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Egg loan. 2004 Resolvecall

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  • Egg loan. 2004 Resolvecall

    Hi All,

    Around 2 months ago, I had a shock when I was informed of a 2015 CCJ for an old Egg Loan. I didn’t realise it was there until a company did a credit search on me (it doesn’t show on all the agencies)

    Long story short, debt from 2004. Last payment 2009. CCJ 2015. Amount owed £1500 inc interest

    Ive moved house many times during 2001 and 2016. I understand I can’t statute Barr the letter. What options if any do I have? I had a lot of debt that I thought I’d clear at the end of this year. Resolvecall left an ‘we visited’ Note in the door today

    before anyone queries, I suffered from severe depression which landed me in this mess in the first place

    is there any point sending a prove it letter or am I delaying the inevitable? Also, can anyone provide an email or postal address for Resilvecall as I don’t want to speak to them.

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  • #2
    Originally posted by Littleface View Post
    Hi All,

    Around 2 months ago, I had a shock when I was informed of a 2015 CCJ for an old Egg Loan. I didn’t realise it was there until a company did a credit search on me (it doesn’t show on all the agencies)

    Long story short, debt from 2004. Last payment 2009. CCJ 2015. Amount owed £1500 inc interest

    Ive moved house many times during 2001 and 2016. I understand I can’t statute Barr the letter. What options if any do I have? I had a lot of debt that I thought I’d clear at the end of this year. Resolvecall left an ‘we visited’ Note in the door today

    before anyone queries, I suffered from severe depression which landed me in this mess in the first place

    is there any point sending a prove it letter or am I delaying the inevitable? Also, can anyone provide an email or postal address for Resilvecall as I don’t want to speak to them.
    If the claimant has a CCJ against you they don't have to prove anything, they have already got a judgement and if they chose they can enforce said judgement.

    It's unlikely it'll be statute barred as the fact it's been filed in the sixth year from the last payment would suggest that they got it in before it's sixth anniversary specifically for that reason. However, that's not the only defence to a claim of this nature.

    Contact the CCBC on 0300 123 1056 and try to find out about the claim form, what address did it go to? What date was it issued? And ask them to email you a copy with a view to making an application to set it aside.

    If it has gone to an address you were not resident at you can make an application to set the judgement aside, the cost is either £255 or if the claimant consents to set aside it reduces to £100. If you are on benefits or a low income you may be eligible for help with the fees. If successful in set aside you can claim the cost of the application from the claimant.

    If they claimant had moved to enforcement it would not be Resolvecall contacting you, it would be a County Court Bailiff or High Court Enforcement Officer, so I wouldn't bother with contacting them right now.

    What you do need to do is an Subject Access Request Letter to Canada Square Operations Ltd (that's who Egg Cards were transferred to) for copies of the credit agreement, notices of assignment, default notices, full history of account including statements and any other information they hold of you. Don't forget to tell them you were an Egg customer and the address the claim went to as that's the last address Egg had for you, so will identify you to them.

    Once you have got the SAR info back and the copy of the claim form you'll be able to make an application to set the judgement aside, if successful in set aside go on to defend the claim and hopefully win.

    My posts here are based on my experience of a variety of life events. I have no formal legal training & if in doubt take professional legal advice or contact CAB. If you follow anything I write here you do so at your own risk & I accept no liability for any loss, costs or other outcomes.

    Private messages are disabled as help is only offered publicly. I do not come on here in the evening, at weekends or on public holidays.


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