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For all you Cat Lovers

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  • #16
    Re: For all you Cat Lovers

    Sorry alsagerman, I also didn't find it funny, especially after having a cat killed by a cat hater.

    i have both dogs and a cat , and small kids and would be lost without them.

    As everyone has said, the thread is called for peeps who LOVE cats, if you don't like them it is obviously not for you.

    On a plus side... New screen on route for the craptop


    • #17
      Re: For all you Cat Lovers

      Anyway on a plus note no matter what you think of pets algerman your carpet cleaning business would be booming if all the pee and poo you were talkin about landed on yer customers carpets lol


      • #18
        Re: For all you Cat Lovers

        Thanks so much Sparkie for a lovely story.

        But what a disturbing turn this thread has taken!

        My husband has a bit of an MOG issue with cats (what irony in that acronym! hadn't noticed it before) - but I think it's actually a phobia. I have a serious spider issue and whilst I wish them no harm they do freak me out - even little ones.

        Just to nail a quick flag to the mast - I love, love, love cats and I find them incredibly beautiful - as an artist they are also a really major and sure-fire muse even in dry times. Our last one died some years ago and has not been replaced (due to above + naughty terrier).

        Alsagerman - your post would have been amusing in a sick way if ironic ie if you were a cat lover but in the circs :nono:

        All that c**p about c**p - come ON!!

        The only positive about having no cats now is that when birds come into the house (as they do - why? what do they want?) you don't have to usher them out knowing their lives are in peril. "Come on in, make a nest if you like, raise your young! You are safe here." A joy.

        footnote: it's always men isn't it? What do you think the freudian explanation is?


        • #19
          Re: For all you Cat Lovers

          When I met himself I was a one cat woman,,Millie was my only feline and enough work as 20,,she is a spoilt prima donna,,then i inherited Patch (himselfs daughters),then my son got me Winston,,and Inca came too.My cats calm me down,they are just so laid back it's ridiculous,look at Patchies beautiful eyes in my avatar,,how could anyone hurt something so beautiful ??


          • #20
            Re: For all you Cat Lovers

            Originally posted by enaid View Post
            Anyway on a plus note no matter what you think of pets algerman your carpet cleaning business would be booming if all the pee and poo you were talkin about landed on yer customers carpets lol
            Ok, final word on the sudject before leaving you all to congratulate each other for allowing YOUR pets to deficate on other peoples property.

            I am not a pet hater (just cats). I spent the first 30 years of my working life on dairy farms where, shock horror, there were animals (including cats). It always amazed me that town & city folk would go into the country and allow THEIR pets to run amock whilst at the same time thinking how bad it was of farmers to get all stroppy when these domestic animals caused chaos. Yes, I know, that was dogs, not cats, however, I notice the same attitude from cat owners who see no problem of allowing their pets to wander on other peoples property. If YOU want a pet, great, FANTASTIC, no problem. Then YOU look after the thing and don;t expect others to do the job for you. You wouldn't expect a farmer to allow their cattle to wander all over your gardens would you? That would be ridiculous, right? Why should I, who enjoys the relaxation of gardening, have to tolerate finding your animals excrement on my shoes or on my plants? You don't want dog owners leaving their animals mess on the street or in parks, why is my private space any different?

            Enaid, for the record. You would be amazed at how many people leave pet urine in a carpet for months, if not years, and then expect us to be able to remove the stain; doesn't happen. Urine is wetter than water (smaller molecules) and will go straight through the carpet and into the underlay. This can be removed if treated straight away. Starting as an acidic stain urine will turn into an alkaline stain as it dry's. The urea will turn the carpet yellow and at that stage the only remedy is by use of bleaching agents. The stain can only be "hidden" or "masked", not removed.

