauty products on market use to look them and put them away and ending up with shoplifting. I been so stupid not thought at the time what I was doing caught at the exit of boots the security guards took me to a room and started yelling at me don't touch your bags and told me to sit in the corner I been crying and with history of panic attacks was in so bad situation. I keep on asking them please don't tell the police but the security guard keep on tell me you came last week here and you done.(which was totally lie I been to boots after an year and never shoplifted before ).He said he informed the police and they coming at 3.00 so I had to wait for an hour because they busy I begged them that let me and I will pay whoever but they didn't care what I was saying. At 3.00 no came so I asked you said 3.00 they then he reply I 3.or mybe 3.30 or mybe we don't know so been held there for nearly 4 hours crying but no one care.At the end asked me you will pay for this and I said I will that's what I'm saying then I paid but they refused to give me receipt and told me you won't get it in panic I just left the store. The security guard did not say about ban or anything so got home and couldn't stop thinking what will happen my husband was home so couldn't call them aswell but somehow I managed to get out house and went to store because the guilt was so bad the I couldn't go to sleep for two nights. In the store I saw the same lady who helping the security guard the day when she saw me told me to follow her and asked why you here so I started crying and told her I'm so scared the police will come to my and my marriage will end and want to apologize what I did she said it's up to security guard not me I don't know the procedures so told me to leave.I received letter on 2 days after the I'm banned from store and if I ignore this later than they will take court action. I got so scared and called the store to get Information from security guard but they gave the phone to manager and did speak to me very disrespectfully we don't know what will happen to you we do report everything to police so it's up to police what will they do to you and put the phone down. IM just scared to death now what will happen now please help me
    Tags: None

  • #2
    No police then nothing will happen though you may get a letter from a company asking you to pay some money to cover the losses. There have been no losses so just ignore these letters and don't pay.

    Will you delete the entries you made on the other 2 threads. That was hijacking those threads.


    • #3
      They didn't take any Information from me or signed anything I think they used my loyalty card for the store for Information? They said at the time that they informed the police and police is coming.


      • #4
        Sorry but I don't know how to delete the post


        • #5
          You go to the post, find the edit button in the bottom blue line then delete the content


          • #6
            And please read my previous post


            • #7
              Can someone else advise me about when they said police is coming but at the end said will you pay for the items. Is still chance police can knock on my door or I have a criminal record help!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Lila42 View Post
                Can someone else advise me about when they said police is coming but at the end said will you pay for the items. Is still chance police can knock on my door or I have a criminal record help!
                I will always defend the innocent but we are all judged by our actions and have to live with the consequences.

                If the police come to see you it’s nothing less than you deserve.

                Sorry I’m all out if tea and sympathy.


                • #9
                  not arrive there/then - forget it = ?
                  EnglandPI not helpful comment, if you are going to help/advise be polite and not judgemental


                  • #10
                    Where may I ask was I not polite? Maybe my advice will make LILA42 think twice next time they think about shoplifting.


                    • #11
                      I understand that EnglandPI . That's way I'm seeking advice as I won't be here if I'm professional shoplifter if you read my 1st post might you get what I want. I'm not defending myself I did wrong and learnt my lesson and suffering from it it's been over week still didn't get normal.


                      • #12
                        Thank you MIKE770. I been told they coming and you just have to wait because they busy but at the end security guard said will you pay so I paid and they didn't made sign any papers. I forget to add they did give me receipt when I asked they refused to give.


                        • #13
                          Didn't give the receipt


                          • #14
                            I haven't read through your entire post as it is a nightmare to read. However I cannot immediately extract what you stole or its value.

                            What did you steal, what was its value and what was the store.

                            I am a retired police officer and now run a security company and have a good knowledge of retail security, policies and procedures and can probably give you a definitive reply as to whether there is a chance of a visit from the Police.

                            You are clearly distraught etc. and asking for advice on a forum designed for that purpose, so dismissing this OP because she stole is just naff.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Lila42 View Post
                              Didn't give the receipt
                              How did you pay?

                              It's unlikely that the police would want to speak to you now in my view.


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