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Severn Trent County Court

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  • Severn Trent County Court

    Hi there, need some help.

    A few years back i fell into debt with my water company severn trent. I phoned to try and sort it, at the time, I could literally only afford to give £5 a month due to being on benefits and arrears due to council delaying the payment of my housing benefits. It was quite demoralising offering your last bit of money to someone and they turn it down.

    Fast forward to 2020 and since then the debt has just grown & grown and hs now been referred to the county court. Just wanted some information on what my options are? What would happen if I ignore the letter and ignore the debt? Bare in mind I have and don't intend on getting a mortgage or credit card. Can bailiffs force entry into my home?

    Please Any info will help. Thanks
    Tags: None

  • #2
    No they cannot force entry. However ST will transfer it up to the High Court for Enfocement if it is for more than £600. There are ways to deal with it but lets see what happens first.

    Have you seen https://www.stwater.co.uk/my-account...nt-trust-fund/
    Some of the other schemes may be found at https://www.stwater.co.uk/my-account...ing-your-bill/ and you should explore them


    • #3
      The debt is more than £600 and the court papers have been received. I haven't opened the envelope up yet. I phoned up to enquire without giving a reference or name just to enquire. I know the account balance is not what the claim balance would be for. So is that something I could dispute, the extra charges?


      • #4
        There will be Court Fees, possibly interest + maybe a solicitors charge. You must open the letter.


        • #5
          Is there any way of contesting the interest etc.?


          • #6
            Very doubtful.


            • #7
              What would the consequences of not replying? A ccj? Would that allow them to force entry into my home? If the ccj goes through will that result in more payments if unpaid?


              • #8
                If you don't respond a CCJ will be awarded against you regardless. The chances are they will go for enforcement which could add up to an £1k to what you owe. They cannot force entry but you would have to ensure you lock your door even going out to the bin. Do you own your own home? Have you looked at the links I gave you above in Post 2?


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