            As an act of generosity I will leave you with a process which, if followed, will stop your carpets being stained by accidents. 1) Treat the stain NOW. Don't leave it to fester for days, months or years. 2) Blot up as much as you can and then dilute the stain with tepid (not hot or cold) water. 3) Blot again and repeat steps 1 to 3 until the stain has been removed. 4) Finally dry the area with a hair drier and you won't get any water marks either. Oh yes, by the way, DO Not treat the stain with Vanish (Its a mild bleach), 1001 (Its a detergent which will stay in your carpet) or Fairy Liquid (It's full of salt which creates the bubbles). Best and cheapest stain remover is out of your tap. Anything that can't removed by that needs professional treatment. And you won't have "set" the stain through the use of incorrect treatments.

            Bored now. Please, don't all rush at once to thank me
            Last edited by alsagerman; 6th January 2013, 17:17:PM.


            • #21
              Re: For all you Cat Lovers

              Diamond tips - many thanks.

              BTW Alsagerman = really do hope and trust that you are taking the urine out of us all = go on - go on - GO ON - you are aren't you?layball:


              • #22
                Re: For all you Cat Lovers

                ATM I have a black and white purr pot on Mr R's knee looking very pleased with herself.

                As for why guys ain't cat lovers, Inca when I get the craptop fixed I will post up the Aesop fable the cat that walked alone


                • #23
                  Re: For all you Cat Lovers

                  Why would anyone want to thank you, you have done nothing but moan all day about cats and give us grief.

                  Originally posted by alsagerman View Post
                  Ok, final word on the sudject before leaving you all to congratulate each other for allowing YOUR pets to deficate on other peoples property.

                  I am not a pet hater (just cats). I spent the first 30 years of my working life on dairy farms where, shock horror, there were animals (including cats). It always amazed me that town & city folk would go into the country and allow THEIR pets to run amock whilst at the same time thinking how bad it was of farmers to get all stroppy when these domestic animals caused chaos. Yes, I know, that was dogs, not cats, however, I notice the same attitude from cat owners who see no problem of allowing their pets to wander on other peoples property. If YOU want a pet, great, FANTASTIC, no problem. Then YOU look after the thing and don;t expect others to do the job for you. You wouldn't expect a farmer to allow their cattle to wander all over your gardens would you? That would be rediculous, right? Why should I, who enjoys the relaxation of gardening, have to tolerate finding your animals excrement on my shoes or on my plants? You don't want dog owners leaving their animals mess on the street or in parks, why is my private space any different?

                  Enaid, for the record. You would be amazed at how many people leave pet urine in a carpet for months, if not years, and then expect us to be able to remove the stain; doesn't happen. Urine is wetter than water (smaller molecules) and will go straight through the carpet and into the underlay. This can be removed if treated straight away. Starting as an acidic stain urine will turn into an alkaline stain as it dry's. The urea will turn the carpet yellow and at that stage the only remedy is by use of bleaching agents. The stain can only be "hidden" or "masked", not removed.

                  As an act of generosity I will leave you with a process which, if followed, will stop your carpets being stained by accidents. 1) Treat the stain NOW. Don't leave it to fester for days, months or years. 2) Blot up as much as you can and then dilute the stain with tepid (not hot or cold) water. 3) Blot again and repeat steps 1 to 3 until the stain has been removed. 4) Finally dry the area with a hair drier and you won't get any water marks either. Oh yes, by the way, DO Not treat the stain with Vanish (Its a mild bleach), 1001 (Its a detergent which will stay in your carpet) or Fairy Liquid (It's full of salt which creates the bubbles). Best and cheapest stain remover is out of your tap. Anything that can't removed by that needs professional treatment. And you won't have "set" the stain through the use of incorrect treatments.

