Hi Everyone,
I have attached the relevant details below. Please can you help me to proceed with the next steps. I understand i need to send a SAR to EE. With this do i just address a letter to EE with the phone number and my address with a postal order for a pound.*
I understand that I also need to email Lowell and lowell solicitors asking to see the Agreement referenced below, Proof of payments missed that lead to termination of service, Proof that notice was given of the assignment.*
Is there anything else I need to do? Thank you for your help in advance
Received a claim? Yes/
Issue Date:20/12/2020
Have you Acknowledged the Claim?: Yes
Total Amount Claimed : £1500
Claimant’s Name: Lowell
Solicitors Firm: Lowell Solicitors
Original Creditor:EE
Original Debt*(eg. Credit card/Loan/Overdraft)*: Mobile phone contract and handset
Particulars of Claim: *1. The defendant entered into an agreement with EE under account reference xxxxxxx ("The Agreement) 2.The defendant failed to maintain the required payments and service was terminated. 3. The agreement was later assigned to the claimant on 20/02/2018 and notice given to the defendant. 4. Despite repeated requests for the payment the sum of x remains due and outstanding And the claimant claims a. the said sum of x b. interest pursuant to s69 county courts Act 1984 at the rate of 8% per annum from the date of assignment to the date of issue accruing a daily rate of x *but limited to one year being x c. costs
Is the debt Statute Barred NO
List any letters you have sent (eg: CCA/ CPR ):*
Any Other Information or Background Details:*
I have attached the relevant details below. Please can you help me to proceed with the next steps. I understand i need to send a SAR to EE. With this do i just address a letter to EE with the phone number and my address with a postal order for a pound.*
I understand that I also need to email Lowell and lowell solicitors asking to see the Agreement referenced below, Proof of payments missed that lead to termination of service, Proof that notice was given of the assignment.*
Is there anything else I need to do? Thank you for your help in advance
Received a claim? Yes/
Issue Date:20/12/2020
Have you Acknowledged the Claim?: Yes
Total Amount Claimed : £1500
Claimant’s Name: Lowell
Solicitors Firm: Lowell Solicitors
Original Creditor:EE
Original Debt*(eg. Credit card/Loan/Overdraft)*: Mobile phone contract and handset
Particulars of Claim: *1. The defendant entered into an agreement with EE under account reference xxxxxxx ("The Agreement) 2.The defendant failed to maintain the required payments and service was terminated. 3. The agreement was later assigned to the claimant on 20/02/2018 and notice given to the defendant. 4. Despite repeated requests for the payment the sum of x remains due and outstanding And the claimant claims a. the said sum of x b. interest pursuant to s69 county courts Act 1984 at the rate of 8% per annum from the date of assignment to the date of issue accruing a daily rate of x *but limited to one year being x c. costs
Is the debt Statute Barred NO
List any letters you have sent (eg: CCA/ CPR ):*
Any Other Information or Background Details:*