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Help and guidance required

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  • Help and guidance required


    I'm not sure where to post this but my parents have received a spurious letter on non headed paper claiming that I have made defamatory remarks about someone on Instagram.

    1. I deny this
    2. They've sent it to my parents' house (and I live in Hungary)

    Could someone point me in the right direction of the forum I should ask for help in please?
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Anonymous letters should be treated with all the respect they deserve and be ignored.


    • #3
      Originally posted by ff33224455 View Post

      I'm not sure where to post this but my parents have received a spurious letter on non headed paper claiming that I have made defamatory remarks about someone on Instagram.

      1. I deny this
      2. They've sent it to my parents' house (and I live in Hungary)

      Could someone point me in the right direction of the forum I should ask for help in please?
      Thanks however I'm slightly concerned. Especially as they have my work email address. It doesn't look very professional to me - plus I don't want to cause my parents undue stress.

      I've posted the pictures below, I'd be grateful for your advice.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Can anyone help?


        • #5
          When I read your original post, I interpreted it as meaning the letter was anonymous.
          Obviously a wrong assumption!
          You say you deny making defamatory remarks about a third party on Instagram.
          Is that 1) you deny using instagram or
          2) you deny making remarks about that person or
          3) you admit making remarks about that person but deny they are defamatory?


          • #6
            Originally posted by ff33224455 View Post
            Can anyone help?
            Hi Des. Thank you for your message. Would you mind if I PM'd you?


            • #7
              Originally posted by ff33224455 View Post

              Hi Des. Thank you for your message. Would you mind if I PM'd you?
              Can if you wish, but it is an open forum so you get the best spread of advice!


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