                  Bored now. Please, don't all rush at once to thank me


                  • #24
                    Re: For all you Cat Lovers

                    Originally posted by TUTTSI View Post
                    Why would anyone want to thank you, you have done nothing but moan all day about cats and give us grief.
                    Irony, Tutts, irony xx:lie:


                    • #25
                      Re: For all you Cat Lovers

                      When you can find a way of 'potty training' any animal please please let me know. I will be interested to see how I stop errant birds crapping on my car.The beauty of your dislike for cats is,there is nothing you can do about it,,cats will continue to use your garden as a bog,and us catlovers will continue to love cats Cheers puff,,will look forward to it.


                      • #26
                        Re: For all you Cat Lovers

                        Ok. Tell you what; let me know where you all live and I'll come and chuck all my neighbours cat pooh into your gardens, see how you like it. Not your cats, but apparently it'll be perfectly acceptable. Or is it a case of it doesn't matter just as long as it doesn't affect you? Do unto others and all that.

                        I say again, take responsibility for your own pets.

                        Inca. Any cat caught using my garden "as a bog" (nice touch there, sooooooo refined) will be on the receiving end of a bucket of water.


                        • #27
                          Re: For all you Cat Lovers

                          That would be an attack on an animal - give us your address so we can send the RSPC over to sort you out.

                          Originally posted by alsagerman View Post
                          Ok. Tell you what; let me know where you all live and I'll come and chuck all my neighbours cat pooh into your gardens, see how you like it. Not your cats, but apparently it'll be perfectly acceptable. Or is it a case of it doesn't matter just as long as it doesn't affect you? Do unto others and all that.

                          I say again, take responsibility for your own pets.

                          Inca. Any cat caught using my garden "as a bog" (nice touch there, sooooooo refined) will be on the receiving end of a bucket of water.


                          • #28
                            Re: For all you Cat Lovers

                            I'm so pleased you appreciated my use of the venacular,,,when in Rome etc


                            • #29
                              Re: For all you Cat Lovers

                              Originally posted by TUTTSI View Post
                              That would be an attack on an animal - give us your address so we can send the RSPC over to sort you out.
                              How ironic. I worked with animals for 30 years and have forgotten more about animal welfare than you will ever know. I personally know several RSPCA (you missed the "A" btw) officers and they tell me how sick and tired they get of having to rescue cats from people "who buy them for christmas". I dare to complain about having to remove pet poo and you lot take exception. Get a dose of reality. Get yourself down to your local RSPCA office and find out just how "loving" pet owners really treat their pets. You'd be shocked, I guarantee it. So, instead of attacking me for giving you information your delicate ears can't handle, I suggest you consider others (and the "pets" you profess to own) before deciding to buy them.

                              Bring back licenses for ALL pets. You should have to pass a test to show your knowledge of the animal you want to own AND how you will look after it. From my farming background I also still have regular contact with a number of vets. The stories they tell of you responsble pet owners........you should be ashamed of yourselves. Most can't even look after themselves or their children, never mind the innocent animal.


                              • #30
                                Re: For all you Cat Lovers

                                Originally posted by alsagerman View Post
                                How ironic. I worked with animals for 30 years and have forgotten more about animal welfare than you will ever know. I personally know several RSPCA (you missed the "A" btw) officers and they tell me how sick and tired they get of having to rescue cats from people "who buy them for christmas". I dare to complain about having to remove pet poo and you lot take exception. Get a dose of reality. Get yourself down to your local RSPCA office and find out just how "loving" pet owners really treat their pets. You'd be shocked, I guarantee it. So, instead of attacking me for giving you information your delicate ears can't handle, I suggest you consider others (and the "pets" you profess to own) before deciding to buy them.

                                Bring back licenses for ALL pets. You should have to pass a test to show your knowledge of the animal you want to own AND how you will look after it. From my farming background I also still have regular contact with a number of vets. The stories they tell of you responsble pet owners........you should be ashamed of yourselves. Most can't even look after themselves or their children, never mind the innocent animal.

                                ​Chill out !!!! t'was only a sweet little story from Sparkie to cat LOVERS,,not an invitation to a free for all barney about wether you like cats or not,we get the point,,you don't,,leave it there.


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