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  • Blobs

    Okay, so how do blobs work?
    I know mine are worth zilch, but do they go up when people click me?
    Do they go up with time, amount of posts.

    When I click people, on it shows on mine as grey, is this because it's worthless in point scores? I think it is a little unfair that I can't give a couple of points to those who have helped me.

    I remember asking this on another forum, but no-one with any knowledge could be bothered to answer.

    I can't find any information about them.

    Reading this back I sound a bit stroppy, but I am not.
    Sorry if it's read that way,

    Sally x
    P1ss on me if you like, but don't try and tell me it's rain!
    life is all the more precious when we remember it is a terminal state.

    If you need any help with addiction please feel free to PM or email me. I will help all I can
    Please don't drink and drive

    25th Aug SAR request ~11th Sep 1/2 back ~ 23rd Oct all back ~ 29th Oct prelim request ~ 11th Nov LBA ~ 20th Nov "Don't Be Silly" letter ~ 25th Nov I won!

  • #2
    lol I dont get them myself.... basically the more points you have the more points you give....the grey blobs do add up to something just take longer than green blobs take.

    Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

    Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


    • #3
      Thanks Ame.
      Better find someone with loads that I can help! ........
      Glad my clicks count for something.
      Had lots of help and support and like to give something back.......

      Sally x
      P1ss on me if you like, but don't try and tell me it's rain!
      life is all the more precious when we remember it is a terminal state.

      If you need any help with addiction please feel free to PM or email me. I will help all I can
      Please don't drink and drive

      25th Aug SAR request ~11th Sep 1/2 back ~ 23rd Oct all back ~ 29th Oct prelim request ~ 11th Nov LBA ~ 20th Nov "Don't Be Silly" letter ~ 25th Nov I won!


      • #4
        How many people do you need to click before you can click the same person again?

        Sally x
        P1ss on me if you like, but don't try and tell me it's rain!
        life is all the more precious when we remember it is a terminal state.

        If you need any help with addiction please feel free to PM or email me. I will help all I can
        Please don't drink and drive

        25th Aug SAR request ~11th Sep 1/2 back ~ 23rd Oct all back ~ 29th Oct prelim request ~ 11th Nov LBA ~ 20th Nov "Don't Be Silly" letter ~ 25th Nov I won!


        • #5

          I wouldn't worry too much about reputation points, I think its been well and truly proven in the past that having a laugh with a gang of mates can do far more for your reputation than any serious advice you may give on the threads .

          The important thing is, by giving a rep, you have let someone know that you appreciate their help enough to say thank you, particularly here where you know who has given you rep.

          The settings are dictated by the software but I think you cannot give rep to the same person consecutively.


          • #6

            You're right Jan.
            We have seen people with loads of blobs who are utter prats! ...

            The cockeral man from the other site emmediately comes to mind!!! .....

            I may black mine out, then no-one will know if I have loads or none!

            Was curious more than anything.

            Sally x
            P1ss on me if you like, but don't try and tell me it's rain!
            life is all the more precious when we remember it is a terminal state.

            If you need any help with addiction please feel free to PM or email me. I will help all I can
            Please don't drink and drive

            25th Aug SAR request ~11th Sep 1/2 back ~ 23rd Oct all back ~ 29th Oct prelim request ~ 11th Nov LBA ~ 20th Nov "Don't Be Silly" letter ~ 25th Nov I won!


            • #7
              Re: Blobs

              Nicked this from OTR Shhhhhh don't tell!! .........

              You receive ONE green blob for each 100 points of rep you receive up to 500 points.
              After that it takes 200 points per light green blob up to 6.
              So in the end you would have 5 dark green and 6 light green blobs for a total of 500 + 1200 = 1700 points.

              You are awarded points when another member clicks you scales.
              Now the formula behind the size of this award is very complex with a lot of variables, but members give varying amounts depending on post count, age of account and the number of greenies they have.

              A Black square means that the member has diabled rep display.
              They can still give and receive rep, but the greenies aren't displayed at all.

              Sally x
              P1ss on me if you like, but don't try and tell me it's rain!
              life is all the more precious when we remember it is a terminal state.

              If you need any help with addiction please feel free to PM or email me. I will help all I can
              Please don't drink and drive

              25th Aug SAR request ~11th Sep 1/2 back ~ 23rd Oct all back ~ 29th Oct prelim request ~ 11th Nov LBA ~ 20th Nov "Don't Be Silly" letter ~ 25th Nov I won!


              • #8
                Re: Blobs

                Dammit sally, I was just reading that thread otr, and you've posted it here! lol.

                Thats rather strange.. and I'm watching most haunted as well


                • #9
                  Re: Blobs

                  I was going to pretend I am very clever, but knew that someone would have seen it over there!

                  Sally x
                  P1ss on me if you like, but don't try and tell me it's rain!
                  life is all the more precious when we remember it is a terminal state.

                  If you need any help with addiction please feel free to PM or email me. I will help all I can
                  Please don't drink and drive

                  25th Aug SAR request ~11th Sep 1/2 back ~ 23rd Oct all back ~ 29th Oct prelim request ~ 11th Nov LBA ~ 20th Nov "Don't Be Silly" letter ~ 25th Nov I won!


                  • #10
                    Re: Blobs

                    lol, I wouldn't have told


                    • #11
                      Re: Blobs


                      I've been trying to equate the above list over at PCF.

                      It seems that the Administrators of the Forums all set them differentl depending on their own requirements-so CAG/LB/PCF are not all same--see here


                      Click on VBulletin options at L/H blu side to open it up--then (also at blue side beneath above) click on User Reputation.

                      Last edited by Turboman; 18th September 2007, 21:27:PM.


                      • #12
                        Re: Blobs

                        And if you get given Rep points (OTR) by the top bods they are super blobs and are worth more than rep points given by us plebs who really do want to say thank you.

                        If that makes sense?


                        • #13
                          Re: Blobs

                          Its different over here by the way

                          Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

                          Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


                          • #14
                            Re: Blobs

                            how's it work here then?


                            • #15
                              Re: Blobs

                              Ummmm hang on

                              Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

                              Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


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